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    Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
    I'm actually, ironically, tempted to pick this up today. Anyone seen the final PS3 version? I've been reading around the net and general opinion seems to favour it over the 360 version but to my eyes the game looked much better on 360 when it came to the demo's.
    It's Unreal engine innit, I imagine the 360 version has the edge as that has been the case in almost every UE powered game since release. This one ma be different though, if you are concerned, hang on a few days and there will be Digital Foundary Comparison no doubt.

    Just started playing, I liked the opening sequence, especially the broken door. I wonder if both version's are broken in the same way...

    Was just having a giggle at how short the main character seems to be in the First person view. I seem to be staring straight at my partner's nipple
    Last edited by EvilBoris; 25-02-2011, 15:04.


      Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
      Was just having a giggle at how short the main character seems to be in the First person view. I seem to be staring straight at my partner's nipple
      This happens in alot of FPS's for some reason.


        I suppose it's because the standard field of view if the camera was at head height wouldn't let you see the gun.

        So they have the choice of having the gun near the characters head so the view is at their real height or having the camera's view where the gun would be held, thus making the character seem really short.

        Can't say I've ever noticed it as much as this in a game before.


          I'm thinking of picking up the pc version, does anyone know if it has achievements?


            Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
            I'm thinking of picking up the pc version, does anyone know if it has achievements?
            Its game for windows live i think so it uses your 360 tag for achivements.


              well...this has impressed me alot better story mode then i was expecting some really amazing set pieces and scale of them to are really good

              was afraid the skill shot thing wouldnt be that well balanced but it feels good to me as you always need points


                I'm finding this OK. At times it's very enjoyable, but I'm not into it as most people here are. Suspect this will be a very short lived experience.

                Getting a bit of motion sickness as well, so will probably take it back after the weekend


                  Will they take it back when it has a downloadable code in it?

                  I had a moment of weirdness that I suspect could of turned into motion sickness if I was more sensitive to it, but it subsided.

                  I'm still pleasently surprised about this, it plays like the demo but as others have said there is lots of story. too much at times , I just want to kill stuff.

                  It's very varied though, what other FPS lets you take control of a giant Remote control Robotic Godzilla and use it's eyes to shoot lasers everywhere?


                    Unsure if the code will affect things. Every so often a game gives me motion sickness - start sweating, feeling sick, lol. Playing through it is usually the worst thing to do for me. Still, this is nowhere near as bad as Half Life 2 and Metroid Prime - in Prime I couldn't last more than a few minutes, never felt like that in my life.

                    From what I've played, I can't see it being fun to replay. There are times it's highly enjoyable, but at others it can get samey quickly. The Skillshot point stuff is like the ultimate extension of the CoD experience system, constant affirmation for the number of us gamers who increasingly Want It All Now. I think the game needs to calm down, as all the cool set pieces meld together. Constant Wow!!! moments tend to have a negative effect.

                    I like the control system. The combat feels very meaty, very assured. I'm enjoying the dialogue; tongue in cheek works very well. "I'm going to kill your dicks!" "What does that even mean?" very good Though I'm sure that's a riff on a Will Ferrel movie.


                      Also what game lets you boogie to Disco Inferno whilst shooting a guys arse off, GOTY just for it's inclusion.
                      The songs inclusion that is.


                        This game contains more inventive uses of the word "dick" than I ever thought was possible.

                        "You scared my dick off"

                        "Im gonna Kill Your dick"

                        "Dick Tits!"

                        Its genius!


                          I enjoy trying to get the killshots, it's just a shame most of them are fairly simplistic, I keep wanting to do 2 or 3 step ones for silly combos


                            There are a few which require multiple weapons. I seem to be using the same ten or so Skillshots over and over, I know Epic introduced the Echo mode for this reason though.

                            I'm finding the story in this surprisingly good, and the pacing is really well balanced. The set pieces come as think and fast as Cod Blops but it feels so much better here.

                            I've hit a fairly major bug unfortunately and I don't seem to be able to progress off chapter 3. I hit a set piece and Ishy says "What's the plan" and then he just stands there, I fall off a cliff and land on a tiny platform below and there is nothing I can do down there. The scripting seems to have broken. Reloaded the level and everything


                              Clear you cache!

                              I've found the collision detect to be a bit iffy, in the demo I managed to get stuck on top of a bit of rock and was unable to move.

                              In the full game my dinosaur got stuck and I had to reload and I fell through the floor and didn't die so had to reload.

                              Even though it's quite an ugly game there are some nice bits, liked that view where you could see that town up the hill and then there was a big sci fi city in the background


                                I'll try that next time I'm on, thanks. Pubbing it all day today!

                                I don't agree its an ugly game, I find the art design is excellent and very refreshing for a shooter. You must have "oooooh'ed" at the 3D textures?

