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Dark Souls

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    I agree. Demon's looked better, aesthetically and technically. I'd always sacrifice fsaa for framerate though. That said, I don't care!


      Originally posted by Synthesthesia View Post
      I thought the

      gaping dragon

      was cake personally. He killed me once by

      swiping his tail and catching me off guard, but once I sussed his attack pattern out he was probably the easiest boss I've fought so far. All you do is keep your distance, wait for him to slam down, run around behind him as he charges and you can get like 3-4 swipes in before he does anything. I never even saw him vomit anything. I also missed out on the tail weapon even though that's pretty much the area I attacked
      He might have been cake, but its fun teaming up with other players.


        I finally killed Taurus; but at least I did it fairly honourably. Even managed to get some half-hearted axe swipes at him. But now I'm so far behind you guys it's not funny ... Want some fancy new armour, now. I know my man's an undead but there's no need for him to look like a tramp, arse hanging out of some raggedy bits-n-pieces of junk he's nicked along the way.


          I'm still at the level you are Golgo, thanks to a busy weekend with NO GAMING! You can be in my slowcoach gang.


            It isn't a race, just play at your own speed :P


              Take your time and enjoy it while you can.

              Once you get to

              Anor Londo

              you'll be screaming in fits of rage.

              I still can't do the boss. Time to farm humanity and get someone's help.

              One other thing I'm annoyed at, is the effectiveness of Lightning weapons over everything else. Stat scaling weapons really, really don't scale well enough to make them worth it. You can make a character and put all the points into vitality and endurance, then get yourself a lightning weapon and you'll do the same amount of damage as an attack built character, but with vastly more health and stamina.



                I noticed the measly bonuses. I only put points in STR to reach a level where I can wield my blade. Its being capped at about 21 for ages now and I do more than fine in the later areas.


                  I watched the making of DVD last night. The devs clearly expect you to gang up on bosses with other people. They said as much.


                    Okay I'm ready to tackle the game again now. I've had my rage moment and now I'm looking forward to playing it again.

                    This game is like an unreasonable girlfriend with a dependancy problem. She gets on your nerves a lot and really makes you angry with alarming regularity, but you can't help but forgive and still be in love with her.

                    That's Dark Souls, right there.


                      Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                      Take your time and enjoy it while you can.

                      Once you get to

                      Anor Londo

                      you'll be screaming in fits of rage.
                      Err... I just got there. Doesn't instill me with confidence! Haha. Does fire work at all against them? I started as a pyromancer but I'm fairly good with a sword.


                        Can anyone help me get a lightning weapon please?


                          You need to upgrade a weapon with Tanite Shards to standard +10 and then use a special Tanite to start the Lighting path. And you have to find a Blacksmith able to do so.


                            The best thing about this game is it has negated the need to spend any more money on my hobby until well after christmas. I won't be buying Skyrim, Uncharted, MW3 or BF3 now.


                              So yeah peeps, give me a hand with this please!

                              Just beat the bell gargoyle and rung the bell, and I have no idea where to go next! I know about the route to the catacombs, but after 2 minmutes getting chased by hard skelletons, I accidentally fell off a cliff as it was so dark...I dont think im ready for that yet!

                              Cant seem to find anywhere else to go though! Found some way iunto some dark forest place (cant remember where I even go there from now though) but the tree-like enemies were also too hard... Anyone have any recommendations where I should go?

                              Also, I rescued a knight in a cell in the bell tower before the im slightly worried because he sounded pretty evil...that he "had to get back to his work hah hah hah hah..." maybe i should have killed him when I got the chance :\

                              Any help would be appreciated!


                                Originally posted by MrKirov View Post
                                So yeah peeps, give me a hand with this please!

                                Just beat the bell gargoyle and rung the bell, and I have no idea where to go next! I know about the route to the catacombs, but after 2 minmutes getting chased by hard skelletons, I accidentally fell off a cliff as it was so dark...I dont think im ready for that yet!

                                Cant seem to find anywhere else to go though! Found some way iunto some dark forest place (cant remember where I even go there from now though) but the tree-like enemies were also too hard... Anyone have any recommendations where I should go?

                                Blighttown is your next target. There are a few ways to get here.

                                - You can go through Darkroot Garden where the tree enemies are, then go down through Darkroot Basin, then into Valley of Drakes and then take the back door to Blighttown. The tree enemies are easy. Their attacks have a long charge up time and can be interrupted with any attack, so simply jab at them as soon as they're about to hit you and you're done. The drakes on the other hand...

                                - You can go down to Lower Undead Burg, and take on the Capra Demon. Defeating him isn't easy at all, but if you can do it, you gain access to the sewers which is probably the easiest route to Blighttown.

                                - If you have the Master Key, you can go straight down from Firelink Shrine, to New Londo Ruins and do an immediate turn right into the next tower. Go up here and you have an immediate, straight path to the back door of Blighttown.

                                Originally posted by MrKirov View Post
                                Also, I rescued a knight in a cell in the bell tower before the im slightly worried because he sounded pretty evil...that he "had to get back to his work hah hah hah hah..." maybe i should have killed him when I got the chance :\

                                Any help would be appreciated!

                                You've done yourself a favour. If you choose not to free him, he kills the firekeeper at Firelink Shrine and you have to avenge her death in Anor Londo.

