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Batman: Arkham Asylum [360/PS3/PC]

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    As I suggested to you previously mate, if you're just after the achievements then wait for a price drop. If you want it for the 3D then it is not a huge reason to pick it up. The 3D effects are minimal and extended sessions can be a bit of a strain on the eyes.

    I picked it up and I don't regret it or anything but I still wouldn't class it as an essential purchase unless, like me, you're a huge Batman fan!


      I swear my memory is getting worse, I'd totally forgotten that conversation!

      Cheers mate!


        Kind of gutted that saves were not compatible. Only things left were some challenge rooms for my platinum trophy but I guess I have to unlock those rooms yet again before making an attempt.

        The 3D isn't worth it at all.


          Brought this on the cheap from Amazon. Excellent game, pretty much ignored all reviews/chat about the game previously, so it was a nice suprise. I'm not bothering with the 3d though.


            Started playing this the other night (goty edition)
            I really enjoyed the demo and I wasn't prepared for it to open up as much as it did, was a nice surprise for me. Takedowns are awesome and you feel like such a bad ass punching the face off the bad guys, really is a top notch game so far in every area and I am glad I finally bought it.
            Can't wait to get some more time on it.


              First game I have sat down with in a long time and played 2 hours a night nearly every night, a fantastic game. The scarecrow sections were all stand out moments and very, very well done. The progression throughout Metroidvania style but your Batman!
              Batman: Arkham City I won't be leaving as long to buy will be day one if rocksteady can keep up the Batman awesomeness, the only disappointing thing I found was the finale/final boss section just a little bit too easy but it seriously didn't dent any of my 12+ hours enjoyment.


                I thought the final boss was just lame in general. I'd have preferred a straight-up fist fight with the joker. Awesome game though. No doubt.


                  I've started playing this too a few days ago after hearing Family Fry rave about it. It really is awesome, I thought all the hype was just geeked up Batman fans, but it really is a great game. That original demo didn't do it any justice


                    As usual I'm late to a first play thread, but I have just played this over the last 5 days and found it pretty enjoyable. Just finished the story on medium last night and still have 21% to get, so I'm going to go back in and try and find all the remaining Riddler stuff, and maybe give some of the challenges a go.

                    The story was pretty good, and with the exception of the Croc sections, the gameplay was tight. I did enjoy the Scarecrow sections a lot, and I agree that the demo that was given before release didn't really do the game justice. I'm finding this increasingly with demos, so I think I'm going to stop putting so much faith into them.

                    There was a couple of niggles in the game, namely the stealth aspect didn't feel tight enough, and the combat felt too basic at times, but I did enjoy the ride while it lasted. I don't think I want to play this on hard, but I do think this game is worth a solid 8/10.

                    Best Metroid structured game I have played for a while.


                      Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
                      The story was pretty good, and with the exception of the Croc sections, the gameplay was tight.
                      I've just passed this bit & I have to agree - up until now nothing's felt particularly shoehorned in, but this section was dull. It's not even challenging, it just seems to take ages - & the finale when the game becomes Crash Batmandicoot was daft.

                      Not a game breaker though, more just a blip on the radar - not sure how much more I have to go, but it's been a very enjoyable experience.


                        The story in Arkham Asylum isn't deep or anything but it's handheld much better than in Arkham City which is basically all over the place. Infact the first game is structured far better in general.
                        Last edited by rmoxon; 01-11-2011, 13:02.


                          Finished this last night - unfortunately it really loses its way from Killer Croc onwards; the Joker fight in particular - instead of the big face off, you just get waves of the same goons you've been pummeling throughout the game.

                          Knocks a point off for me, but still puts this at a solid 8/10 - a very good game indeed; tons of atmosphere, tons of fun.


                            So, having beat Arkham City I thought I'd download Arkham Asylum as I now have it on steam despite owning a physical copy from years ago - fu Games for Windows Live.

                            Started playing in the week and now I've almost 100% the game again - yeah it's still that good even next to arkham city.

                            Have noticed a few things other than the obvious like structure etc.

                            The physics in the first are waaaay better. When you kick and punch people they go flying miles - it's pure comedy sometimes, especially on the map where mr freeze has his cell.

                            Another thing is the combat feels quicker, you need better reflexes as it becomes tricky to build up those massive combos when the prisoners punch quicker.

                            More thoughts to come but it's been an interesting playthrough so far for sure.


                              Played some more last night. I actually can't wait for the scarecrows return now as his sections were superb - I like his challenge map too where you can't even take a hit.

                              The textures look way better in the first for some reason - any clue why?

                              Been beating the shat out of people in the crime alley downloadable map. Love the music.

