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Red Faction: Guerrilla

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    Red Faction: Guerrilla

    Decided to pick this up after enjoying the demo a little bit too much.

    Sand boxy game from the people that made Saints Row. Liberate Mars from the evil EDF by completing missions and blowing **** up.

    And it's the blowing **** up that makes this game worth noticing. The developer claims that the desctruction in this game is "a generation ahead of the competition" is remarkably justified and the whole game rests on the fact that things blow up as you would expect them to.

    Plant a couple of explosives on key points on a structure, stand back and detonate. Nothing is scripted, every part of that building will react to the explosions correctly (well, as good as I've seen it in a game anyway). If one side of a building is ripped out the stress on the remaining supports will eventually buckle perhaps minutes after the initial detonation.

    What's great is that every structure can be blown up. All the stairs, walkways, walls..everything. The only thing that's off limits is the environment itself.

    Anyway, you can see all that for yourself in the two demos that are out (one single player, one multiplayer).

    The full game feels slightly more polished than the demo but most importantly the structure of the single player seems to be pretty good so far.

    Within each of the six environments you have to complete various side objectives (destroying medium and high profile EDF properties, rescuing prisoners, assisting with assaults, defending locations, destroying convoys etc) all of which reduce EDFs stronghold on that location. As the EDF loosen their grip the uprising takes over, and the Red Faction start to assist in firefights.

    There is a little meter on the left of the screen that registers the EDFs strength in that area, and every guerrilla action makes that bar tick down slowly. At set points on that bar there are story missions, and you can only complete an area once the EDF are so overpowered they pull out. It's very compelling stuff as everything you do feels like it's working towards your bigger goal.

    The open-worldyness of the game isn't that impressive as the environment is quite bland so I felt no need to explore. But that's ok, because the game gives you so much to do.

    It's a tough game though, very unforgiving if you get caught out in the open. The EDF will rip you to pieces in seconds if you aren't careful. Although you are mostly safe from the buildings falling on your head, it can also work against your escape when you realise the consequences of blowing up all the bridges in a manic explosive spree...

    Multiplayer takes its design from the Call of Duty camp almost to the letter. It works too, especially with the choas the destruction brings. They've also added backpacks for multiplayer - jetpacks, earthquakes, etc. It's great fun grabbing the Truster pack which sends you flying upwards (through anything) and leaving a hole through several stories of the building you just shot through.

    This is a suprisingly good game, I'm actually having more fun with it than any other title this year

    Last edited by PeteJ; 05-06-2009, 13:42.

    I got this yesterday and had some fun with it last night.
    I'm playing on normal difficulty and your right it can get hard real quickly!
    I had a mission to blow up an EDF building which tested my strategy to the limit,I failed after my 1st attempt at a sneaking mission so tried again...failure
    In a fit of anger I stole one of those big loader lorries aimed it at the enemy base and smashed all the way through the building resulting in total carnage and success!!

    The physics are really well implemented and it's great fun just smashing stuff up and getting the salvage,I like blowing up the smoke stacks and seeing them topple.
    The side missions seem a bit unimaginative but it's early days so perhaps a little more diversity will appear later in the game.

    Not played the multiplayer yet but will give it a go later.
    So far so good-Im enjoying it


      Similar to me.

      Last night I completed a mission to destroy a three storey enemy building by finding the biggest vehicle possible and just screaming up the hill towards it, right through an EDF blockade.

      Without slowing I rammed the vehicle through the whole building until it destabilised enough and collapsed.

      It was chaos. Bits flying everywhere, EDF running for cover all over the place. Explosions going off left, right and centre. Got to love that.

      But that tactic can get mixed results. Some times the EDF will just pummel the **** out of you. There's a couple of missions where I've been totally overwhelmed in seconds. I think the biggest problem I have with the game is that the weapons don't feel like they empower you enough.

      They sound good on paper - rocket launcher, blade thrower, nanite machine, but when you get you hands on them they don't seem to have enough `oompf` behind them for total carnage or actual fight back against the EDF when they're pissed.

      It's a shame and coupled with the mission structures being a bit bland, the brilliant demo level gives a bit of a false impression about the rest of the game (but not all of it).

      But the general vibe of this game once it gets to the end of the second area / start of the third is great. It really does go overboard on that whole Total Recall feel with the music and visuals - the music for the third potion in a particular has a sort of floaty, Half-life 2 feel about it.

      This afternoon I stood on a rocky outcrop of the surface of Mars and watched as the clouds whipped overhead, covering the setting sun. It was a `Mass Effect` for me - the feeling of being on an alien world, yet it all looking so beautiful.

      I was also well chuffed that they referenced

      the main character from the first game, Parker. The bit leading up to that mini-reveal was a real change of pace for the game too and I wasn't really expecting that


        I think I've just done the bit you spoilered out. Great mission and surprisingly effective atmosphere for a sandbox title - as soon as I got the opportunity I legged it as quickly as possible

        Still enjoying this a lot, have got the EDF down to 0 in Dust but just mopping up a few more missions. Don't think I'll bother doing every mission (I don't enjoy the hostage ones so much as the AI can get in trouble navagating the collapsed buildings) but I'll do the fun ones.


