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Dark Souls

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    jeez...I cant even work out how to kindle bonfires. Cant do it when hollowed...ok...reverse hollowing with humanity have no humanity...smash myself in the face. have tried 3 routes so far and a different thing kills me each time.

    need this game to click fast.


      I don't think fast is an option.

      I spent 6 hours with one character and got nowhere (no further than the taurus). So I read a post somewhere that said that the Pyromancer is a good one to start wit, so I started again and I have put another 6 hours in, I'm actually getting somewhere now and areas I've visited are starting to interlink and moving between bonfires isn't quite as tough.

      I've also got a little better at the combat and am realising that blocking is totally essential and you need to take your time.


        Originally posted by Loftgroover View Post
        jeez...I cant even work out how to kindle bonfires. Cant do it when hollowed...ok...reverse hollowing with humanity have no humanity...smash myself in the face. have tried 3 routes so far and a different thing kills me each time.

        need this game to click fast.
        You kindle a bonfire by having at least two humanity points ( which you can get by consuming humanity) and then going to a bonfire and reversing your hollowness and then kindling the fire.


          2 points...that will be it then. I had 2, tried it twice (with 1 each time) cuz I thought i was a div the first time!!

          Sad fact...I am a Pyromancer already


            I actually think that the game should be a little more like infinity blade and if you level up from playing and if you die you are just as strong, except you have to make it back through the same area again to get back to the same point or progress further.
            I really like exploring and the atmosphere, but I think the game is a little too unforgiving at times, even though it sounds like it's better than it was in Demon's.

            if they made a 3rd one I'd like it to have that as the main mode, and maybe a hardcore classic mode for those whoe like being punished so much.


              man its so satisfying parrying and 1 shotting enemies.


                been having a few freezing issues, well 3 up to now. Not too bad as it seems to save faily often. Been going through the sewers now, damn scary. I really hope there are no spiders in this game or i might have to quit lol.


                  Come across the first moment where I think they really have gone too far...

                  Ornstein and Smough. How the **** are you supposed to do that as a melee build?! It's next to impossible!

                  This single boss fight has ruined the entire game for me so far. Everything, no matter how difficult, has felt like it's fair and beatable. This does not.
                  Last edited by Silvergun X; 09-10-2011, 19:41.


                    Summon an NPC either online or off might help.

                    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post

                    Gaping Dragon

                    boss fight is absolubtley epic. By far the hardest and most satisfying fight in this so far. Plus you get a ridculously high amount of souls for killing it, which was nice.

                    In Blightown now. I don't like things with poisonous clubs.
                    Well, tbh I found

                    both Taurus and Capra demon harder than this guy. Even the Butterfly as dodging its projectiles is kind of random.

                    The gaping dragon was epic in the trailer but his AI is completely retarded. When you are far away, he does a close range attack and after that a useless charge that goes straight. He vomited once but it didn't hurt me or my armor in any way. Thats all he ever did. I was disappointed by him although its hard to make such a big fella a good fight.

                    As for Blight Town, grab the spider shield from the big rat room in the sewer and farm some of those items from the Tree dudes in the forest. Its all poison and toxic resistance stuff.


                      And the

                      Capra Demon is down

                      , yeah!
                      It was all

                      about killing the dogs first and then counter after the right patterns. And stay close to it. Jumping attack: BAD, even at full stamina and a +2 Hollow Shield (it's better than the Knights' Shield even with a lower attack power).
                      Horizontal swings: wait for the third strike, circle around.
                      Vertical swings: circle arond, when sword hits the ground, counter.
                      Simultaneous strike: block, counter.
                      And kill the dogs first.


                      Depths. Oh, this Latria-like feeling with blobs dropping on you from the ceiling. I'm thankful to have a Longbow and arrows because I took the giant rat from above. And how cute are those big-eyed frogs? And it's also cool they can petrify you, the statues of the fallen are really scary.
                      And found a Piromancer trapped in a barrel..."free me or she'll have me for lunch!".
                      No wait, the butcher was a FEMALE?
                      Do I swing my sword or roll to break you free? Sword. Hey, I freed you, why do you attack? But his magics took ages to launch and he was an easy kill. Only 1000 souls and no drops. Probably it was better alive.

