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Brutal Legend

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    Don't forget to buff your units and upgrade them. It seriously helps! battle cry the buggers. Use Zeppy (only when necessary), Facemelter and block them from making any additional units (at the right time) using that solo i can't remember the name of. It was my method for the last but one battle, i didn't even upgrade any of my units either which made things alot harder for me.

    Never ever, hold back on your buffs!


      I've not hit the 'real' RTS sections just yet but my thoughts echo most others - It's a lovingly created game which, while not great, is a very solid good.

      I have to add that the original score music is absolutely ace. It's very Diablo and gives me goosebumps, so, well played that composer.


        The skies in this game are just lovely. I've driven in to many obstacles just because I've been camera rotating for the most dynamic shot of the sky. Really, they add so much to the metal world...I love that it's just one simple thing, yet Double Fine clearly spent an age getting it perfect.

        Not that the world itself isn't beautifully done too...It's great to just potter about and take in the scenery. Some of the story locations are visual treats, too.

        (The metallic spider lair thingy!)

        Must say though, that I found my first 'RTS' section massively confusing. Everything was so dressed up in metal inspired terminology, that I didn't get a clear grasp of what everything was or what it did!

        But yeah, overall I really love it. Worth all the excitement I reckon.


          I was mesmerised when the sky went all green with meteors

          Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
          Ok I'm stuck on an RTS battle...the one where you need to

          get the dry ice

          . I seem to be completely underpowered against the

          horse-back riders

          . Spent an hour in the battle and didn't seem to be getting anywhere!

          Any tips?

          exploit the fact that Ophelia seems to always go for the geyser at the left. Send a smaller team to claim the geyser on the right and concentrate on the one on the left. Send Eddie over and when the emo hoardes come, exploit the fact that they stick together in big groups, and then do the facemelter.

          Helps a bunch.


            Wait there was another route on that map? I just poured down what must be the right hand side then Beat that one first time too hehe


              Done it now thanks, just rushed them and spammed every power I had! I then went on to finish the game without too many difficulties, the final two fights were a bit tricky but I managed to do them both without failing (my units got destroyed several times over though!).

              All in all I really enjoyed this game, could have perhaps gone on a bit longer (it took me 10 hours, which I'm fine with, but the story wraps up surprsingly quickly) but it was still a surprisingly good story. I don't even know why I'm surprised, I should be execting this from Tim!

              Although the game was weaker than it should have been in several ways, for me it did raise the bar in one way in particular - the integration of music into cutscenes and action. Some of the cutscenes were superbly directed with established songs, in particular I'm thinking Mr Crowley by Ozzy. That was ace.
              Great soundtrack all the way through, I don't think there was a bad song on the tracklist.

              Still got a lot to search through, finished with 80% complete. Got one more motorforge and two more legends, don't think I'll bother with the dragons but I'll probably clean up the Hunter and Race sidequests.

              Had a quick AI multiplayer battle and I think it's actually pretty good. It's a shame it's so hard to control the units tactically as the design and balance seems spot on.


                The world is beautiful to look at, but it doesn't really give you anything decent to do in it. The quests are complete rubbish.

                It feels slightly inferior to psychonauts, mainly because the game and combat gave you a bit more variety.


                  Finished it on 94% and loved every tiny second of it, I found all legends, solos and done all hunter missions but I didnt get the achievement for all hunter missions completed, anyone else get this problem?

                  I prefered Psyhonauts due to the bonkers story of the game but you can't compare them really, they're so far removed from each other but retain the Double Fine awesome feel.
                  Last edited by Dezm0nd; 20-10-2009, 20:16.


                    Originally posted by Dezm0nd View Post
                    but I didnt get the achievement for all hunter missions completed, anyone else get this problem?
                    Me too, PS3. Maybe you have to talk to him to get everything done, but I moved to other games, so I wouldn't know.


                      You have to go back and talk to him to get the achievement. You also get a new axe for your troubles.


                        Awesome, turning my Xbox on now thanks for the tip.


                          Necro bump, since I'm stuck on the semi-last battle with Ophelia (sea of black tears), and am getting trounced. And there's only 1 faq on GameFAQs, and it's not great.

                          Any tips for this battle? I try ratcheting the game down to easy, but it didn't help things. I've managed to destroy the 2 electric towers, after which my rock crushed is quickly taken out but the horde beyond. A few times I've managed to get guys up to the stage, but it won't go down.

                          I always feels horribly underpowered in this games.

