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Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

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    Just one addition since I last posted. Need a better DMF soon. That's next.


      Dodo is toss. Jaric has the same rating, but is better in the air (to win those opposition punts) and slightly tougher, I feel.


        Yeah regretting releasing Jaric. Saving up for possibly Raul Garcia.


          Just replaced Dodo, with a fairly cheap, creative and good passing DMF/CMF, Endo.


            My team is the default with the following adjustments:

            Tim Cahill is my SS. After getting him, I've been scoring a lot more and the wins started. Thunk I had 3 wins in 20 games before I got him.

            Berenguer is my DM. He was £1m so not too much and is pretty solid there.

            My last buy was Gera. Cheap for the stats. I've got him on my left wing and it sometimes seems as though he's a bit isolated as I am used to playing through my left channel rather than the right. Think my current record is 15/17/25. Not too shabby I suppose.


              Cahill is a great buy. I'm currently saving up a Michel Bastos for my left MF. He's about 2,900,000 and his stats a excellent.

              Would like to see more MLO teamsheets in here! C'mon!

              Oh and I saw that Ricky Van Wolfswinkel is priced at around 900,000. Decent little stats with a overall of 68.
              Last edited by hudson; 25-10-2010, 18:26.


                I'm not sure about 2011 but Cattermole was a great buy last year if you're looking for a cheap DMF, he was about 83 overall in 3 seasons (and didn't get an red cards )

                Just bought Juan Mata for my Juve team for just under 3mil, probably one of my favourite attacking players in the game


                  I've got Cahill and Ortega up front. Really Cahill is a great all rounder and does most of the work but having both of them Ortega is a great finisher... I scored an absolutely awesome scissors volley from outside the area with him to win 2-1 on the weekend.

                  I've then purchased Duffy in defence who seems to mop up well but I'm not that happy with him. I've got about $1m in the bank at the moment so the next purchase is looming.

                  What's annoying me though is I've yet to play any game of MLO that isnt lagging. I am always getting one red bar on the connection indicator and I've played guys from the UK, Spain, Italy and Ireland. No-one from this hemisphere as yet though when I go into normal online match lobbies theres always some people playing in the Japan servers. Hmm...

                  That said the fact MLO charges you entry fees and you dont get paid till the match completes means I've yet to have anyone quit on me (though sometimes I would understand) and generally everyone has been a delight to play against... friendly and appreciative.

                  It's made me actually adore PES all over again. This one mode has changed my perception of how a football game should be online... lag aside, letting people earn money for their clubs and tweak as they see fit etc... it keeps it engaging.

                  Its the best thing they've done with the series to date, hands down.


                    On the subject of lag, nonny, what version you on?

                    I'm over the moon with the online performance of PES 2011. I've racked up over 150 online ML matches so far and only 2 of them were 'postponed due to poor connections'. I'm on PS3.

                    I had been dreading the online this year (again) as it's been **** in all '08, '09 and '10 editions. Before 2011, PES6 on 360 was the last time I enjoyed online PES.


                      55 MLO games for me. I've had 2 disconnections. I was me, the other was the opponent. I've not had bad lag at all. No teleportations at all. Nonny, I recall you have lag with another game that you were trying to play with people globally. I'd have to say that could be the reason for the lag.

                      I am agreed that this mode has completely won me over. The main problem is that it can take a while to get the funds and build a team, but it's this pacing of the game and the fact that players are expensive in comparison that endears us to the mode. You wouldn't want to see a team full of superstars all the time, otherwise it'd be pointless and better to playing ranking games online.

                      As for the buys, Cahill is immense. Will mostly count as my best buy for a long time. Can't believe he cost me a mere ?2m. Oh, I found this out on PESfan but will regurgitate here: certain players will get +bonuses to their rating when played out of position in certain ways. Cahill is one of these. He gets a +8 (not 100% sure) when played up front with his role as CF. There are a number of players in the game with similar attributes but it's an important find for here.

                      I'm always on the lookout for bargain buys and recommendations people, keep them coming! Question: who are the deadliest finishers in the game?


                        How do I check what version I have guys?

                        I've actually got two versions, one I imported from the UK (so probably the same as you lot) and one I got given as a review copy. Both have lag issues but then I figure it's simply because matchmaking is opting to let me play against folks in Europe. Simple fact is at that distance latency is going to always be an issue... I am just surprised there is no-one closer to play in Australia, NZ, Japan etc...?

                        When it does lag it's not as bad as previous versions where it would stutter. Here it flows well but button input is slower to register so I have to literally predict the game with forward thinking. Amazingly I have won several matches with great goals and been able to cope defensively.

                        Depending on the time of day I've been checking the online lobbies present for normal online matches and the UK has the biggest contingent but never more than a few hundred online? Then for Asia there closest servers to me are Japan and the most I've seen in them is 10-20 players. I mean... surely there have to be more players online? Especially considering that this game comes up as PES/WE 2011 so they're playing the same game right?

                        Just seems weird to me.

                        Bottom line is... if I play FIFA against UK players its the same deal but there are more players playing locally in that. I've played some local matches with some mates who are in Melbourne though and that was near perfection. As a result I would say the netcode is decent in this but perhaps the matchmaking is flawed?


                          Ok to answer my own question, I've done a bit of searching online and found out we get the same version locally as you guys as Konami distributes the same PAL code here as they do in Europe.

                          Now does this mean (horrifically) that we only get matched up to UK/EU players? Because if that is the case then who's bright idea was that in Konami? Please tell me that isnt the case and that it calculated quality players based on ping/distance/latency.


                            Nonny, in your online settings see if your prefered language is set to English speaking opponents. Maybe changing it to a closer country will help?

                            It's a long shot, mind


                              I'll give it a try when I get home mate (in work at the moment). I did see those settings for close skill match, language and so on but I didnt bother changing them.

                              All I did was set my location to Australia when setting up my MLO.


                                Couple of questions.

                                Are the servers down ATM?
                                Can you restart your MLO?

