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Dark Souls

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    My tactic at the time was

    to keep distance at first and run in after each lightning attack then use a fireball as he takes a while to recover. After that run to his right inside the tail and stand to his left rear, shield up and take a couple of stabs without running down all stamina. If you evade when he jumps he should miss you.


      Originally posted by Uli View Post
      anyone has a good melee tactic for the prowling demon near the first blacksmith? i have 8 fireballs, 5 potions, shield and longsword at my disposal and already managed to get his health bar down to 80% but eventually and suddenly he jumps at me and i am instantly dead - blocking or not.

      also what about the kindling thing? do i need to kindle every single bonfire i come across to get more than 5 estus flasks?
      I levelled up a decent amount before taking him on (somewhere in the 20s). I used fireballs when I'm at the right distance and he's recovering from an attack and also circling around him and using melee when he misses. Fire does better damage but you have to pick your moments.

      Each bonfire that's kindled increases the amount of flasks to 10 when resting at it.


        You can go above ten.


          Originally posted by Bort View Post
          O&S were the last berks I did.
          Found them quite easy.

          Mixture of Stone and Havel Armour with Steel Protection and Havel's rings. Pop Iron Flesh before entering then just Great fireball or Orb them if they are at range or Combustion if they are stupid enough to come close.

          So I tried the iron skin thing as I mentioned it earlier in the thread. The spear guy killed me in 7 seconds with 2 long ranged thunder blots. I think I need stronger weapons (I have black knight sword +2 or thunder spear + 2) as I have a shed load of different chunks and shards (red, white, green). I think I am under powered so I will attempt the painting as I have the ring needed.

          I hear the flame sword is a good weapon. I would also like to upgrade my thunder spear but I might get a new one from the O&S?


            I just completed this, took me about 90 hours or so, overall a great game! I honestly don't usually bother completing half the games I buy but this one really grabbed me. The

            ending was kind of naff, I took the "good ending" I think, would have liked to seen a little more effort put in there. I was going to play NG+ just to make the special sword but I honesly can't be arsed doing it all again to get the the giant blacksmith. I did pop Demon Soul's in afterwards and was amazed how much better it looks and feels to play

            Oh, and the best enemy in this game for me had to be

            The chest trap beast thingies, scared the crap out of me

            Last edited by SUMIRE; 21-10-2011, 18:58.


              Oh, and the best enemy in this game for me had to be? The chest trap beast thingies, scared the crap out of me ?
              I just got gobbled up by one of those. Twice.

              Second time was due to the input lag. Thanks game!

              Tempted to sell this on now. Hadn't played it since the weekend after being burnt out with the swamp section, then tonights brief playthrough was just pure frustration. 30 hours in and tempted to throw in the towel


                Originally posted by 'Press Start To Begin' View Post
                So I tried the iron skin thing as I mentioned it earlier in the thread. The spear guy killed me in 7 seconds with 2 long ranged thunder blots. I think I need stronger weapons (I have black knight sword +2 or thunder spear + 2) as I have a shed load of different chunks and shards (red, white, green). I think I am under powered so I will attempt the painting as I have the ring needed.

                I hear the flame sword is a good weapon. I would also like to upgrade my thunder spear but I might get a new one from the O&S?
                Try to initially get one of the columns between you and the bosses if you weren't doing that already.
                Had a look back and saw you had the heavy armour but couldn't see a recent lvl. Even with the same equipment I used you'd still need to be a pretty high lvl (for general defense stats) for that area to tank it like I did. If you are wandering around as a 40-50ish you wouldn't be able to tank unless you had min-maxed.

                I'm rocking a Drake +3 which would have worked fine for the bosses if I ran out of pyro. It isn't too different from your BKS +2.


                Not to rub it into peoples faces or brag but I fine Dark Souls to be a really peaceful game.
                I can get extremely angry and frustrated with complex or hard games either due to poor design or me just not understanding the complex controls.
                DS is simple and fair game with the crackabis of exploration and progression slopped on top. Truly fantastic game.
                Last edited by Bort; 21-10-2011, 20:48.


                  Back to loving this after a couple of dud sessions.

                  Sen's Fortress was just awesome, and one of my favourite stretches of gameplay so far. I died a few times at the start and because of that frigging

                  treasure chest

                  , but I managed to nail the whole

                  roof area

                  in one go and it was so bloody satisfying. I nearly chumped it when I missed the jump across to the

                  merchant (who suggested the fate of the chap previously waiting outside the Fortress by flogging his armour!)

