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Super Meat Boy (XBLA)

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    Super Meat Boy (XBLA)

    Surprised there isn't a thread on this. The critical reaction to SMB has been immense. 10s have been thrown round with the sort of wild abandon usually reserved for Halo titles and people rating my skills as a lover.

    I tried the demo. My problem with games like this and N+, Trials HD et al is that I find no fun in being challenged any more.

    As I've grown older my brain has literally rejected challenge in all forms. In my last job I managed to avoid doing any form of mental assessment or self improvement for 7 years, and yet still managed to get promoted 3 or 4 times. Which proves that it is possible to enjoy life without challenging yourself mentally or physically and it's also possible to fool managers by learning long words and wearing a nice tie.

    But I digress. Super Meat Boy is all about trial and error. You die. A lot. Over and over again. The theory is of course that each time you die you "learn something". Each death is one step on the long path to spiritual enlightenment and true gaming enjoyment. For me it doesn't work like that. I'm the boy who liked to get a gold star for turning in his homework, regardless of quality. I liked to be told I was good simply because I hadn't been bad. I like showers of achievements, costumes, videos and avatar rewards in my games for very little effort at my end. I am very much everything that is wrong with 21st century humanity.

    That said, SMB has razor sharp controls, is fairly funny in the way that funny videogames are fairly funny in a raise-the-corner-of-your-mouth-and-make-a-sort-of-snorting-noise sense and I can see the old skool retro gaming crowd embracing it with open arms.

    For me, life is too short. I am too lazy. I can't be bothered. 3/10.
    Farmfood sausages
    ALDI sausages
    ASDA Value Pate
    Tesco own brand bacon
    Morrison's Rotisserie Chicken
    Your mum's Sunday Roast
    Anything meat based from M&S
    Waitrose Deli counter ham
    Steak cooked by a proper chef

    I think its absolutly brilliant. Full of Whimsy and rage. The jumping is rediculously precise and the level design really enjoyable. Gets full marks from me, can't wait to play some more later.


      You live in Swansea though. I imagine the need to move nimbly through environments without being mercilessly punished by someone or something comes naturally.


        I liked the trial, and if it was out during the dry summer months would have bought it, but i got Kirbys epic yarn, Time Crisis and Vanquish all today so i just dont have the time to justify 800 pts even on this one.


          Here is a copy and paste job of what I posted on another thread:

          I just tried the demo and as I thought it's not for me. Feels like a frustrating flash game, and based on the demo there isn't enough meat on the bones of the gameplay for me (sorry!).


            I haven't played this yet but after watching this video

            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            I needed to buy it before I even saw the game itself. A genius play on the SF2 intro!


              Love the humour and style but I am weak and have limited patience i think I'm just gonna look on youtube for the funny bits and in jokes, much less stressful.

              Loved the intro but I'm a little worried about the development team, do you think they hate women? bandage girl seems to get punched in the face quite a bit throughout the game.


                I played the first world last night and sort of liked it but sort of got irritated by it, never even realised the replay shows shadows of my failures.

                will play again but can't see it up there as the finest thing on xbla at the moment


                  I think its hilarious and good fun, the end ch3 animation had me lol. I haven't had too much trouble, once you get use to the speed and jumps you will only get frustrated at your own incompetance. I was only on Ch2 an hour ago, i'm now on Ch4.

                  However, the bandages, dark world and warp zones. Will test your patience as they are nefariously evil.


                    As i stated in the review thread its full of bugs and keeps losing track of which levels i have completed, meaning I have to do most of them twice at least. Also seems to do a very bad job of showing me which badages I have collected as only a few show up on the map screen.

                    Besides that its good, ive no idea how I am suppose to rate it though, i'm presuming the steak at the bottom is suppose to be 10? That dosent relaly make sense to me, I love most meat but i dont like steak, farmfoods sausages taste better to me.

                    Not sure if that poll is gonna help people decided to buy it or not.
                    Last edited by rmoxon; 21-10-2010, 15:28.


                      Poll needs a meat substitute - quorn perhaps?


                        Oh ffs, no one would vote fo Quorn. I do hope not anyway, its ghastly!


                          I rated it as some Meat from Marks and Spencers as I presume thats suppose to be an 8.

                          However I probabaly should have waited, if they dont fix the bugs it deserves a 5. Though 5 is Chicken from Morrisons and thats probabaly actualy more tasty than Marks and Spencers brand.

                          Also, how come there isnt any bacon on the list?

                          Everyone loves Bacon.


                            Super Quorn Boy, with easier levels to stop iron deficient marine biologists and Guardian readers from fainting from the exertion.

                            rmoxon - You need to take a deep breath and accept my new revolutionary meat based scale. It's going to take a little faith in old cavalcade, but if you let go of numbers and embrace my meat you'll be a happier man for it.

                            Also, there is bacon on the scale. Tesco own brand, containing so much water that when it's fried there's a serious risk of drowning.


                              Can all this score talk be moved to the score thread please?

                              Its making me hungry.

