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Dark Souls

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    Originally posted by Zaki Matar View Post
    Can you install this onto your PS3 HDD?
    That would be absolutely great, loading times are terrible, especially when loading a game for the first time after game boot. Sadly, it's not possible.


      Originally posted by Loftgroover View Post

      Then it was the Undead Asylum again...killing everything with ease...til I faced the Stray Demon and normal service resumed...died 100000x
      The trick is

      to sprint toward it right after you fall and rool through its legs, this way you'll avoid the shockwave. Always stay behind it, constantly circling. The shockwave animation is very long and the cooldown gives you the time for a couple of attacks even with slow weapons; don't close with the demon when the shockwave is still going or you'll get hit, and it's quite powerful and will knock you back, prompting the demon to do a second one, spelling your doom. When it jumps into the air, back off a bit, wait until it lands and start circling again.

      Last edited by briareos_kerensky; 17-10-2011, 14:59.


        Regarding the input lag and installing the game to the HD. It isn't a cure. I installed mine and still experienced occasional input lag - especially when using the flask. I didn't experience it every hour like Silvergun though so maybe it does make the problem less frequent.


          I reckon I may have experienced this lag for the first time last night (PS3). The input that lagged was a jump back. I mean, how much damage could that have caused? About 5000 souls is the answer :-(


            I'll add that I've not seen this input lag on my PS3 version. I've seen some 2 second freezes at certain points but then the game resumes as normal.

            One question I've not seen asked on this thread: How many souls have you lost? I've lost a crapload. Too much to count. Think my highest was 18k, followed by a 16k. Think I was trying to push ahead in Blighttown.


              lost souls can be a curse to losing more. You go mental looking for your old green spot and die enroute to it. Done that so many times while rushing.


                Originally posted by Btang84 View Post
                I'll add that I've not seen this input lag on my PS3 version. I've seen some 2 second freezes at certain points but then the game resumes as normal.

                One question I've not seen asked on this thread: How many souls have you lost? I've lost a crapload. Too much to count. Think my highest was 18k, followed by a 16k. Think I was trying to push ahead in Blighttown.

                I lost 50k by summoning someone to fight a boss with me, not having any spells or estus and not realising that you could not use a bonfire when you have summoned another player...

                That was fury inducing.


                  Online causing the freezes...and probably the input lag.


                    I didn't lose too many souls during my short time with the game as I was careful to spend whatever I had before entering a new area or an area I knew would give me trouble. That said, I almost lost 18000 souls fighting the second demon just before the Depths, thankfully I died near the door and was able to recover my souls from outside teh door without having to fight it again, good job too as those 18000 souls were for the key for the garden from the blacksmith with a 20000 price tag.

                    It's funny, but much as this game annoyed me when I had it and despite all it's faults, boring grinding, slowdown, broken online and frequent uglyness, I find myself thinking about it quite a bit which must mean I miss it. I especially liked the land of fire (Demon Realm?) full of demons and minotaurs that you enter immeditaely after ringing the second bell. That place was cool. And very tough.

                    Might have to admit my foolish haste and pick the game up again...


                      Describes my feelings about this game completely Charlie! I often think it's more trouble than it's worth, turning it off in frustration swearing to never play it again...then hours later I start thinking about it again, thinking up new ways I could progress or areas I've not fully explored. This game has gotten under my skin and I feel I need to complete it before I can move on.

                      I only picked it up as a stop-gap for Batman - in turn a stop-gap for Battlefield3 - now I probably won't buy Batman until next year and can see myself only putting in limited time into BF3. Aaaargh. THIS GAME!!!


                        it's a bastard like that. It's pretty awful really but somehow compelling, I think it's the atmosphere that makes it that way for me.


                          Agree with all the recent comments. I'm kinda off gaming altogether these days. I'm 41 so it's about time some might say. Uncharted 3 will no doubt be an amazing adventure. Arkham city will improve on the awesome Arkham asylum in every way but I really don't care. All that matters now... The only thing that matters now is completing dark souls. Miyazaki has created a masterpiece again. I can't help thinking what we could have if he and kojima teamed up.


                            Originally posted by FSW View Post
                            I can't help thinking what we could have if he and kojima teamed up.
                            We'd have that game that Kojima has said he wants to make, the one where you only get one chance to play it.



                              Originally posted by FSW View Post
                              I can't help thinking what we could have if he and kojima teamed up.
                              Instead of short pre-boss cutscenes we'd have cheap, 30 minutes long monologues on the phylosopy of lodging a sword inside a dragon's skull.
                              Better leve Kojima where he is.


                                Haters. ;-)