                  , but yeah, thankfully the fall was forgiving.

                  I might fire it up a bit later and tackle more of

                  Anor Londo

                  , which has already had some cool, almost Tomb Raider style exploration.



                    Duke's Archives

                    completed, now tacklig the

                    Tomb of Giants



                    were incredibly easy, even though the surprises there abound and the layout is quite compelling. The fight with the boss,

                    Seath the Scaleless, would have been even easier than the place before him if it wasn't for a lot of camera issues when he unleashes the curse area attack, which got me because the camera was struck and I couldn't see where to roll. Second time I put on the Cursebite ring and had an easy time defeating it: he would breath a small arch in front of him most of the times, so the fight boiled down to rushing toward him, striking him a few times and then retreat to avoid a close-range breath or the area attack. The only time he would physically retaliate against is when attacking from behind, but with heavy armor and shield is was easy to fend off everything.



                    were more straightfoward than I would have thought.

                    Divine weapons make short work of skeletons and necromancers alike, with the usual greatswoard taking care of the random giant skeletons and Titanite Demons.
                    Pinwheel was extremely easy, go hit twice by his fireball but I continued to hit him untile he fell: it didn't take long, only fours strikes; it started to multiply, like D'sS 3-1 boss, luckily enough there were no other things to kill beforehand.

                    Now in

                    the Tomb of Giants

                    , it's nice to see

                    Patches still up to the old gig. However if he sells the same quality goods as in D'sS it's unlikely I'll kill him in reprisal for his trap.


                      Did everyone else find the secret

                      chained up guy on the lowest roof of


                      Once you get past the first two snake dudes, before you cross the first passage go to the left side of the drop off and you'll see some steps leading to a ladder to bring you back up and retry. Go up the first ladder then straight in front of you is a hidden wall which blocks another ladder.


                        Originally posted by Bort View Post
                        Did everyone else find the secret

                        chained up guy on the lowest roof of


                        I dropped off a platform by mistake and landed on the lowest floor without the drop or the golden cobra guards killing me, so I equipped the Rusted Iron ring and killed off all Titanite Demons there, the met the giant that opened the Fortress Gates because I thought it was the correct way to go back at the entrance. Giants are relatively easy kills, you have to block/dodge until they unleash their flurry attack, after which they rest for a lot of time, letting you score a lof of free hits and most probably kill the giant.


                          Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
                          You can go above ten.
                          I was wondering about that but never tried it twice on the same bonfire. Do you know what it goes up to?


                            Originally posted by Shoju View Post
                            I was wondering about that but never tried it twice on the same bonfire. Do you know what it goes up to?
                            It goes up to 20.


                              Just finished the painting world, it felt like a lost level from Demon Souls (I mean it as a compliment). I enjoyed it very much and also had my first real co-op experience. Me and one other helped a guy escape and kill the boss then I employed the help of a guy with a massive club and another guy who had a fired up grave lord sword.

                              Earlier I also invaded another game with my cat ring, gave him some poison mist and chased him through the woods! MMhhaa.
                              I got the taste for blood and tried to invade others using 4 cracked eye gems, every one failed. Weird online system!

                              Bort, thanks for the advice. I think I am going to level up my pyro glove and weapons before I deal with O&S again.


                                Originally posted by Shoju View Post
                                Each bonfire that's kindled increases the amount of flasks to 10 when resting at it.
                                but humanity is rare - i am 30 hours in and just came across 3 or 4 of them - and you have to spend one humanity for every kindling. so i guess it makes sense to kindle only one or bonfires in strategic places. which are these?

                                Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                                Tempted to sell this on now. Hadn't played it since the weekend after being burnt out with the swamp section, then tonights brief playthrough was just pure frustration. 30 hours in and tempted to throw in the towel
                                currently i have very similar feelings as i am wasting hours upon hours while making no progress at all. i like challenging games but Dark Souls is much less rewarding than Demons Soul in terms of item rewards. i accidentally killed the first vendor and now i can't even use my bow because i don't find any arrows for them, let alone a new vendor. a decent ranged weapon would have saved me a lot of trouble and i already was in possession of the drake sword too. but i also know that this feelings will most likely vanish as soon as i come across the next piece of armour or manage to find a vendor selling me flame arrows.

                                hints are welcome by the way

