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Bayonetta (demo)

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    Bayonetta (demo)

    Right then. Is anyone else playing the demo?

    It's really good fun, blah, blah, blah...

    But how the hell do you beat that second boss when you're running around on the ceiling and walls? I can do fairly well but seem to die too easily and feel like I'm missing a fundamental part of the gameplay... Like, how to block for example.

    Any help?

    What platform is this on?

    Is it available on Xbox Live?


      It's available on Live and PSN, though you need a gold account for the 360. That version has one more level though, and English text.

      Not sure about blocking, Kaladron, but I beat Bayonetta's nemesis or whoever she is relatively easily on my second try when I just took it a lot slower, watched her moves - she telegraphs many of her attacks - and concentrated on what combos I was pulling off. The full five or six-hit strings take a great deal of her health off.


        Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
        It's available on Live and PSN, though you need a gold account for the 360. That version has one more level though, and English text.

        Not sure about blocking, Kaladron, but I beat Bayonetta's nemesis or whoever she is relatively easily on my second try when I just took it a lot slower, watched her moves - she telegraphs many of her attacks - and concentrated on what combos I was pulling off. The full five or six-hit strings take a great deal of her health off.
        Cool. Did you use Witch Time a lot or just jump out of the way of attacks?


          Just dodging. I'm not a DMC fan (or rather not a Dante fan) so I've never really got the hang of doing precise button-presses consistently.


            Just chase her, lure her into doing an attack, dodge that attack -> Retaliate. I don't think I ever activated Witch Time against her, is that even possible there?

            If your health is low, hold UP on the d-pad. Its a heal item.


              Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
              Just chase her, lure her into doing an attack, dodge that attack -> Retaliate. I don't think I ever activated Witch Time against her, is that even possible there?

              If your health is low, hold UP on the d-pad. Its a heal item.
              Witch Time definitely works on her but the window of opportunity is narrow. I had no idea about the healing items, though. That should help.



                I'm really not doing myself any favours, I can't stay away from the taunt button and making enemies go angry orange is resulting in some serious spanking! >_< Its all slowly falling into place though. Can't see me moving on from this demo for some time yet. Must master everything!


                  Amazing, isn't it?

                  I used R2 to dodge a lot and that made the second boss quite easy. I was down to a smidge of health before I started using it properly and it get kept me alive until the end.

                  Btw, knowing how dreadful the Japanese PSN store is for keeping demoed games, everyone should download this now before they remove it.


                    i like it, of course etc, it was hardly going to be crap
                    but damn even the pre rendered cut scenes or whatever feel sluggish on ps3, gameplay fps isnt to bad tho not toooooo bad


                      I enjoyed the demo imo movement of the character is easier than Dante having a back flip button is a good idea to get out the way of things. I think the character design is brilliant and always make me laugh her posh English accent . I think the special moves are great and good you can pick up all sorts of weapons. Enjoyed the demo a lot def on my shoppin list. Combos seemed easier than DMC too.


                        Its amazing the different the GPU and Joypad of the 360 can make .
                        OMG I take most of it back , the game is kick ass , unbelievable and smashes DMC series into bits . Still not quite as good as Ninja Gaiden 1 or II, but its only a demo .
                        All I can say is, the demo alone is one of the best action games I've played , and the 360 pad makes a world a difference.

                        Its almost like RSG meets DMC , with the action and insane spinning backrounds


                          For something so utterly bum-blowing, pretty quiet thread, this.

                          Got me a JPN PSN account specially to try it out, and I can honestly say it's the most fun I've had with a game in some least since Punch Out!!!!1.

                          I just love everything about it. The ridiculous move-set, the cheesy 90's-style breakbeat, the boss finishers, the fact that every creature looks like something out of Power Rangers, the animation on the first boss as he scrambles up the ledge to try and pound you, the voice-acting.

                          It's just awesome.


                            I've gone through it 3 or 4 times and while I enjoy the combat it still feels a little button mashy - graphically it's much more confusing than DMC so I don't really feel in control of the character, especially on that last section with the boss that runs about the walls and ceilings. I expected that feeling would go away as I got familiar with the controls, but it hasn't yet.


                              On the other hand, shock, horror, I'm actually fighting the temptation to pre-order the Japanese version. It's as much of a button-masher as you want it to be, and here that is pretty much a valid design decision... plus it's so much more visually appealing than DMC. Really, really didn't think I'd like the demo this much.

                              Oh, and I love that final boss fight.

