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Dark Souls

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    Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
    I believe those hard bosses from

    Anor Londo

    are weak to lightning. And you can find a lightning weapon in

    Sen's Fortess


    Quite the opposite. Smough takes a MASSIVE chunk of damage with Lightning weapons - I still can't manage to take him out though, Ornstein is far too quick for me to focus him. If I get those last few levels on my Uchigatana I might be able to just screw him over with complete brute force.

    Ornstein is flat out melee resistant.


      What is going on with the frame-rate in Blighttown and New Londo Ruins?If anyone can explain the reason why it drops so much I'd love to know why.Only a few times in Demons Souls with some spells and fire effects against bosses did it slow down like that.

      I thought with 2 extra years they would have improved the engine to run better than that or last least not make it feel like I'm playing Driller on a C64.


        Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post

        Really? Crap I don't know how to stop him killing her then...
        Actually, there is a way around this


          I'm really struggling to beat knights. I found a knight who starts with his back to you down a flight of stars. Near the beginning of the game. I can block well enough but my attack is puny and the knight's health bar hardly takes a hit.
          Enemies that pretty much do one hit kills on you as well.


            Originally posted by Zaki Matar View Post

            I'm at the Black Eye Orb part now - It keeps going off outside the Ornstein boss gate. I struggle a little bit vs. 3 at once with no Estus Flasks so I've not attempted it more than once.


              What is the quickest way to get rid of a curse? I'm in blighttown at the moment and I'm sick of only having half my health becuase if any of the pouncing enemies manage to get on top of me I often die from it.


                Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post

                I'm at the Black Eye Orb part now - It keeps going off outside the Ornstein boss gate. I struggle a little bit vs. 3 at once with no Estus Flasks so I've not attempted it more than once.
                One question: Why do you not have any

                Estus Flasks

                ??!?! :S


                  Bloody hell, the Depths really gave me a run for my money today. Hard to believe such a bleak and oppressing environment has given me the best couple of hours in this game so far.

                  So I used human form and a summons to defeat Capra, I'd previous lost a large amount of souls and humanity near him in hollow form and wasn't going to risk them being chewed up by a second death. I wouldn't have minded so much if they had reappeared outside the fog, if that had happened I'd of just had another crack. Anyway, with human form, 3 or 4 humanity and a good deal of souls stocked up by this point, it might of been sensible to seek the safety and solace of a bonfire to catch a breather. Instead curiosity gets the better of me and I stumble head first into he Depths. Besides I had good seven flasks which should of been enough to push onto the next bonfire or so I thought.

                  Never occured to me that without alot of effort I wouldn't see the next bonfire.

                  So I fight past the zombies and butchers, struggle to evade the dogs in the water (oh yeah, water stiched you up in Demon's Souls, doh!) and curse the slimes. That bit where there are several on the roof, real funny how the game let me shoot one down with my arrows pinging of the brick instead of hitting the others. I became convinced that there was just weird slime flowing on the ceiling Ghostbusters style, was subsequently surrounded by the little feckers. My flasks are slowly being wittled away but I'm convinced that the next bonfire is coming up.

                  When I reach the giant rat I have 3 flasks left. "I'm not sodding running up to that" says I firing arrows through the cast iron railings till it keels over dead. Again I press on, this time determined to reach the drop from the giant rat. That's when it happens, barely squeezing upwards through a sewer I fall down a hole.

                  I curse couple of times, consume one of my remaining flasks, curse again at how I'll never find a bonfire and how far the trek from the last one will be. Then I notice the bug eyed bloody frogs that I assume are the creatures everyone has been cursing.

                  I've no idea how I survived the frogs without being cursed and / or dying. Nor the subsequent Black Phantom that spawned into my game (some chap named Dirk or something, seemed like an AI phantom rather than a player, did everyone encounter him?), he too was cursed with many profanities for stealing my last two flasks and leaving me stranded in a dirty sewer.

                  What I do know is that when I did manage to find a shortcut out of there before the boss encounter, and when I used a key to open a door previosuly locked I've never been so damn happy to see a bonfire in my life

                  I'm currently at 6 or so humanity and in human form preparing to enter blight town. Not counting on it lasting long.

                  On a seperate note, when I woke up this morning I heard a nearby church bell ring and the first thing I thought was "Another one has made it"


                    Originally posted by Zaki Matar View Post
                    One question: Why do you not have any

                    Estus Flasks

                    ??!?! :S

                    Summoned as a phantom of justice into his world. As a phantom, you can't use them, so you effectively have to do the fight on one life bar vs. 3.


                      Oh Christ the Depths are really evil, I was doing really well, probably too well and now the game hates me. I managed to do
                      on my second try, which was great considering how long it has taken me to do every other boss.
                      I wander through the depths without too many problems when I suddenly come up against them bloody frogs. Dispatch them all surprisingly easily and find a shortcut back to the depths bonfire. Attempt the frogs a second time and I get cursed and die...back at the bonfire, and still cursed! WTF From Software! That's seriously unfair especially as I have no idea where the item is to cure it.

                      I did find a ring which restores health after every kill though so it isn't all bad.

                      I now have the option of killing the

                      Giant Rat

                      which one-shots me every time or that freaky looking
                      which I can't even touch. Oh god, this game.


                        Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                        What is the quickest way to get rid of a curse? I'm in blighttown at the moment and I'm sick of only having half my health becuase if any of the pouncing enemies manage to get on top of me I often die from it.
                        Farm some souls and buy a purging stone from the jesus christ dude atop the belltower. Or the sewer merchant close to firelink, but that bitch charges more (and I accidentally hit her in the face). Another option is

                        to go to New Londo, about halfway through you'll find some dude on a roof after a staircase in the fireplace of a shed. He cures for free. You can kill ghosts while cursed, I did it like that because the transient curse items eventually wear out and you don't want to get hit by them anyway.

                        Last edited by saturn-gamer; 10-10-2011, 18:04.


                          Found an interesting little stash in Firelink shrine, if anyone fancies playing invader early you'll like this.

                          Once you have the lift working, jump out as it goes up goto the right a bit and jump across to the nearest sloped beam from the ruins. Follow the slope up to the small staircase, instead of going all the way to the top (that takes you elsewhere), jump across to the dead body on the roof and nab his key if you haven't already. Now, look over the roof near the dead body back towards the sloped beam, then down, at the bottom are three chests. I didn't jump straight down, instead edging onto a smaller ledge and then rolling against the ruins as I fell. You'll get, 1 x Talisman (meh), 1 x Morning Star (meeehhhh), 6 x Bones (handy, use one to get out of there) and 4 x Cracked Orbs used for invading


                          Can't decide where to go next, desperately clinging to the humanity I've built up. Wish I could bottle the excess away!
                          Last edited by Riskbreaker; 10-10-2011, 18:23.


                            Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                            Farm some souls and buy a purging stone from the jesus christ dude atop the belltower. Or the sewer merchant close to firelink, but that bitch charges more (and I accidentally hit her in the face). Another option is

                            to go to New Londo, about halfway through you'll find some dude on a roof after a staircase in the fireplace of a shed. He cures for free. You can kill ghosts while cursed, I did it like that because the transient curse items eventually wear out and you don't want to get hit by them anyway.
                            But none of those places are anywhere near blighttown! Unless I have missed a shortcut?


                              ... I haven't seen that before!!

                              I've just seen a really big white eye on the floor in Human form, and the option says 'Touch Dragon Remnants'.

                              Apparently I'm causing someone else to invade my world willingly? I don't get it O_o


                                Maybe there is some sort of reward over and above beating a normal invader if you bring them in willingly?

