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Dragon Age: Origins

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    Dragon Age: Origins

    Probably should have a thread by this point...

    I'm a reasonable distance into it now so I can give some decent impressions.

    It's been said that this is effectively Baldur's Gate 3. That's not really true, it's probably more accurate to say this builds on KOTOR and Mass Effect and brings Bioware back into a fantasy setting. It's not quite as hard core and in depth, there are fewer classes and fewer spells/abilities than in BG2. There's an element of streamlining throughout, such as the auto-res when combate ends, a spell and ability system that feels a lot like an MMORPG.

    The single player MMO feeling applies to a lot of the game. There are 6 different 'character backgrounds' that are pretty much the same as starting areas, you get some basic quests to teach you the ropes and ultimately they lead you into the meat of the game. There was a lot made of these as being part of your character customisation but really, for most classes you get no choice in background, rather than making your characters richer, they're really things that add to the replay value.

    In creating a character you don't have a huge amount of customisation. You can do the typical alterations of look, pick from a (fairly limited) range of classes, pick spells, skills, talents and abilities and assign attribute points. There's no choice in alignment (in fact, the game gives no obvious indicators of good or evil actions which could be an issue for morally grey choices) and class specialisation doesn't come until level 7. It's a streamlined system designed to ensure it's not as overwhelming as other hardcore RPGs. That's not to say you can't do a totally awful build, just that you're guided better.

    The big problem (as a mage) is that spell descriptions aren't great. It's not entirely clear how much damage a spell will do, how much MP it will take up and so on. It also seems initially that Bioware don't want you to make a purely offensive mage. Most direct damage spells do very little damage and you're better off on healing, doing status attacks and auto attacks with staves.

    Playing on normal, the game is challenging but there's a feeling that the balance isn't quite right. Enemies, especially archers, do a bit too much damage and battles often turn into healing and potion spam. The battles are fun and heavily tactical but all to often it seems you're spending the entire time keeping characters alive. I said before that it uses an MMO system for spells and abilities (mp/stamina usage and cooldowns) but Bioware have kept the active pause system where you can issue orders when paused. If you don't do this, you will not get far, the game is balanced around this.

    I believe a patch is out now that increases damage done and lessens damage received. I imagine this will make the first major boss battle you come across a whole less farcical (15 minutes of my mage being chased by him whilst the rest of the party do pathetic damage to him as).

    The camera (on the PC, which is the version I have) is fairly annoying. Using the overhead view, it's still at a slight angle and doesn't zoom out far enough. Given this game loves spamming archers and they're almost always offscreen, it adds some unnessecery difficulty to the game. The graphics aren't all that impressive, the textures are horribly low res in particular. However there is a pretty impressive action scene done using in game graphics. The engine is obviously designed to throw around a large number of models on screen at once.

    The dialogue is excellent. The characters are a lot more chatty than in Baldurs Gate and there is some brilliant dialogue (alas no miniature giant space hamsters). The interplay between Morrigan and Alastair is brilliant, you'll want them both in the main party just for the dialogue (which is a bit of a problem for party balance given you can only have four people, including yourself). It's just a shame that there's a bit too much inadvertant humour from the fact that you spend a lot of cut scenes covered in blood.

    Sounds like I'm finding lots wrong with this but a problem with very good games is that the better they are, the more the faults stick out. It's an excellent RPG but it's prevented from being an all time great by lots of very minor issues. It's a must buy for fans of Western RPGs, even if it's not better than BG2.

    One last thing: partway through the game, you come across someone, get pretty far into a dialogue tree, get ready to accept a quest, then... The game asks you to log in and spend EA points. A paid DLC quest partway through a game at launch is utterly unacceptable. Not only do you feel like you're getting ripped off, it comepletely takes you out of the game. Dick move there EA.

    That sounds horrific and totally immersion shattering. It's the kind of thing that, if they spring it on you once, you'll be wondering about when the next conversdation / quest is going to unexpectedly do the same thing.

    If they pull that reprehensible **** in Mass Effect 2 I will weep blood. Probably literally.
    Last edited by Spatial; 07-11-2009, 15:39.




