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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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    Originally posted by Flabio View Post
    I think the fence in the Guild can sell you some. Someone down there has some anyway.

    The fence is the the one asking! I can't get to the 'shop' options with her until I find this piece of armour, which is why its annoying! I've spoken to everyone in the guild and nobody has any for sale, tried pickpocketing them all too. It's only a reward for a previous guild mission and I'll probably never use them but I just want to be able to sell stolen items

    Rossco - buy a house just for storing dragon bones! Bloody heavy things.


      Seem to have a small quest I can't complete fairly early on -

      Was doing 2 mini quests for Skjor (sp) with the Companions. One of them I can finish which leads on to turning into a Werewolf but when I do that it fails the other quest about returning a dagger (think it was a family heirloom). There seems no way to complete the dagger quest You probably don't even get much for it but it annoys me knowing I can't do it.

      Anyhoo, think I have nearly enough moneys to buy a house now so can dump all my extra gear there without worrying about it getting nicked. Haven't even fought my first dragon yet


        The hardest dragon i have come across so far is a blood dragon, i had a tough time fighting one when i was lvl 17 their firebreath drains life like no mans business. All the rest have been easy.


          The fire breathers are far harder than the ice breathers (although when you start meeting the 'frost dragon' type, which is the next up from 'blood dragon' things get very hairy). I have lots of resist fire potions now, and know what ingredients to harvest to mix more...

          Best tactic I've found for the dragons is to find a distraction. Even just a skeever will distract it so you can get free hits in without being breathed on constantly.

          Higher level enemies seem to gain instant kill moves as well that one shot you if you're not blocking, which is irritating.

          Can we get a poll on this one now? I think it's been running long enough...


            Originally posted by Rossco View Post
            Damnit, I've been thinking about Azuras Star but don't wanna cheat and ask where to find it.
            Once you start the quest to find it there are npc's that tell you where it is, then the map has a big arrow pointing to it. It's hardly a secret.

            I'm currently a bit stuck on one of the later college quests. Some ridiculously over powered Mage keeps killing me.


              Oh i remember that mage, im assuming it's the one that you have to get the staff off of. His magic drains your magika gauge to nothing in literally seconds making it very tough if you didn't bring various resistance potions. When you loot his dead body remember to also take the mask he wears, it's special so don't sell it as it's used later in the game in another cool quest.


                Just bought myself a house, wanted a place of my own to store all the stuff I've been hoarding. Of course the house is completely bare and unfurnished, so forget fighting dragons or holding back legions of soldiers, I'm now on a noble quest to raise money for sofa's, curtains and coffee tables!


                  Ah well worth the effort to get it looking all homely, so which house did you settle on?

                  I love how the game indulges the animal crossing house filling aspect too


                    I've absorbed a huge amount of dragon souls in my travels and i have yet to see them do anything to my shouts. The only one i have maxed out is unrelenting force and started whirlwind sprint but that's because of the Greybeards. Am I missing something?


                      Importaku, spoilers don't just refer to plot points.

                      Please don't ruin side quests.


                        The souls are like points that you use to unlock each new word you find. Each time you find a new word it will either give you a new shout or add a word to an existing shout, the level 3 ones are pretty powerful but take ages to recharge but handily theres an amulet that can help with that.


                          I've got a few shouts & words that are greyed out, once you absorb a soul are they suppose to unlock automatically or are you suppose to do it manually somewhere?


                            Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                            Importaku, spoilers don't just refer to plot points.

                            Please don't ruin side quests.
                            At least quote the text im meant to be spoilering it will help me work out what i have let slip thats so important, if you mean the thing with the mask then im letting people know as if you sell the thing then you cant ever get it back thus losing out later when it might be of use. Not a fun thing if you have put 50+ hours in, i havent mentioned what quest it might be used in & i haven't mentioned where you use it. Just don't sell it, hardly a game destroying plot spoiler.

                            If you mean the post about

                            Azuras star

                            then i spoilered it already but people below me that replied haven't. I havent seen you have a go at any of them though.


                              Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                              I've got a few shouts & words that are greyed out, once you absorb a soul are they suppose to unlock automatically or are you suppose to do it manually somewhere?
                              You have to manually select the shout you want to unlock & press x to spend a soul on it.


                                The only reason I didn't quote your spoilers, is because when you go back to edit them they won't show up as edited in my post.

                                Also, I figured Azura's star would make a return appearance in Skyrim, given that it and most other daedric artifacts have appeared in near enough every ES title to date. What didn't appear in posts from others however, was this bit:

                                "it was a tough choice but i decided to purge the dark soul from it"

                                Like I said, it doesn't need to be a huge plot point to warrant a spoiler tag.

