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Super Meat Boy (XBLA)

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    Originally posted by Charlie View Post
    It's certainly satisfying (not to mention relieving) completing the more difficult stages. It's funny but I found the Chapter 2 (the Hospital) much harder than Chapter 3 (the Salt Factory). Can't stand the warp stages, my gaming ability simply isn't up to their demands, they cross the line from fun into infuriating as far as I'm concerned and enduce swearing aplenty.
    Chapter 2 is much harder than chapter 3, its the fans, as I keep saying they make no sense.


      Awesome game as expected really.
      Loved N+ but this is leagues ahead in terms of style and substance also feels a little bit faster paced, sometime N+ ninja man was a bit weighty I like the floatyness from the boy of meat.
      I love the 16 bit/gameboy style warp levels, even managed to find a corrupted level on Chapter 1 and for the life of me been tearing my face off trying to get past it since.
      Had a gander at Teh Internets and those levels are pure evil genius, if this is a sign of the free DLC to come, bring it on I say.
      The best game you could buy for 800 points right now on XBLA I would say.
      Oh and Chapter 4's ending outro was a funny one.


        Ready to now put myself in the loving it camp, knew I needed to stick with it.

        Brilliant game, given me the 'claw' too. Think it's probably better than N+


          Yeah it's definately better than N+, when you've played a level 50 times and you can nail the wall jumping and running in the exact same places, it makes you feel pretty aweseom. It's a little bit like doing a big long acrobatic chain in Prince of Persia


            i like the way you actually build up skill in the levels and bits you couldn't do at the beginning you sail thru every time, also its a bit like Trials in that once you've done a level you can go back and do it at will, at least in the first couple of worlds.

            I found the 3rd world far easier than the 2nd 2.

            you do have to be in the right frame of mind to play it and impatient gamers shouldn't bother.

            I need to get a few more bandages though to unlock teh internets.

            the control is sublime and the highest praise I can give is its on par with Mario perfection.


              I wish I thought the control sublime but midway through Chapter 5 I still think it's a touch floaty and, dare I say, even a bit sticky.


                As SOON as I saw the level I was like, that the kid from I wanna be the guy?
                Jesus wept tears of blood, 2 hours on 3 levels to unlock that little bastard! The 1st level was the hardest, they got easier from there.
                Least the levels were not as unfair as the actual game I wanna be the guy, that game is a crazy joke!


                  Hehe, I thought the second level was by far the worst. I can do the first in about 5 minutes now, if that.

                  I've just unlocked 'I'm A Golden God!" even though I haven't 100%'d the game. I've got all the other achievements, but I haven't finished all the dark levels, A'd them all, collected all the bandages, got all characters etc.

                  Pisses me off to be honest, I'd rather have unlocked that once I actually get 100%, which I still will. I've emailed the guys about it, I don't think it's fair if people will get the achievement without actually 100%ing it.

                  Just unlocked

                  Meat Ninja

                  too so either I did something in a level that unlocked him, or he's a reward for 100%ing the game.

                  Edit: Saying that though, in the Statistics menu I've just checked, it says Total Progress: 102%. So I duno what to think :S

                  If that's legit, I feel cheated. Lol.
                  Last edited by Synthesthesia; 24-10-2010, 20:06.


                    Save bug messes with the completing percentage. The patch will fix it and mean you wouldn't have earned the achievement, too late now though


                      This game is utterly brilliant.

                      I have managed to get over 100% on world 1 but I don't see myself ever getting all the bandages or fully completing this game.

                      It is great how it never feels frustrating even though you die so many many time.

                      Just need to complete 1 more level on world 4 to unlock the boss. Some of them are hard enough in the light world now, I can't imagine how bad the dark world is going to be.

                      Oh did anyone else think world 3 had some great nods to Canabalt as well?


                        Got a reply from Edmund:

                        You dont need A+ to 100% the game, you just need to beat all the levels and get all the bandaids.

                        We will be fixing up all bug issues in our title update, we will also be releasing a new music track and 20 level internets chapter along with it to make up for the annoyances.

                        Glad you like the game though

                        Spread the word! Its fans like you that will sell this game and fund our next title.
                        Don't think they've said anywhere else about getting 20 new levels with the patch?


                          Knew there was free DLC containing new stages coming, didn't know it would be delivered via the patch.


                            Yeah, I knew we had free stages coming, I've played teh internets, just didn't know when. That's what I'm saying, it's been confirmed off him they're coming with that patch, and that patch will be getting rushed along I'd guess so they'll be due soon.
                            Last edited by Synthesthesia; 25-10-2010, 11:22.


                              Cool beans. Are teh internets stages harder than the game's regular stages, only I'm struggling with those. Good job getting 200/200 GS too, can't see myself doing that. Ever.


                                Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                                Cool beans. Are teh internets stages harder than the game's regular stages, only I'm struggling with those. Good job getting 200/200 GS too, can't see myself doing that. Ever.
                                Thanks man

                                Yeah, I seem to remember some of them being tough. However there was one I managed to (I assume) glitch, you have to go through the inside of a mountain with like 4 or 5 saw blades inside. You can just jump over the top of it, off the top of the screen and run past it .

                                They're not as hard as

                                Cotton Alley

                                which has a level called "Brag Rights" in the dark world (last level). Which I also managed to get an A on That was fun.

