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Dark Souls

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    That eureka moment will be plunging attacks. Easy boss when you nail that down.


      Originally posted by englishbob View Post
      Played for 3 hours straight tonight and got absolutely nowhere whatsoever.

      Still have not managed to defeat the Tarus Demon in Undead Burg. I think it highlights what I don't like about 3D gaming, that being boss encounters. Have never really adjusted to them from 2D. However the terrible lock-on in this, the mad camera and the sheer amount of damage a boss can give you is a bit of a turn-off. (The framerate during one attempt also dropped to about 2fps on PS3).

      I may return tomorrow when its dark but I cannot see myself getting past this at all. To watch me attempt to fight a boss in most 3D games is hilarious anyway, but contolling your character, hitting the right attack buttons, defensive stances, the bloody camera and locking/breaking free the lock-on, and the reluctance to experiment because the downfall is so damm far, is not making me "enjoy" this.

      I am up for the challenge somewhat, but I do think that because this game is well loved that some of its cracks are papered over. I guess I have found my sticking point quite early on (bosses) so that shelf space next to Demon Souls looks like its about to be filled unless I have an eureka moment tomorrow.

      EDIT - re-reading my ramblings above, what I am trying to say in a roundabout way is that the general game mechanics do not lend themselves kindly to boss enounters.
      Even if i ignore the fact that the Taurus Demon is incredibly easy to kill when you just use the method that a few of us have already described on here, I have to say that you are wrong. In a massive way you are wrong. The bosses in this are awesome.

      By the way I have to give From Software huge credit, they realized that in the first game you could kill half the bosses by just standing still and firing arrows at them so they really went all out to make them more chellenging this time. The Capra Demon has just killed me for about the 100th time and I enjoyed every minute of it. Its never frustrating becuase I know it is me that is at fault. This is more about skill than ever, it is intellegent game design and it plays so well.

      I adore this game.
      Last edited by rmoxon; 07-10-2011, 23:34.


        Message system appears glitched.
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        Not very helpful.


          I'm on the Capra Demon now. It's a fun fight, definitely.


            Heads up guys ? Looks like there is another assassin NPC in the game he's found at the top of the chruch in the Undead Parish and after I freed him offer me no reward said it would come later, after speaking to him again he said "he had to get back to work" and started laughing. After this I decided to end his days he fights with Yurts blade from Demon's Souls as well. I'm guess my reward would be alot of dead NPC's. ?

            Defeated the first major boss as well, after that I was stuck for a while as I couldn't kill anything as my starting sword had become too weak. Then the game gave me a bone and I've been killing mini bosses left right and center since then.


              Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
              I'm on the Capra Demon now. It's a fun fight, definitely.
              Yeah, deffinitley. It is the first real challenging boss I have come across in this. There was nothing like this guy in Demon's Soul's, its bonkers.


                Originally posted by S3M View Post
                Heads up guys ? Looks like there is another assassin NPC in the game he's found at the top of the chruch in the Undead Parish and after I freed him offer me no reward said it would come later, after speaking to him again he said "he had to get back to work" and started laughing. After this I decided to end his days he fights with Yurts blade from Demon's Souls as well. I'm guess my reward would be alot of dead NPC's. ?

                Defeated the first major boss as well, after that I was stuck for a while as I couldn't kill anything as my starting sword had become too weak. Then the game gave me a bone and I've been killing mini bosses left right and center since then.
                I think you might be wrong there. He didnt seem sneaky like Yurt anyway. I think Yurt was always signposted as evil. I imagined that this guys "prize" and "getting back to work" would mean he would help me out later, possibly on a boss or somthing.

                He also appears back at the Shrine later and gives you a gift if you talk to him.
                Last edited by rmoxon; 07-10-2011, 23:57.


                  ? He has a really sinister laugh when he talks about getting back to work! and to me he has all the same signposts as Yurt jailed asking for help and not clear as to how he's going to help you. ?


                    Well I really didnt get that. Plus he seems like a decnet guy back at the shrine anyway.

                    I think Paronoia may have got the best of you.

                    Well either that or I am too trusting.


                      For anyone struggling vs. Capra Demon:

                      Bring a firebomb. As soon as you go through the white light, IMMEDIATELY throw a firebomb, then block.

                      You'll kill the first dog instantly and the Capra Demon's initial hit won't damage you, so that's essentially the most difficult part over and done with



                        I just got cursed in the depths when I fell down a hole. It gives you half life and you need to visit someone I haven't met or use a purging stone (which I don't have) to cure it... Was on a roll up until that point as well!



                          Originally posted by ItsThere View Post

                          I just got cursed in the depths when I fell down a hole. It gives you half life and you need to visit someone I haven't met or use a purging stone (which I don't have) to cure it... Was on a roll up until that point as well!


                          Go back to Firelink Shrine and tackle the New Londo Depths. Being cursed means you can tackle the ghosts there and progress that way.


                            I've played this for over 7 hours now and have seemed to get nowhere.
                            I kinda enjoy it but hate it at the same time.


                              Complete n00b question - how do you kick? I know it explains it in the first area but I've forgotten already

                              Didn't realise you could drop things either, my inventory is a mess at the moment!


                                Last night was almost a waste of time. I got a spear and residence key and jobbie for mending things. The key helped as I opened the house below the stairs leading to
                                which made the run faster. Got some actual armour and took him down on the third go thanks to the tips on here. Btw the plunge attack works in regular enemies too.

                                Now I'm kinda stuck though.

                                big red dragon thing

                                on bridge. Tip says to rush it. Tries that and got close but instant death when attack happens. Saw a couple of side bits I might be able to hide in. Will try tonight. Got a ring that let's you not lose anything when you die. Sadly ring breaks on first use lol.

