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    No, all it has is a code to access online play for Bulletstorm. You want in on beta early you need the Epic Edition branded copy.


      Finished and was a joy from start to finish.

      Most fun I've had with a game in ages

      Credits roll for over 5mins but you do get an interesting bit of dialogue at the end if you stick with them, not sure you get it if you quit out early.


        You can quit the credits and I got the dialogue. It was a fantastic game. No pretensions just a slick, fun shooty experience!!


          Enjoyed it more last night than Friday. It's funny though, the more [killing] options a game offers, the more limiting it seems.

          Can't recall the last time I played such a corridor based shooter.


            Glitchy bast of a game!

            I'm stuck on some level, something collapses and I suspect somethings is meant to happen, but ishi just stands there then I fall a long way and get stuck


              there's a fu*k tonne of glitches where you can get stuck on stuff to if you slide.


                RIP Willerton... I miss you


                  Originally posted by Matt View Post
                  Enjoyed it more last night than Friday. It's funny though, the more [killing] options a game offers, the more limiting it seems.

                  Can't recall the last time I played such a corridor based shooter.
                  Yeah you are just basicaly doing the same thing over and over, despite what some people have just said in here about it not being pretentious, id have to argue that the games focus on Skillshots makes it seem like the developer thinks you have more options than they actualy give you. Once you get to the third chapter or so the game really just descends into sniper rifle spamming.

                  Having said that its still a fantastic game thats never anything less than fun.
                  Last edited by rmoxon; 28-02-2011, 00:54.


                    can't say I ended up sniper rifle spamming, only ever really used it in the bits that were set for it intentionally.

                    can see why people wouldn't go for this but its never pretentious and its never claimed from what I've seen to be anything other than what they deliver.


                      I rarely use the sniper rifle either. I tend to switch weapons whenever I get the option to do so.

                      I'm stuck on some level, something collapses and I suspect somethings is meant to happen, but ishi just stands there then I fall a long way and get stuck
                      Same happened to me at that point. You will have the do the level again (which is a pain as it is one of the longer ones). Make sure the woman is following you, the bug happens when she gets stuck.


                        well completed it...great game the combat is so fun will definetly go back to it

                        just very very short felt like they could have added so much more in regards to levels and weapons


                          Originally posted by merf View Post
                          can't say I ended up sniper rifle spamming, only ever really used it in the bits that were set for it intentionally.

                          can see why people wouldn't go for this but its never pretentious and its never claimed from what I've seen to be anything other than what they deliver.
                          Well I have been spamming the sniper rifile, you can often get around 150 points for a single kill, its the easist way to earn lots of SP really, plus it kills everyone in one it even if you mess up as far as getting a good killshot is concerned.

                          Cant understand why people wouldnt use it alot.
                          Last edited by rmoxon; 28-02-2011, 08:56.


                            I don't use it a lot because i'm loving the challenge of ticking off all the skillshots. What a fun game, it's definitely reminded me why FPS can be so enjoyable.


                              Best bit so far is

                              Waggleton P. Tallywacker the robot dinosaur that fires lasers from its eyes

                              surely this weapon will go down in history as the coolest in any game ever, and what a name Pmsl


                                For any follow iMac gamers, it seems to run really well on max settings at 1080p.

                                I appreciate this is a corridor shooter, but like popcorn, I can't help enjoying it!

                                Love the crysis sunrays too.

