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Red Faction: Guerrilla

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    They did themselves no favours setting it on Mars to be honest, the environment was always going to be dull. It does actually get better in Oasis but not hugely so, haven't been to EOS yet.

    I agree that the game is both thrilling and dull. I feel like I'm just going through the motions ticking off each mission as it comes along, and then suddenly something completely unexpected (and non-scripted) comes along to spark my excitement again. Something simple like a building coming down during a big firefight, or a vehicle suddenly flying through a second floor window (yes, that did happen!).

    The more I play Multiplayer the more I like it however, Seige mode is excellent fun especially with a good group. The trickle of unlocks (however meaningless many of them are) are very well implemented and the game just loves to reward you for playing the game properly. The starting equipment needs rebalancing through as too often you all spawn with rockets, which should be great fun but it doesn't work so well here.

    I'm still really enjoying this game, I can certainly see why others wouldn't but its a great pick up and play experience in both single and multi.


      Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
      (yes, that did happen!).
      There's been a load of comedy moments like that for me including:-

      * the smoke stack that I detonated with a load of mines at the bottom, only to realise that it was collapsing towards me. I panned the camera up just in time to get a great view of it flattening me.

      * managing to plough into a wall and flip an EDF vehicle backwards (quite slowly too), crushing a solider who I had narrowly missed on the way into the wall.

      * there's a mission later on that involves you getting some info out of a high ranking official and fending off the EDF while your colleagues go to work on him. Essentially at the end they

      kill him by bailing out of the vehicle and it rolls off a cliff at high speed.

      It all went so well until they mission ended and almost immediately three of the EDF vehicles who had been chasing came screaming around the corner, only just missing me as they passed at amazing speed. My colleagues weren't so lucky and got mowed down. I had an amazing view as Red Faction members were flung skywards and the EDF vehicles

      ploughed through the barriers - all of them going straight off the cliff and into oblivion.

      I couldn't stop laughing at that lucky escape.


        can wrecking crew be played single player, or online?


          I think I am gonna throw my control pad through the TV in a minute through sheer frustration.

          I don't know why I actually continued to play this game, I should have stopped ages ago. I guess curiosity got the better of me. Well I am on EOS now and am doing this really annoying mission involving snipers. I must of died like 5 or 6 times now cos I keep being spammed with enemies. When I say spammed I mean SPAMMED! They are so bloody accurate too. There's challenging and just pure cheapness, this game (let alone the mission) is the latter.

          Oh and don't get me started on the loading times, absolutely ridiculous.


            That's Red Faction for you - 3 games in and people still don't get the hint.

            Ah well, another bargain bin buy for me.


              Take it you are playing the PS3 version?

              I've not had any issues with loading at all. Just the one load at the start.

              Easy mode FTW


                Yeah I am on the PS3 version. Later on in the game you can unlock the ability to quickly get to teleport to a safehouse from wherever you are but even that is useless! When you use it, you don't teleport straight to the safehouse.....instead you get to see loading screens for about 10-15 seconds. Awesome design.


                  Does it install anything? I'm running the 360 version from the HDD and it really isn't bothersome at all


                    Yeah there is a 2-3 minute install at the start. Doesn't really help though, load times are still quite long. They are highlighted even more when you have to repeatedly do the same mission over and over again.


                      I LOVE this game, my inner chaos monkey is in love. I will never find destroying everything in my path boring

                      Seems like a lot of stuff to do as well. Simple but unpretentious fun, loving every second of it. With this and Prototype, my summers going to be great chaos gameplay wise. I really don't care if it's the same mission repeatedly, as long as I get to destroy **** I'm happy.

                      Really like the Mars landscape too, I know it's barren with not much to it but I just can't help but be reminded of Total Recall and in my mind that's awesome


                        Also love it. Surpised to see PS3 version is 1080p and 7.1 when played it. Dont find the loading that bad and Im more inclined if I die to just load a save anyway to save on the morale going down.

                        To me its one of those games again like Infamous you can do as little or as much as you want with it. I cant say Ive found it that hard to play on medium died twice I think thats it but I wander about alot picking off any red building first to stop em coming flying out all over. Alot of the missions you can just sneak in smash someone over the head chuck couple of charges then get out then blow up and ride back home. Others just get a big truck and ram your way in and out. What I like about it is I can do any tactic to go in and out as everything is destroyable. Blow a hole in a pipe and go in that way for example instead of going thru the main gates. Oh baddies coming at me destroy the bridge so they cant.

                        I think the only thing that worries me is the length as I did parker pretty quickly and I did every mission on it to open the map up including all sub stuff.

                        As a sandbox do what you want and destroy what you want I think it does a good job though and the AI is clever, you just cant go rushing in or they will make mincemeat of you. It just follows the same roots for me with SR you either like it or you dont and for me its a good addition to them and has that pickup and play for couple of hours for fun then go back to something else value. I do think Infamous spoiled it abit for me originally as thats such a cracking title but this is just different and once I got past that and into this really enjoyed it.

                        Just dont expect it to win any awards for story or gameplay.
                        Last edited by Guest; 08-06-2009, 14:34.


                          I eventually finished this up this morning and my previous thoughts still stand, even more strongly than before if that is possible.

                          I tried the demo a while back and didn't think much of it however decent reviews and the lure of destruction drew me in. However that is where the problems start for this game, once you get over the "break everything" mechanic there is really not much substance (or style) in the gameplay. The games idea of challenge is to spam you with an immense amount of enemies who are amazingly accurate. This is more and more apparent during the later missions. You can take cover behind walls but that mechanic might aswell not be there cos the walls get smashed into pieces within seconds.

                          The game word is just immensely boring and dull, they try to cover this by blaring you with "epic" music every now and again but it just doesn't work. Visually the game is not that impressive either, infact it is quite poor in some places. The deformation of buildings and other structures is impressive but apart from that I think the game just about manages to look "next-gen".

                          Missions are varied enough but as I said before the gameplay really is pretty average. The "fun" lasts for about a mission or two and the rest of the game just becomes tired and lacking in any substance.

                          Red Faction: Guerrilla is a game that relies heavily on one gameplay mechanic but in doing so it forgets about the rest of the game and that is where the problem lies. It is an average game at best. 5/10 from me.
                          Last edited by ezee ryder; 08-06-2009, 14:55.


                            Well said Ezee, couldn't have said it better myself. I would have given it a 4/10 though because some average games are acually enjoyable.


                              ezee and zero, have you played much multiplayer and how does that stand up compared to what you think to the single player game.
                              i know people who were down on lost planets SP but loved the MP...


                                I never tried the mp, i'm not much of a multiplayer type of person but from what i have been hearing its suppose to be very good. Which would be a nice change from all the fps multiplayer games out there. But i don't know as its not aimed for me, no mulitplayer is...

