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P.N. 03

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    I Just got this game in the post literally MINUTES ago, and the first play reappears at the same time....can say much about the game yet...just took the seal off


      Enjoy - On a sidenote the Viewtiful video has got me revved up to fire that up again - never did get round to finishing the swine....


        It is an ace game, I can't believe I didn't buy it when it first came out. Again thanks to recommendations from forumites on this site I got my copy from play last week. I've been playing it when I've had the time(very little for games these days) ahead of other games even RE4. I suppose that might be due to the nature of the game. As for me it's very easy to just pick up and get straight into the action where as with other games(i.e. RE4) I tend to try and soak up the atmosphere, lights off, volume up etc.. etc.....


          I'm well glad you're all enjoying it! If people werent such haterz we'd have a sequel to this by now! >_<

          Buzzing, Parrying, Juggles, more evade techniques/invincible frame tricks, more emphasis on making enemies kill eachother (even maybe awarding the player more for the effort) the list could go on for days >_< - there's so much more they could add and experiment with for this game system. But NOooOO gamers would rather not


            Now that I would love. PN03 with a psyv/ikaruga edge. buzz bullets for score + multiplier, maybe light and dark sides to the suit to soak up for the energy attacks


              Blatant - you can mix games styles and make it work perfectly, check out the new game Senko no Ronde for example. They've managed to take the gameplay features of 2D shoot em ups and merge them with a VS battle game similar to Virtual On with command attacks similar to what you'd find in a beat em up and it's absolutely wicked!

              PN03's system could be taken further into the shoot em up side of things with even more complex shot patterns and enemy attacks, while keeping it scripted so you can properly learn routines for each section as we're doing now! Nothing comes closer to giving that same vertical shoot em up vibe in free 3D than PN03 - I'd love to see Vanessa taking out massive bosses unleashing bullet hell by using meths similar to what you'd see in a vertical shooter (blind shots, invincible tricks etc)

              In PN03 you can lead enemies into eachother's firing line to make them destroy themselves, THIS is something I'd love to see expanded on too! Even having certain enemy types that depend upon you doing so: You arent powerful enough to break it's armour so make make huge laser cannon point at it and flip out of the way at the last minute to use it's power!

              But we'll never see it - PN03 got slagged off by dickhead reviewers with no gaming skill whatsoever for not being more like the generic games it has nothing to do with anyway.

              Booty aint t3h EXTr33ME enough for some ennit!
              Last edited by Saurian; 23-06-2005, 13:12.


                Reading all this makes we want to buy PN03 again. I loved it through and through but I did find the lack of high scores saves a little disappointing considering the nature of the game.

                Is the PAL version any different to the JAP one? Besides dialogue I mean.


                  Hmm was wondering about that didn't think I'd seen a highscore table.

                  That's a bit of an oversight no ?

                  TBH It put me right in the mood for Cosmic Smash (it's a perspective thing) - I'll be having some of that later.


                    Originally posted by Saurian
                    I'm well glad you're all enjoying it! If people werent such haterz we'd have a sequel to this by now! >_<
                    * snaps two times *



                      Played it for a little bit is very nice..I am finding the controls a little 'unusual' and can't get very far/pull of any kind of cool moves...this is totally my kind of game definitely has a bit of a learning curve to it. Need to give it a proper practise.


                        Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                        Hmm was wondering about that didn't think I'd seen a highscore table.

                        That's a bit of an oversight no ?
                        aye. pn03 has a number of quirks & flaws, that's one of them. it's still a great game, but it seems like the budget held it back from true excellence...

                        regardless, it really didn't deserve it's poor reception. most were expecting 'DMC in space, with a chick' and were all 'meh' when they got a 3D shump instead... tragic.


                          I find PN03 really hard, its her damn ass when she starts rotating it round while doing autofire its too damn distracting

                          I forget what im shooting at & it dosent get any better when you get the suit that has no bit covering her ass.


                            Originally posted by JRMacumber
                            * snaps two times *

                            Double word - in fact, make that Sentence !

                            I'd love to see a sequel to this. Vannessa is one of the best gaming heroiness and greatly under rated IMO (yes, I'm probably biased because of her ass).


                              Just got this for under a fiver and I'm very impressed. I like the old school gaming thrill of trying to do as much with one life!

                              Also the shop points earnt from doing the training missions is a great incentive to keep with the game and actually get better at it. I'm loving the whole pattern-learning approach to the game.

                              Haven't had that many problems control-wise once getting used to them, aside from the cartwheel roll. I think it would work better with digital triggers; I keep wanting to click the shoulder buttons twice as opposed to just tapping them gently. Or maybe it's a timing thing?


                                Picked this up yesterday for 4.97 from Game, cant knock that, and am suitably impressed with it so far. Played only very briefly but can see it becomming quite interesting once I have worked on my technique a bit more.

                                Couldn't see how to get into the training missions??? Is this a seperate option? Vanessa looks to be kick ass. Her attitude right at the start of the game with those bots was class. She is a total hooker, posing for every shot cant wait to get right in about it.