        Barkspawn - I love it


          'Barkspawn' That made me grin the other day too. I was going to name my dog that too, but i didn't want to be a copy cat.

          Could someone explain to me how the online features work on the 360 version? All i know is that it keeps me logged in to the servers, thats it.


            I found the combat too difficult as well, couldnt be arsed with all the micro-managing and all the stress it entails, it felt like a curious mixture of playing an RTS and being at work! That was on normal difficulty. Easy was waaaaay too easy, I was literally killing mobs with little involvement. The whole pausing to contemplate your next move mechanic really disrupts the immersion.

            Incidentally, you can have your cut-scenes blood splatter free through one of the options in the menu (PC version that is).


              Ok, so about 4-5hours into the game (past the pre-prologue, the prologue and the first areas) and honest - Its quite fun, but maybe not in the way intended. As smurf said - dialogue is top notch.

              Combat just isnt all that fun, the camera angle's can get quite annoying (PC version here - I hear its worse on the 360...). The DLC part sounds completly rubbish - and something I think I will avoid here. Story is interesting, but a level of Been here Done That is now instilled into me. I find the world interesting enough, but if it wasnt the for party members I would have stopped playing a while ago.

              It feels like KOTOR - just without the atmosphere, with dragons instead of sith and a barely naked woman as HK47


                Hopefully the patch should rebalance the combat but spending the whole time managing heals between the party does rob the game of depth. Ironically I'm acting as a healbot whilst the CPU does all the fun offensive stuff.


                  Wheres the dlc npc? bohdim or something


                    I'm finding the combat to be fairly easy (on normal) except for two main sections/mobs. My game time is about 13 hours:

                    Templars - 5 or 6 of them using the stun at the same time (which they do as soon as I open a door) instantly kills my mage without fail and takes the rest of my party to 70% ish, but an easy (if annoying) solution is just to keep him miles away and have my meat tank taunt to keep aggro on them all and just fireball then inferno them. Incidently, inferno followed instantly by an earthquake is insanely good.

                    Defending the village against the undead - once again I find myself annoyed that a game makes all the tactical decisions for me and does it poorly. Why stick the knights, the dwarf AND the oil all at the same area? That section was a walk in the park (just auto attacked it all) while I had to reload about 8 times to do the militia part and eventually had to kite them back to the knights. "We had a few losses" err yeah, every single one of the militia died.

                    Also, I found a dragonbone staff early on and my mages ranged auto attacks hit for 35, not to mention the actual stats it gives. Seems fairly good. Still, spamming my basic single target nukes is still very good burst as each one hits for 50+ as well as usually having secondary effects (e.g. knock down).

                    I haven't found any need to spam heal yet, although I have a spirit healer in my party and shes so stupidly good at it (while having almost no offensive spells yet) I may aswell.

                    So far I love it and don't see anything wrong with the graphics (minor dlc spoiler). Spell effects in particular look very good.
                    Last edited by Malavon; 07-11-2009, 20:40.


                      I'm going to get the pc version tomorrow. The interface and graphics are a abomination on the console ports.

                      Does anyone know how much the pc version costs in the shops? Figure i'll just trade in my 360 one for it.


                        got my version for the pc for 34 euros

                        been playing it a bit...Seems pretty cool so far...think the camera angles are a bit annoying at Times though

                        but will sate my need for a baldurs gate 3 for a while


                          chain lightning and fireball are stupidly overpowered spells. huge damage + knockdown + sets you on fire. I'm on a blood mage mini-boss and he wipes my party out in 2 spells. Think I'm going to go get the patch that lowers the damage


                            ooh is such a patch out yet? my copy hasn't turned up yet (not worried as I have borderlands ) so maybe i should wait for patch before playing?

                            wow that makes me sound really soft...


                              There are definately balancing issues. For the most part the game is ok, nicely challenging but it occasionally throws insane bits at you. Characters being killed off in a couple of seconds, huge numbers of archers that you can only beat if you position yourself round a corner and hope most of them don't follow.

                              Also I've discovered an exploit I've had to keep myself from abusing. Winters grasp doesn't need line of sight (you can use it through walls) and it doesn't pull enemies. In theory you could take out an entire room of people using it.

