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ICO & Shadow of the Colossus HD

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    ICO & Shadow of the Colossus HD

    Needs a first play thread.

    The original release of SotC is probably my most replayed game ever - I've booted it up just to fight certain Colossi or listen to the awesome soundtrack so many times. Best marriage of music and visuals....evers.

    I finished the HD version last night and am convinced no game since this comes close. Honestly, yeah? I'm surprised at just how gob-smacking some of this still is.... proper heart in mouth stuff at times.

    Literally all that's noticeably different is the frame rate and resolution, but it works wonders. The biggest difference is in the Colossi themselves - The extra definition seems to emphasise their scale, and brings out their (occasionally terrifying) facial architecture. They all look amazing, and I must have said "this guy's my favourite" at every other encounter, but my highlight this time around was the 13th (the

    flying sand dragon fella

    ). The frame rate really crumbled on that guy in the original, but here it's silky smooth and the extra definition brings out particle effects I'd never noticed before. Seriously, it looks staggering.

    Jumping seems easier to judge now the frame rate's better, too. Though people who hated the controls first time around probably won't be won over. There's still the odd blip in the animation, and the world itself can look a bit chuff at times, but that's all easily forgiven.

    I'd forgotten how incredible the ending was, too. It's between this and Red Seeds Profile for the best ending ever, I reckon.

    I just started Ico - Which I was a little sceptical about as I think it's bleary visuals aren't suited to HD and the washed out look was a big part of its identity. But yeah, while some of the textures are a little severe, it still looks gorgeous. Really bright and bold, and again, the scale seems to have been emphasized.

    Looking forward to playing more and it'll make a nice, easy-going contrast to Dark Souls. At least until those shadowy b*stards show up.

    Apologies for the bitty, possibly overly poncey impressions!
    Last edited by crocky-chocky; 06-10-2011, 14:40.

    Two of the greatest games ever. I've only played through both titles once each on the PS2. I generally play games through the once but I was always going to buy this collection and play these titles again.

    I finished Ico last night. I don't recall it being quite so short but having played it before, I would have had an easier time compared to a newcomer. Ico looks great. The art style is superb and holds up well in the remaster. One thing that stood out when playing it is that the castle design is stunning. It meshes together extremely well and even though it feels like a maze, it all inter-connects and the result is an organic environment that few videogame buildings can beat. There was one annoying puzzle in there:

    When you have to time the jump on the wooden block

    that I felt was annoying and always felt 'off'.

    Also got started on Shadow of the Colossus last night. This game seriously feels like an epic. I loved Ico and it's great but SotC will forever be a game of the ages. The sheer scale of the world, the feel of the horse, the task when fighting each monster - this game doesn't put a single foot wrong. ?30 for this game alone is worth it but you get a masterpiece like Ico chucked in free of charge as well.


      After completing SotC for the first time ever this year on PS2 I was convinced that with no technical issues it would have been the best game ever. Now they are rectified this package is a must buy for any PS3 owner.


        What technical issues do you mean? The games play and control exactly the same I've heard. If you're referring to the control issues they are apparently still there.


          You say they sorted out the issues with the Original SOTC?

          Whilst ICO is one of the greatest games ever..SOTC was a clunky mess. Its fixed? Awful on the PS2. Despite what you all say.


            Originally posted by 15peter20 View Post
            Awful on the PS2. Despite what you all say.

            I'm glad you're here to correct us. Thanks!

            Finished Ico HD last night - I forgot how guilt-inducing the rumble is when you hold Yorda's hand and run. Even after a couple of hours I found myself regretting not being a bit more gentle with my movement.

            I'll make a start on SotC tonight, and I'll be sure to have a torrid time with it now I know I've been wrong all these years for absolutely loving it.


              Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
              What technical issues do you mean? The games play and control exactly the same I've heard. If you're referring to the control issues they are apparently still there.
              I meant the frame rate mainly. Yes there are a couple of control issues but the improve frame rate will make the game more responsive.


                I actually reviewed Ico for this site waaaaayy back in the day. It is still up there in my mind as one of the classics. That said... I've never played SotC! I think I may have to pick this up somewhere when I have the time.


                  Hmmm, is it wrong that I preferred the PS2 version of SotC!? I kind of liked the way it felt like it was destroying the PS2 under it's sheer scale! The quick-footedness of the PS3 kind of spoils it for me somehow.
                  3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                    i never played SOTC or Ico so this is the first time for me to play any of them and far i'm enjoying them alot


                      Originally posted by Escape-To-88 View Post
                      Hmmm, is it wrong that I preferred the PS2 version of SotC!? I kind of liked the way it felt like it was destroying the PS2 under it's sheer scale! The quick-footedness of the PS3 kind of spoils it for me somehow.
                      Heh, I know what you mean! I had that very same feeling for like the first half of the game, but then some of the later Colossi just looked too good in this update.

                      I'll probably be disappointed if Shadow of the Colossus 2: Electric Boogaloo (AKA The Last Guardian) doesn't push the PS3 in a similar way.


                        Does anyone know where you can get a reasonaly priced copy of the gorgeous Japanese ltd edition of this? Play-asia aren't shipping to the UK and Ebay prices are extortionate.


                          Ncsx have it but your not going to find it cheap, it's the current terrible yen exchange rate that makes it horrendously expensive, from ncsx it's gonna set you back $160, no idea what prices ebay at in comparison.


                            Well, I bought a PS2 for these amazing games and now I think I'm going to buy a PS3 for these HD versions. Two of the best games ever in my mind.

                            Slightly OT but do we have any idea as to when The Last Guardian is going to land?


                              I just had to post and let people know to try the 3D mode in Shadow of the Colossus, its absolutely incredible the best 3D I've seen in a game so far I'd say!

