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Dragon Age: Origins

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    I've finally finished the main quest of Dragon Age plus some of the DLC and so now feel qualified to comment.

    I really enjoyed it. It has a lot of flaws (XBox 360 version) but it also has a lot of things that it does better than any other game, mainly the players impact upon the world and the options available to you. A great example is the quest where the Arle of Recliffe's son

    has a demon inside of him

    . You are given the choice as to whether to

    kill the son or sacrifice the Queen

    , yet if you ask more questions, it becomes apparent that there is another way to complete the quest, although it depends on how you completed another main quest line. The quests are less binary that most RPGs and allow the player to appraoch common sense solutions rather than black or white.

    I was also impressed by the 'Origins' nature of the story. I played an elf, and it there were countless occasions where the NPCs would reference my 'elfness' where it was appropriate. It pleased me that this was acknowledged, especially considering there are two other species to play.

    It does have issues, but I could forgive them. However it's interesting that all of the issues present in Dragon Age have been successfully dealt with in Mass effect 2. If Bioware can bring what they have learnt from ME2 to Dragon Age 2, whilst keeping the complex story tree of Origins, this series will be up there with the best RPGs around.

    The only other thing that smacked me in the face a bit was the similarities to LOTR, especially the dwarves with their great underground halls that have been taken over by the Darkspawn. A shame, as the mythology they have created has some original touches beneath the surface, but they need to let go of some of the more obvious genre clichés imo.


      well i have got the ultimate edition for the xbox (friend sold it to me cheap)...already have the pc version and for some reason i actually prefer the xbox version not sure why the camera problems i had with the pc version there was no issued for me on the xbox version

      wonder though if it was cos it was patched or something


        Played this alot recently and it would be one of the best RPG's I have ever played if it wasnt for one very large negative thing about it....

        The combat is absolubtley rubbish, you basicaly just have to replay the hardest fights over and over again untill your A.I. people can be bothered to fight properly, at whcih point they usualy manage to do it with ease.

        A perfect example of this is the bit where you have to fight invisible clones of all your party... These are clones of you, as far as Im aware they are only as tough as you are, have the same abilites ect, yet for the first 20 times I fought them they absloubtley obliterated my team. however the final attempt I had at it resulted in me completely obliterating them despite doing nothing differently.

        Overall the characters and story and the world it takes place in are all top notch, but the combat is almost game breaking at some points, which is a shame as its an otherwise outstanding game.


          Think one of the problems with the battle system is that they give you the ability to pause and switch characters to issue commands, but people (me) don't like to do that too much. But it's a major part of combat that had a bigger role in the PC version I think as the console had the whole ability wheel thing going on. Was always changing my tactics around so I had to do it less and found that everyone having tactics set up to use health / mana pots when needed helped a huge amount. There's some pretty nice hate reset abilities for each class that are useful too, I think Mind Blast(AOE knockdown) works a treat for your healers.


            Yeah I have the 360 version and whole thing is far too cumbersum to really try and play as all four characters, constantly using the wheel to pause as you switch between them is very disorientating.

            The problem I found with having people use health potions on their own though is that they burn through them really quickly, for instance Alistair is a very useful party member and I like to use him alot, but all his abilities lean towards him being a tank and so he will use loads of health potions.

            I found that it is really important that you have two mages who can heal (somthing which i didnt have when i got to the clone fight i mentioned earlier) becuase if you dont then you need a heck of alot of potions and its not like they are in infinite supply, or at least they arent to my knowledge.


              There's a way to make Lyrium pots and make a profit selling them if you have level 4 Herbalism. copied from gamefaqs:

              "You can buy the Potent Lyrium Potion recipe from the wonders of thedas shop in denerim, the lyrium dust can be bought in infinate amounts from the circle tower, and all the other items for the potion can be bought from the bartender in denerim."

              Can make quite a bit of money selling these so buying health pots won't be so bad, or using them to keep your healers active. It's quite time consuming though


                There are limited health potions in all the shops too though as far as Ive ever noticed, you still wouldnt have loads at any one time even if you did that.

                As Ive stated though once you get two mages it isnt really that frustrating anymore, my major problem was that i didnt have two until well into the game, it depends on what quests you do what party members you get and I seemed to get the short end of the stick in this regard.

                Hopefuly the sequel will rectify how unbalanced it all feels, though i havent played Awakening yet.

                How was the difficulty in that?
                Last edited by rmoxon; 28-01-2011, 00:27.


                  About has hard as the main game I guess, maybe a little easier due to some of the options they give you. You can respec all your spells and abilities and stuff.


                    Just finished awakening, and I quite liked it. Nice length and reasonable difficulty. I was also relieved to see that I wasn't facing the end of the world if that makes sense. Too often game developers seem to think that for a story to be engaging, you've got to be saving the entire world from destruction. Awakening just took a corner of the map from DAO and asked you to save the few towns there. Hooray!

                    I also liked the idea of building up vigils keep and equipping your soldiers. I would have liked it to be expanded upon a bit, sort of like Assassins Creed 2, but a bit more involved.

                    Also, I love the arcane warrior specialisation. Aside from the fact that my main character hardly ever took any damage, it just looks great having a mage run around in heavy armour, jumping into the middle of a pack of darkspawn.


                      Seeing as this is Bioware can anyone tell me if (on PC) it suffers from the screen tearing issue that Mass Effect has? I really want this on PC but have been unable to play Mass Effect because the tearing is so bad. Cheers amigos.


                        Ok the screen tearing was due to me having my monitor and TV connected to the PC.

                        Got this yesterday on PC. Wow, it's like a totally different game to the console versions. Absolutely fantastic. Morrigan is probably my favourite game character ever.

