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Dark Souls

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    I am loving every minute I am spending with this.

    After spending some time grinding in Darkroot Basin I finally went and took down the Stray Demon, then Sif (SUCH A GOOD BOSS) and then went on to Sen's Castle, Anor Londo, and the Painted World of Ariamis. First time I got to Priscilla I had summoned someone to come in with me, and I might have upset him quite a bit - when she said to jump off I thought I'd at least go and take a look... didn't realise it'd actually jump off straight away! Went straight back and took her on my own first time, but annoyingly looked afterwards and found I could've cut her tail for a weapon


    Now to carry on with Anor Londo. Currently at level 55, with a Drake Sword +2 & Pyromancy Flame +13.

    Also, I did find the guide book in Game yesterday - got it, but if (like me) you were interested for art then it's probably not worth it. It seems a very comprehensive guide, but it's not really got that much in the way of non-guide bits.


      It is NOT stamina related. It happens to me when I've got full stamina and haven't attacked for some time. You press attack\flask\defend and your character just does not respond. You can still walk around and then 3-5 seconds later your input is registered. I understand how the stamina works (I'm 30 hours in!) but this is something very different. Happens around once an hour.


        Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
        It is NOT stamina related. It happens to me when I've got full stamina and haven't attacked for some time. You press attack\flask\defend and your character just does not respond. You can still walk around and then 3-5 seconds later your input is registered. I understand how the stamina works (I'm 30 hours in!) but this is something very different. Happens around once an hour.
        Does that happen with a wired or wireless controller?


          I'm on a wireless but I've never had a problem in any other game. Thinking about it happened the most during Blightown so it might be related to areas of poor performance.


            Yep, although it hasn't happened to me yet, it has happen to enough people for it to be a legitimate issue.

            I was down battling Quelaag but my Drake Sword was completely buggered so had to climb back up. Cashed in all my lost souls and have all the repair kits now.
            Decided to go back to the Undead Asylum and picked up a nice shiny Black Knights Sword. Need to +4 my Dex (I think) for it to work though.
            Traded some tat with the birdie for some nice titanite.

            I officially past the hours/lvl mark last night (45 hrs, lvl43). Doubt I'll claw it back.


              Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
              I'm on a wireless but I've never had a problem in any other game. Thinking about it happened the most during Blightown so it might be related to areas of poor performance.
              I've been lamenting this issue few hours in the game, where performance was not an issue. In fact, I don't recall having such trouble in heavy load areas like Blightown. I have experienced it with the dualshock in wireless or on USB, so it's not a communication problem.


                Originally posted by Bort View Post
                I officially past the hours/lvl mark last night (45 hrs, lvl43). Doubt I'll claw it back.
                You could always cheese it in the darkroute garden!


                  Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                  Seems quite a few people dont quite understand how the stamina bar works.

                  Only thing that would explain this "lag".

                  You lot basically need to stop attacking things when you have no stamina!!!!!
                  I don't know if you're aware or not, but you're coming across as very insulting. Especially when multiple people have confirmed this behaviour and the fact that it's not relating to stamina.


                    will start with Dark Souls this evening and i am already a bit excited

                    does the lock-on work better this time? i mean for longer distances in case you use long distance weapons and spells?


                      Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                      I don't know if you're aware or not, but you're coming across as very insulting. Especially when multiple people have confirmed this behaviour and the fact that it's not relating to stamina.
                      Didn't mean to be insulting. Intact I wasn't really being serious.

                      However I do beleive it had to be an issue with how certain people are playing the game as after 50 hours I still haven't experienced it yet.


                        Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                        Didn't mean to be insulting. Intact I wasn't really being serious.

                        However I do beleive it had to be an issue with how certain people are playing the game as after 50 hours I still haven't experienced it yet.
                        No worries. I just thought I'd say something before any potential arguments, I could just see it coming...

                        A quick scout around seems to suggest it could be tied in with input while auto saving. I'll have to spend some time seeing if I can properly duplicate it, but it's happening a bit too much for my liking.


                          Finally went on a progress spree last night after getting nowhere for days...

                          After discovering the joy of two handed weapon swing the gaping dragon went down without a whimper, even toyed with him after hacking off the tail!

                          After a bit of grinding with the 3 golems at the start of Blight Town, making them fall to their death is fun, I decided I would head to Darkroot Basin for a look see...killed the crystal golems AND Hydra in one go without dying but then fell off the lip in the lake to my doom, came back and made the Amber golem my bitch too!

                          Then it was the Undead Asylum again...killing everything with ease...til I faced the Stray Demon and normal service resumed...died 100000x

                          back to enjoying it again now...probably hate it after todays session tho!


                            Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                            No worries. I just thought I'd say something before any potential arguments, I could just see it coming...

                            A quick scout around seems to suggest it could be tied in with input while auto saving. I'll have to spend some time seeing if I can properly duplicate it, but it's happening a bit too much for my liking.
                            If it is due to the auto saving then that doesnt really explain how some people have experienced it alot and others havent at all.

                            For me this plays EXACTLY like Demon's Souls, and no one ever complained about input lag in that game.

                            I do have the game installed to the hardrive... maybe that helps?


                              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                              If it is due to the auto saving then that doesnt really explain how some people have experienced it alot and others havent at all.

                              For me this plays EXACTLY like Demon's Souls, and no one ever complained about input lag in that game.

                              I do have the game installed to the hardrive... maybe that helps?
                              Could be - I know I don't have it installed. I'll try installing it to HDD tonight and see if it happens again.


                                Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                                Could be - I know I don't have it installed. I'll try installing it to HDD tonight and see if it happens again.
                                Can you install this onto your PS3 HDD?

