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Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

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    Originally posted by hoolak View Post
    Cursor switching improved, including when ball is crossed
    HATE that. 2 player co-op, mate sends over a ball to the edge of the six yard box. I'm in the perfect spot to tap it in ... and the AI deselects me. Every. Damn. Time.


      Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
      HATE that. 2 player co-op, mate sends over a ball to the edge of the six yard box. I'm in the perfect spot to tap it in ... and the AI deselects me. Every. Damn. Time.
      Innit though? If this patch fixes this problem then I could be well on track to get into this again.


        Patch is now live on PS3.


          Anyone downloaded the patch? Does it make a noticeable difference?


            Onlinee, since the patch, I keep getting spanked by deflected goals to the big teams. So frustrating. They have rebalanced it to be crap. Twats

            Stupid long range goal. Relentleess pressure when playing "top" teams. This has gone rubbish imo.
            Last edited by saif; 27-11-2010, 00:40.


              Can't say I've noticed much change in gameplay. Still enjoying MLO. The best thing is I now don't have to hammer X/O to get into a competition as it's not as hectic thanks to people dropping out.


                A rip-roaring time had on this tonight.

                Just for a laugh we thought we'd change the formation to 2-3-5. So basically we had 2 full backs, a centre half, a right half, a left half, then all of the inside/outside gubbins up front.

                The first match we tried it, against Juventus in the European Cup, was a huge success. Despite the graphic showing Juve playing in a 4-4-3 formation, they actually played 8-2-1. If our right half or outside right ran down the wing to cross the ball, there were two men on him, and a line of 6 defenders preparing for the cross. We won something like 8-1.

                In the second game, we played against Aston Ricky Villa. After a dire first half with no penetration whatsoever, we found ourselves 1-0 down. In the second half, however, the attack exploded with a series of searing interplays and clinical finishing, culminating in Ricky Van Wolfswinkel scoring 5 goals.

                The final goal of the night was a moment of purely instinctive skill. We had a free kick about 22 yards out. As some douche wound up to take the usual shot, which was obviously destined to fly a yard over the bar, or strike the wall, I noticed Shimizu relatively free on the edge of the box. I called for the pass, and on receiving the ball with back to the goal, flicked the ball up a yard off the deck with one foot, and planted in a volleyed shot with the other.

                Downing the last few drops of ginger wine, I could afford the smile of a smug git. PES!


                  Loving the 2-3-5 formation sounds fun. This game can be great sometimes erratic but when it's on song it's brilliant. I had a couple of great games with my bro when he was back from Uni and we were Tottenham together plus some nice games against him. I am enjoying this after the January window too. Upped the stats of Wilshire and Carroll to 75 an 79 respectively, as their stas are sooo low. Sometimes when they make stats on this I do wonder what they were thinking. Look how amazing Wilshire is on Football Manager for example and in real life. I have played a bit of my ML need to try MLO again and played a few exhibitions with Chelsea, Liverpool n Bayern and Champions League with AC. Still good fun I can't wait to see what 2012 will have instore.
                  Last edited by JU!; 07-02-2011, 19:51.


                    Well, this game has PISSED ON OUR CHIPS so much, my fingers are almost bleeding from the fury of slamming these keys.

                    Seabass and his box of turds have managed to completely ruin the Master League mode with the most stupidly flawed piece of programming I've seen for years.

                    It all boils down to money.

                    Basically, after season number 4 in the ML a load of contracts have come up for renewal on the team. The players are mostly in the 80s and 90s, stat wise, and have a considerable market value. Fair enough. When the contracts came up for renewal we expected to have to shell out a load more for the star players. Ok, fine. But this has brought to light a design decision so appallingly ****some, I want to vomit on the disc.

                    What happens is this: Take a random player. Palmieri, the centre half. He's turned into a decent player. WE paid for a top coach to up his stats, WE paid for focus points to give him skills. Obviously he was going to demand more wages, after becoming a super star.

                    Let's have a look at his wages immediately prior to contract negotiations:

                    Palmieri ..... Wages per season ?200,000. Market value ?11,000,000.

                    Now lets look at his contract demands:

                    Palmieri ..... Wages wanted per year: ?11,000,000

                    WTF!?!? So his yearly wages now MATCH his market value, precisely, to the digit?! We checked this with other players.
                    Schwarz .... Wages ?125,000. Market value ?7,200,000. New contract demand ?7,200,000 per season.

                    EVERY player up for contract renewal now has a yearly wage demand that matches their market value precisely. This is outrageous. After trying, and failing, to negotiate down, we had to agree to the astronomical wages, and we now have a wage bill of ?75 million a season. With only ?30 million carefully accumulated in the kitty, we'll face a massive shortfall. Some oaf somewhere has made a massive error.

                    - It will mean we have to sell half the team every year to balance the books.
                    - It will mean coaching and focus skill development is pointless, because it inflates the stats of a player, then his market value, and thus his wage demands.
                    - It means that some players will have to be shipped immediately, as their cumulative wages will soar above their market value. Take Palmieri. He'll cost us ?22 million in wages over 2 years, But his sale price is only ?11 million.
                    - It will mean that the WHOLE POINT of the ML - finely crafting a team over the years, balancing experience and youth, tinkering with formations and tactics, and making key personnel adjustments; to create the perfectly well-balanced footballing machine carefully attuned to your style - is POINTLESS, as you have to make wholesale changes all the time.

                    This is a gamebreaker for us, and has ruined the ML. We're playing to the end of the current season to see what we're left with, but if half of our players are flogged by the AI to balance the books, the the game can get stuffed.


                      Sounds like a massive bug, sounds horrible, I have had cash issue in ML but not that. I`ve not heard of it before but. Send it to someone at W.E.N.B, or create a topic askin if anyone else has had the problem. There was a ML feedback section for PES 2012 but had to close now I think. I have not encountered that bug, but have had various A.I mess of them not reacting, I did have Zlatan Ibrahimovic screw me after me making him a monster for 4 seasons he left on the bosman.

                      The whole wage saying system in the new ML is not as good as the old ones, because in the current PES ML you feel like a bank manager rather than a football manager.

                      WENB people can perhaps pass on the problem to Konami.

                      WENB below

                      Last edited by JU!; 15-05-2011, 20:51.

