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The 3rd Birthday [PSP]

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    The 3rd Birthday [PSP]

    Parasite Eve has it's ardent fans.
    The first game being an RPG/ action hybrid with the second rendition firmly relying on action whilst riding on the heels of the Survival Horror genre. Now the 3rd Birthday looks to shake things up again by shifting paradigms and wanting to catch up with the Jones' by going with the Third Person Shooter route. Of course with RPG-lite mechanics and a smattering of Japanese-horror-melodrama thrown in for good measure.

    Though the first few hours (with my current first playthrough on Chapter 4) are quite challenging, even on Normal difficulty. Mainly because of Aya taking hits like a baby, thus snuffing out in 3-4 hits unless you manage to 'Overdrive' and claim the form of another nearby soldier/ survivor. Speaking of which, there are a few new system mechanics to get used to:

    Tapping Triangle will teleport Aya to the nearest living Soldier or survivor. Useful for getting better angles on the enemy, or avoiding death.

    Overdive Kill
    At certain times when engaging the enemy a Triangle icon will flash on the target, hit it and Aya will destroy it, providing it's low on health, otherwise the target will lose a chunk of health but stay on screen. Also It's the only way to get OE (Overdrive Energy) chips to customise Aya with.

    When there's support from other soldiers, hold down the L trigger and once the meter is full press R, and your support should pump the target full of lead.

    Liberation Assualt
    In other words, your limit break. If you do enough damage to fill the bar, pressing triangle + circle with initiate it. In this brief moment Aya will have increased damage and speed.

    There's the rudimentary weapons shop where you can buy pistols/ assault rifles/ shotguns/ sniper rifles/ launchers. Most will be unlocked as you progress through the game. As with all good implements of destruction, it would be rude if you couldn't pimp it out in upgrades. And you can do just that, with magazine extensions/ stocks/ better bullets. All must be bought via the in game currency of Battle Points, which are gained through defeating enemies.

    At the moment I'm fiddling about with the DNA board and mixing different OE chips to get some sort of decent low level skills. As the game doesn't tell you much about certain things, there's the in game dossier to refer to (or a decent FAQ) if you want more information about things.

    As I've heard through the grapevine, the main game is quite short, thus encouraging multiple replays.

    Really fancy this as I adore parasite eve! Sadly I missed my chance to preorder at 17.99 an it's 25 everywhere now so I'm going to have to wait


      The first game is mighty stuff. This game, so far I've played, is not up to snuff but still a very solid PSP release. Its some sort of a brainless TPS with a deep customization and a refreshing overdive system. It works for handheld usage, PE1 would probably be too slow.

      Plotwise, I hoped for something else.


        Got this on the weekend with some trade ins, I'm a bit disapointed if I'm honest. Story isn't up to much at the moment, and doesn't really feel like a Parasite Eve game. Ayas character seems to have completely changed, and I just don't understand why they couldn't have left it as a survival horror/rpg, rather than the basic TPS we've got. There really doesnt seem to be alot to the mechanics at all.

        Story is a bit wank so far, pretty cutscenes, but time travel? Not really much to do with the themes of the first two. I'll persevere though! Twisted edition is nice though.


          Anyone get the Twisted Edition and have an upside-down artbook?


            Not me...


              Hmm. Guess I was "lucky". Emailed Square-Enix about it as Play say they've supplied the product they promised so won't do anything. Nobtits...


                I take it this is out pal? I want it but can't afford it and I think it might become rare in the future.


                  It came out Friday.


                    Just finished this. What a bag of ****e.


                      How import friendly is it? Is English text a must?
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        I think not, the menus were quite English from what I gather and trust me your better off playing this without understanding the story at all. Its either the worst storyline in a game ever, or pretty close to it. If you love PE1, you will absolutely hate this story.

                        Started to get bored this game lately. The repetitive design and cheapness factor got the better of me. Tried it today but was just annoyed by the terrible story and the levels that take too long and too boring. I also get a lot of FF XIII flashbacks. The design is the same, repeated linear hallways and nonsensical storytelling. They are almost identical.

                        I'm a big fan of PE1, its one of my favourite games, but this one... I only give it the benefit of the doubt to finish it because its technically a new PE. But I think the series is gone for good by now. Which is actually okay, if I'm being honest PE only has one good game in the franchise and that is the very first one. Disliked the second too. On a positive note, the soundtrack is extremely good.

                        I'd rather spend my time with Tactics Ogre, or Dissidia 2 which is actually better than I expected.
                        Last edited by saturn-gamer; 23-04-2011, 21:57.


                          Finished it.

                          The pros:

                          +Challenging, not an easy game.
                          +Upgrade system is kind of original


                          -Repetitive design
                          -Boring at times
                          -Dani Alves.., sorry, Diving doesn't add much to strategy and is mostly scripted anyway.

                          This storyline is hands down the worst I've witnessed in ages. I hoped I wouldn't see a worse story than I found in Star Ocean 4, but here it is. This one takes it.
                          Last edited by saturn-gamer; 29-04-2011, 17:57.


                            The story in this is truly an abortion. I really wanted something akin to the previous PE's, it's somewhat of a rare breed, but this was a completely different genre, with character names shoehorned in. An utter travesty of a game.


                              Well well, what contrasting views.

                              I picked this up for a tenner for the Twisted edition and I totally love it, best game i have played this year. It does have a weak story and slightly repetative design but I I love the mechanics of it. The overdiving is great fun and trying not to lose your fellow soldiers is totally gripping. I feel genuine guilt when I abandon them to die so I can save myself.

                              Combat system works really well. A little fiddly at times but overall I never felt like it wasn't my fault when I died. Difficullty is also high, playing on normal now and sometimes I got my arse handed to me. A quick change of tactics though, be it guns or approach and I would often get through the same area unscathed.

                              The customisation element is very good. Creating DNA boards for stat boosts is very satisfying, especially when discovering new traits. Gun modding is very cool too. It allows you to choose guns suited for power, overdive activation or a balance. Also you can only carry 2 custom guns so your choice is important.

                              Presentation is spot on. Music is brilliant, really driving in the combat zones and melodic in the quieter moments. Graphics are top draw PSP quality. Voiceovers are solid, nothing special but not awful.

                              I really loved it. I never expected too, I picked it up simply because it was a tenner new for the L.E. After an hours play I was hooked into it. 14 hours in and I think I am close to the finish.

