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MadWorld [Wii]

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    Originally posted by Destrukticor View Post
    deary deary me what the hell happened to the PAL version of this?

    I have the NTSC version but played the PAL one today,
    borders so big you need a passport to play it
    anyone who says you don't notice the borders either hasn't seen the NTSC one or is still living in 1994 when this kinda of rubbish was the norm.
    I find it saddening that even today in 2009, and with a game purely targeted towards the "core" gamer that this type of shoddy PAL land treatment is still happening.
    Fantastic game though just an absolutely piss poor PAL coversion, and that is NOT something i thought i'd be saying in the 21st century.
    If you can then import this one, this difference is night and day.
    I've been playing the PAL version and haven't noticed the borders and yes, I've seen the US version and I'm not living in 1994, where does that leave me? I'm lucky to have a big TV and be enjoying the game so much that I just focus on the action and don't worry about borders or the edge of the TV or the wall behind the TV.


      A little click on the zoom button on the tv remote really does clear any troubles anyone may have with the borders. Because of the excellent style doing so doesn't harm the visuals :-)

      Loving the bosses... and as ezee ryder says, the story really does pick up quite nicely, surprisngly so. This and Overkill are two of the most fun games I've played recently. Great stuff.
      ----Member since April 2002


        Originally posted by Adam Stone View Post
        This and Overkill are two of the most fun games I've played recently. Great stuff.

        Totally agree mate..both games are fun to play,haven't played anything else this weekend bar those 2.


          God, i love the LANCE!
          Seeing them shaking on it is hilarious.


            ok maybe the 1994 comment was a bit harsh i was cranky and tired at the time, so apologies all round.
            However the pricipal remains the same. Shoddy PAL conversions should not be the norm since gaming has come a long way, especially since the game is designed for the very same types of people that would kick up a fuss about this sort of thing.
            Anyway does it stop the game being fun, of course not. It is gleefully as violent as anything i have played recently.
            Those blades are absolutely deadly and the normal A A A Upcut A finisher has a definitive weight to it to.
            Designed with a sense of fun i haven't had in a long while.


              Man, what a game.

              It actually took me a while to get on with the whole thing. But once I hit 'Asian Town' it just became sheer epic. I'm a sucker for oriental settings, and no one does them as good as Clover/Platinum.

              I LOVE that it shuns all the usual character levelling-up stuff that plagues this sort of game, and instead delivers variety in the form of one off visual treats or power-ups. The QTE's on the bosses are amazing too... finishing the Shogun boss on the

              roof of the temple

              was brilliance. I really enjoy the mid-level challenges too...'Money-Shot' was very satisfying

              I'd say the audio is the one weak link in the game. Don't mind the commentators that much, but the duff hip-hop really wasn't what I had in mind. They should have got the God Hand/ No More Heroes guy in...forget his name. The music in the cut-scenes is pretty spot-on with the atmosphere though.

              But yeah...brilliant to be playing something so utterly great on the Wii again


                I have to admit the soundtrack was something i wasn't particularly looking forward to, but i've often found myself grooving along and really quite enjoying it. I wouldn't normally listen to hip-hop, but it seems to suit the gameplay perfectly.

                Also... I tried playing earlier without the commentators, but it wasn't the same. Although at times repetitive, their presence and wonderfully grotesque sense of humour adds an extra later of sheen to the title. I may silence them on further playthroughs, but for now they'll be exploring Jack's bloodshed with me. Most of the things they come out with (especially the isolated comments before or after bosses) have me chuckling like a childish teenager. Ha, and rightly so... I enjoy my games that take themselves seriously, but it really is refreshing experiencing something that enjoys poking fun. Overkill did the same, and so much better for it.
                ----Member since April 2002



                  Played the tutorial and level 1 so far. Quite good, though I'm hoping for a lot of variety to keep me playing.


                    This place makes me spend money that I could spend elsewhere

                    Picked this up today after reading this thread and what a laugh it is. Brutal doesn't describe it. Can't say I have had this much fun playing a Wii game ever before

                    Only done the first level so far as my 2 youngest decided they wanted to watch me play so had to turn it off sharpish as not letting them see this sort of game

                    Can't say that I noticed the borders once the game started as the action is thick and fast and they blend into the background anyway

                    Can't wait to get stuck into this tomorrow once the kids are tucked up in bed


                      I got this today, its really easy, extreamly fun, but really easy.

                      I know its on the Wii and all that but lets face it no one but the the initiated gamer is gonna buy it anyway, so why make the game so easy?

                      Yes its genius regardless, but stilll... its a really easy game...

                      And the boarders suck, but luckily most tvs these days can get rid of them in one way or another.


                        They made it easy for a reason mate... In an interview they stated that the fun was in the killing and they wanted to make sure that it was easy for people to explore te killing without getting frustrated. It makes sense really. There is a hard mode (unlocked after beating normal), so i think you'll find the challange you're thirsty for in there - it's supposed to be extremely difficult :-)

                        I have to admit that even on normal i've died quite a few times on the later levels!
                        ----Member since April 2002



                          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                          I got this today, its really easy, extreamly fun, but really easy.

                          I know its on the Wii and all that but lets face it no one but the the initiated gamer is gonna buy it anyway, so why make the game so easy?

                          Yes its genius regardless, but stilll... its a really easy game...

                          And the boarders suck, but luckily most tvs these days can get rid of them in one way or another.
                          I am told once you complete the game a much harder mode is unlocked.

                          I got to play with the daggers and have even convinced two very tight mates to spend some cash on this ?25 from is a steal.


                            I played Man Darts last night and completely failed to score anything. I was just smacking peoples skulls in rather than launching them at the dart board. What was I doing wrong?!


                              Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                              I played Man Darts last night and completely failed to score anything. I was just smacking peoples skulls in rather than launching them at the dart board. What was I doing wrong?!
                              Hold down the "B" button and swing the remote I think!


                                Dang! Think I was just swinging. Thanks!