                      Oh well.


                        Big mistake. I hope you weren't a pyro.


                          Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                          Well, tbh I found

                          both Taurus and Capra demon harder than this guy. Even the Butterfly as dodging its projectiles is kind of random.

                          The gaping dragon was epic in the trailer but his AI is completely retarded. When you are far away, he does a close range attack and after that a useless charge that goes straight. He vomited once but it didn't hurt me or my armor in any way. Thats all he ever did. I was disappointed by him although its hard to make such a big fella a good fight.

                          As for Blight Town, grab the spider shield from the big rat room in the sewer and farm some of those items from the Tree dudes in the forest. Its all poison and toxic resistance stuff.
                          I imagine he is quite easy with ranged attacks yeah, but I have no magic and not enough arrows for that so it was all about melee for me.

                          I did figure out that a good tactic and I know how to do him easy enough now on the next playthrough, but the fight was still long and epic and fun. I agree that his A.I. is rubbish, but a melee batle with him is still extreamly dangerous as alot of his attacks can kill you in one hit, especially when you are cursed like I was.
                          Last edited by rmoxon; 09-10-2011, 20:03.


                            I'm melee as well, thats the thing (well pyro build, but solely STR/DEX/VIT/STA). Just ran when he finished his stupid charge and combo him. Granted, i did die once because the camera went awol and he somehow landed on me. But on most others I died more times.

                            By the way, did you cut off his tail? It should be noted that enemies drop nice things when you do it. Fun thing is that the stupid guy still tries tail swipes after its being cut off
                            Last edited by saturn-gamer; 09-10-2011, 20:04.


                              Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                              I'm melee as well, thats the thing (well pyro build, but solely STR/DEX/VIT/STA). Just ran when he finished his stupid charge and combo him. Granted, i did die once because the camera went awol and he somehow landed on me. But on most others I died more times.

                              By the way, did you cut off his tail? It should be noted that enemies drop nice things when you do it. Fun thing is that the stupid guy still tries tail swipes after its being cut off
                              I died about 100 times. I didnt cut off his tail either. You must be incredibley good at these games if you only died once, either that or youre a really high level (I was level 28 i think). Becuase one mistake and you are in trouble with that guy.

                              The fight was alot easier once I had realised that he seems to do his attacks in relation to how far you are stood away from him. It is easy to get him to charge at you and then dodge him when you realize that. Youre still dead if you end up on the wrong side of him as he does one of his powerful attacks though.
                              Last edited by rmoxon; 09-10-2011, 20:12.


                                Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                                Come across the first moment where I think they really have gone too far...

                                Ornstein and Smough. How the **** are you supposed to do that as a melee build?! It's next to impossible!

                                This single boss fight has ruined the entire game for me so far. Everything, no matter how difficult, has felt like it's fair and beatable. This does not.
                                Think I might as well give up now then! Your way further than me by a long chalk (I'm about 5 minutes up the road from the last place I mentioned!).

                                I was reading an old EDGE magazine today (226 April 2011) with an article on Dark Souls's director/producer/game designer Hidetaka Miyazaki. To quote him "...we are trying to make the most difficult game that it is possible to make, which at the same time can be conquered by those who persevere. It has to be firm, but fair".

                                So far in my lowly experience its been firm but not always fair. Maybe it is just the way I have grown up playing games, but my expectaion of ANY game is that, if your good enough at it, you can go through the entire thing without taking a single hit, a single energy bar section, a life, a credit etc. This to me is a new breed of game, it is just not possible to go through it without taking a single hit, which is strange.

                                Take my previous encounter with that boss, to start I had to climb up a side ladder to take out two snipers. One of them always hovered around the top of the ladder, always. Every time I got to the top I had to take a hit. I did this maybe 30-40 times, always had to take a hit. I tried rolling, still got hit. I tried waiting, still got hit. I tried jumping, still got hit. I didn't think this was fair.

                                Same on the very next section with the dragon, you have to take a hit (a lot of hits) to get where you need to go. Its just a weird concept to me, never played anything like it.

                                Yes I'm not very good at this game, I'd admit it. Its hard as nails, I accept that. However I don't always think its fair, and for that reason I'll crack on for the meantime, but like yourself which reach a point where this goes on ebay!