          Had literally half an hour with this, it's pretty bloody good isn't it! I went on a mission where I had to help people escape, and I accidentally drove through the building, bringing it down around our ears...saved them and promptly legged it!

          Just great fun!


            I'm on the last area now (this is perhaps one of the shortest sandbox games I've played) and I'm slightly disappointed that they seemed to have just abandoned the whole


            idea. It worked so well when it was introduced and I had to make an excursion onto the outskirts of the Irradiated Zone this morning.

            That place has a real eerie feel about it. It's the fact that there's not really anyone there and it's just mountains and wind that gives it a creepy vibe you don't often get in games like this.

            I ended up stopping off at an abandoned building on the look out for some mineral rocks and actually got ambushed. Even when I cleared them out and headed off they actually tracked me half way across the zone to my objective (even though I thought I'd lost them). I had to jump out of my buggy to scale a hill and left it parked at the bottom.

            Imagine how suprised I was when I headed back down, only to find they'd swarmed around it. Really played on that feeling of being miles from nowhere and on your own.

            In my eyes Volition have criminally underplayed the whole sub-story for this as it could have been blinding.


              Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
              I'm on the last area now (this is perhaps one of the shortest sandbox games I've played)...
              Probably one of few people to think this, but I'm very glad to read that!


                Picked this up yesterday, after the fun I had with Saints Row 2 (74hrs plus) it was a no brainer. I'm playing on hard and just been messing arond in the Parker zone. Good stuff.


                  Yeah I'm not really liking this to be honest, it is actually quite boring. Once you get over the "woo I can destroy everything" mechanic it is just an average third person shooter at best.

                  Just liberated the Parker area and now am on Dust but I don't actually feel compelled to play on. The game world is just so lifeless and dull. It is pretty cool watching buildings fall down around you but after the second or third time it happened my reaction was "meh".

                  For some reason this reminds me of Fracture, a game trying to live off one decent gameplay mechanic but forgetting about the rest of the game in the process. I didn't think much of the demo but still picked up cos of the decent reviews, I sort of regret it now. I will try and play some more but if I still don't get on with it then it shall be returned for Prototype next week.


                    I agree with Ezee, the engine and physics are brilliant but the game itself just isn't very compelling. I got to Dust and started getting bored honestly.


                      Haha 'WTF you killed your brother!'

                      I couldn't resist. I've not had a game over screen within 10 seconds of playing a game ever


                        Hmm, another half an hour in, I've liberated DUST and I feel like I've seen everything there is to see, not a good sign.

                        People who've finished it, would you say, given that I feel like I've already seen everything it has to offer, I should carry on and persevere?


                          I haven't finished it but I'm on the last sector, so it's as good as.

                          If you're feeling that way now then you might not want to carry on because there isn't much more to it in terms of structure and content.

                          If you aren't enjoying it now you're especially going to hate having to explore for ore and scrap later on to boost your abilities and weapons, because otherwise the missions get pretty impossible.

                          Personally I'm still enjoying blowing stuff up and causing carnage. I've found the main missions to be the highlights, especially winning out against overwhelming odds.

                          I think Red Factions biggest problem is that Volition are doing things very much by the numbers. Disappointingly it's a Saints Row 2 clone and while I enjoyed that game, they don't seem to have spent time on making this as diverse or mixing things up a bit.

                          It's a shame but the carnage, setting and occasional moment where the atmos is just right (coupled with the fact that it isn't particularly long) are enough to keep me going.


                            I quite enjoyed that first section, but it seems far too easy to die...sometimes via the enemy, sometimes via a structure falling in a way you didn't anticipate, right onto you. It just felt like..."is that it? is that really all I'm going to do for the entire game?"

                            Conversley I went back to inFAMOUS and played it for roughly three times longer in a sitting than I had with RF:Guerrila. That says to me perhaps you are right and it's time to pop it back on the shelf for a while.


                              Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                              Yeah I'm not really liking this to be honest, it is actually quite boring. Once you get over the "woo I can destroy everything" mechanic it is just an average third person shooter at best...
                              Originally posted by Ajay1986 View Post
                              I agree with Ezee, the engine and physics are brilliant but the game itself just isn't very compelling...
                              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                              I quite enjoyed that first section, but it seems far too easy to die...sometimes via the enemy, sometimes via a structure falling in a way you didn't anticipate, right onto you. It just felt like..."is that it? is that really all I'm going to do for the entire game?"...
                              Unfortunately, this has really summed up my thoughts on the title.
                              Initially purchased because i thought the demo was alright and hoping there would be some meat in the game.
                              I was speaking to you Jebus briefly yesterday about Red Faction, and thought is was an ok title. It just doesn't cut it in terms of inFamous addictiveness, which quite frankly did suck the life out of me until completion.
                              This is the opposite, where i'm ready to shelve it proper in favour of Prototype later this week.

