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Brink [PC/PS3/Xbox 360]

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    Brink [PC/PS3/Xbox 360]

    I was on the fence with this, and even contemplating not even opening this and just returning it in the anticipation that this will be a bargain basement game in two weeks.

    To carry on the comments made by varying publications in general it feels underwhelming, rough around the edges. I concur. Along with getting various framerate skittishness/ framerate spikes whilst playing solo only bot campaign that has been reported, I've also had the sound also crap out intermittently then come back.

    As I feared about the SMART movement, it does seem quite restrictive in what you can do. Obvious signposted objects leading to higher ledges are easy enough to navigate, but it's the conspicuous environments that you think you can climb over but can't. I'm non-plussed about this really.

    I've not had a chance to go online yet, as I'm just being an offline-warrior and trying to unlock all the weapon attachments/ perks before I get royally shafted online. Unlike many games of its ilk, the attachments seem to be only unlocked via the 'challenges' mode (which can be played with up to 4 players) and perks are unlocked by using tokens, which I presume you get each time you level up or pass a certain XP threshold. Each perk will cost a differing amount of coins depending on what they are and class etc.

    Also, the other two body types (light/ heavy) are not available to select from the off. You're going to have to level up in XP before you can change weight class.

    Speaking of XP, you get it like for anything. Even landing x1 bullet on an enemy.

    I'm going to stick with it. But sooner other than later it's going to be consigned to the pile and Halo Reach will retain the my FPS fix for the time being.

    seems like a major disappointment for me. i've seen a playable alpha of Brink 3 years ago at gamescom and ever since really had high hopes for this to successfully blend a fluid first person movement system with elements of a co-operative shooter. but from what i've read so far there's just team-based multiplayer online, right?


      I would imagine that the online is where it's at for this. Playing this single player to me is a complete waste, and I'm not expecting anything other than a brilliant online teamplay experience - Something that I thought the game conveyed wonderfully at EG Expo last year when I had my time with the game.

      I'm still hopeful that performance issues aside, once they're patched etc, that the teamplay aspect of this is going to keep me playing it.


        Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
        Playing this single player to me is a complete waste
        Agreed. Any multiplayer game played vs bots is going to be rubbish. The real test will be organised teams of humans clashing in glorious combat!

        I really hope Brink is good as there are no decent twitchy team based shooters around at the moment other than TF2 - and i've done that to death.


          I have a friend who only ever plays the multiplayer element of a game so its funny to see people complaining about the singleplayer being weaker than the multiplayer. My friend is overjoyed that its not got a SP element mostly games have weak MP experiences. His copy arrived today so I will be interested in hearing from him.


            I'm looking to the MP too. I've hardly touched the SP on Black Ops cos I wanted it for MP.


              So I've been a bit of a naughty boy and used the VPN trick to unlock this early on Steam.

              Early impressions: Performance issues all the time with the bots. Oh dear... The game goes from being really, really smooth to stuttering and juddering as soon as so many bots come into play. I don't get it. Something's really, really weird here.

              I'm playing on an nvidia card as well so it's not the ATI glitch/incompatibility that people are mentioning.

              With that aside, the game plays exactly the same as what I've previously played, so in a team this game is going to be completely awesome. Go into it expecting to work as a team, as doing things like defending teammates, performing objectives, guarding people performing objectives, reviving teammates, repairing structures etc are going to give you much more experience points than killing enemies.

              Going around wiping the floor with the enemy team will only get you so far, they've really done a lot to encourage teamplay here. They've COMPLETELY done away with recording kills/deaths in game score, and just gone purely on experience points which is REALLY lovely, and will show you who's really putting effort into making sure your team completes the objective.

              It plays very smoothly (gameplay wise, not performance wise), and even someone that doesn't know what they're doing will get a lot out of this. Choose your class, use the objective wheel to pick your objective, and you get points for doing it. Simple. Medic will get objectives to heal, buff, revive etc.

              I don't understand the negative reviews personally. The technical issues are annoying, yes. These can be patched however, and the game underneath all of that feels awesome.


                Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                So I've been a bit of a naughty boy and used the VPN trick to unlock this early on Steam.
                Are there different types of online team based matches, or is it story mode co-op online only?


                  Originally posted by EDDIE M0NS00N View Post
                  Are there different types of online team based matches, or is it story mode co-op online only?
                  You can either do Campaign solo or online, or you can go Free Play which is going to be the main multiplayer mode.

                  You can either do Objective or Stopwatch multiplayer, which are the same kinda thing except Stopwatch is where the teams switch sides and the fastest attacking team wins.

                  In Free Play though you can set custom rules up. I don't know what extent they go to though.

                  It's all based around the same maps / gameplay concept.

                  It feels a LOT like Enemy Territory which really isn't surprising considering it's Splash Damage. If you liked the ET games, I really don't think you can go wrong at all with this.
                  Last edited by Silvergun X; 12-05-2011, 21:10.


                    Good feedback there. I'll pick this up tomorrow


                      So a couple of impressions from playing this online, now it's 'officially' been unlocked.

                      I initially had connection issues with the game booting me out after 10 seconds of play. I've had to DMZ my machine in order to play correctly. Not a good start.

                      The games are a little laggy but still play perfectly fine. It's great fun playing this with a couple of mates... However my biggest issue is the fact that nobody's actually performing the objectives.

                      I joined half way through a game and immediately shot up to the top of the EXP list by about 1500xp, running around reviving everyone and trying to defend our objectives.


                        Had a few hours on this now (360) and at first it was hard to maintain a decent connection but eventually it settled and ran fine. It's true that many don't bother with the objectives which allows the smarter gamer to hoard XP. It's really very fun when working though the free running is useless. I read there are 20 ranks and in a few hours I'm upto near Rank 8 so its a short one too.


                          Since it's kind of more relevent in here.
                          Splash Damage have updated the game and announced that June DLC with new maps will be free, as thanks for supporting them.


                            Awesome stuff.

                            So I figured out that the PC performance issues that I was having were down to my setup. I've completely reinstalled everything on my laptop and I've just had a VAST increase in performance. Much more playable!


                              I've just read a review of the game that I agree with 100%.

                              Funnily enough, it was actually on Something Awful.

                              Brink has a ton of issues, from technical problems to design flaws to a limited amount of content. It's also the best team-based shooter since Team Fortress 2.

                              That sums up my love for the game, to be honest. It's got it's technical issues, but the game itself is definitely a 9/10. I've been hammering it today and it's just getting better and better.

