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    The sunrays were highlighted in a recent "new UE3 features" video. Very impressive, look really good in the game. Gets me excited about the updated ue3 they've just started talking about.

    Shame the engine still can't do decent skin. I did think that the "sunray" ue3 had improved streaming as well, but alas there were still loads of loading screens


      Originally posted by Matt View Post
      The sunrays were highlighted in a recent "new UE3 features" video. Very impressive, look really good in the game. Gets me excited about the updated ue3 they've just started talking about.

      Shame the engine still can't do decent skin. I did think that the "sunray" ue3 had improved streaming as well, but alas there were still loads of loading screens
      Where are the loading screens Matt? Are you on PC? I didnt notice any yet, but I am only on Chapter 3. Do they come later?


        Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
        Where are the loading screens Matt? Are you on PC? I didnt notice any yet, but I am only on Chapter 3. Do they come later?
        Sorry, I should of been clearer. I don't mean "loading screens" as in "running through a forest in Oblivion of look it's Loading again", I mean between Chapters / Acts.

        For a game that seemingly should be embracing a flowing, arcade sensibility, I found both the loading between acts and the disjointed cutscenes distracted from the experience. But you know me, always picking holes in things

        Edit - I'm on 360.


          Originally posted by Matt View Post
          Sorry, I should of been clearer. I don't mean "loading screens" as in "running through a forest in Oblivion of look it's Loading again", I mean between Chapters / Acts.

          For a game that seemingly should be embracing a flowing, arcade sensibility, I found both the loading between acts and the disjointed cutscenes distracted from the experience. But you know me, always picking holes in things

          Ahhh the old Gears of war "FInger in ear" scenes... Yeah.

          Well better than a space ship elevator I suppose. They will get there in the end.

          Lovely looking game though, but much easier for a corridor shooter to look good, still doesn't beat Crysis for openworld visuals.


            Been thrashing away at this and it's a little mixed. There's some twists in the events but it's s*** as a narrative so i'm way into glossing over the details but that's ok as it's no space opera. I can feel areas are set up for combo chaining but the more I play the more restrictive it feels. Most of the time you have only one or two options for how to take out an enemy in any particular area. Towards the end you have all weapons and unlocks so the game seems to spam you with enemies at the expense of the earlier awesome set pieces. I think I'd rather be carrying the full arsenal at all times and get scored for creative mix & match juggling combo's rather than sticking them on a spike for the 300th time.

            Overall it's been great fun but I'm glad it's no longer as the ideas are slowing. The potential for a sequel is massive for this though. The reviews have been over enthusiastic but it's still a little corker.


              Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
              Been thrashing away at this and it's a little mixed. There's some twists in the events but it's s*** as a narrative so i'm way into glossing over the details but that's ok as it's no space opera.
              It's a simple story but compared to most games it is actually rather well done in my opinion. The script and voice acting may be massively OTT but under all the swearing and dick killing there are some nice observations and genuine character development.
              It's Crank: The Videogame.

              But better.


                I had a quick test of this and it looks and runs amazing on my aging rig. I have a solid framerate & maximum settings (only thing disabled is AA) on 1920x1080. Can't wait for my cheap limited edition copy to arrive from India!


                  Had a blast at anarchy lat night in 2-player, it was really good fun! Properly enjoyed the riotus antics that ensued.


                    Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                    It's a simple story but compared to most games it is actually rather well done in my opinion. The script and voice acting may be massively OTT but under all the swearing and dick killing there are some nice observations and genuine character development.
                    It's Crank: The Videogame.

                    But better.
                    Totally agree. I am at the very last part of the game & have had a real blast.

                    Tweaked some settings and have been enjoying the game at 2560x1440 lets face it, this is a fantastic looking game. Still can't shoot lights or blow up the walls though!

                    A brilliant popcorn game worth any shooters attention IMHO.


                      Finished today. Felt vert GOW in a positive way, and UE3 does look good. I give this game a well deserved 8, a top bit of entertainment.

                      Some HD pictures of the game UE3 effects: (Spoilers)

                      I will repeat though, it does bug me that I can't

                      1.) Damage the scenery
                      2.) Shoot lights!!

                      Well worth a go this game, and if you have a gaming PC it is an essential purchase to see how Epic have progressed with Unreal Engine 3.


                        Wow that lighting looks awesome. Sadly it will look nothing like that when I finally fire it up on PS3.


                          Picked this up today. A choice between KZ3 or this game. I made the right decision, as what an amazing game. Everthingy that games like KZ2 and 3 aren't. I think I wet myslef with laughter when you enter

                          the disco and it starts playing Disco Inferno in the background as you mow down the enemies.

                          Just simply a brilliant game and finally GoW type gore and humour for the PS3.


                            Finished this the other night and it really is one of the best games on the system. Fun throughout, never outstayed its welcome and enough to go back to afterwards. Oh, and it looks insanely good at times too. Loved the art style of the city, such a wonderful creation.
                            I thought the ending was pretty good too, not sure what the complaints are. Got pretty tough in some of 7.1 and that was probably the only time I got frustrated with it, but I was trying to tidy up a few more skill shots rather than play it normally

                            Slowing making my way through Echoes, getting some alright scores but I'm surprised how easy it is to get 3 stars on them (so far). Some of you guys are destroying my scores though!

                            Multiplayer is good fun but also a little broken. Too often you end up joining a game in progress at a really high level and so you stand little chance with no weapons or upgrades. If you start from round one it is a good laugh if the same people stay with you but if you have one bad (not playing the team game) player in your group then its impossible in the higher ranks. Finally, I'm finding that it is a bit random with its Team skillshots, sometimes it doesn't seem to register properly...but I guess that could be said of the single player too.


                              Anyone encountered problems with the online? Joined a game of Anarchy and it hung at the loading screen. I had to turn off the PS3 and when I try to join a multiplayer game nothing happens, just a clicking noise as I press the Multiplayer option in the menu. Won't move beyond that at all. I deleted the game save but still the same. Corrupted pass code perhaps? Sucks balls anyway as I can't play MP.


                                Was quite enjoying this but tired of it towards the end. Whilst a good idea the kill shot things were so unvaried I found myself doing the same thing over and over again, there was no way to chain them other than with explosives which meant that if you found a move that scored high you were better off to use it over and over than do anything else.

                                For anybody interested you can trade it in for £35 at GAME until the 21st or £36 at Gamestation if you match and +£1 them.

