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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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    Apparently someone on twitter has said that Famitsu has given this 40/40. The first western game to get that score.


      Famitsu is crooked anyway, so it's most likely paid for!


        Anyone know when the pc patch is due?


          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
          Apparently someone on twitter has said that Famitsu has given this 40/40. The first western game to get that score.
          its a great game, but not perfect - defo not 40/40


            PC Patch should be same day as the 360 one I think.


              I downloaded a patch today for the pc. An 18mb file.


                There are new nvidia drivers out as well, gave me a nice boost in performance.


                  I'm patiently waiting for this until Christmas day, so can anyone say if the Skyrim music is so good that owning the soundtrack is worth it?


                    Jeremy Soule stuff is pretty good, and I really like the main theme here.

                    I've been quite tempted by that set as well. Annoyed there's no digital download option though, all the others they've released have had one.


                      It's going up on itunes soon if that makes any difference to you.


                        Originally posted by mugetsu View Post
                        to be brutally honest the patch is fine, slowdown no longer occurs over a period of time, inside dungeons the framerate is spot on and out on the field its excellent to(ive put about 5 hours in post patch) but quick travelling to towns is still a bit hit and miss.
                        Sometimes when you quick travel to a town it loads the town and all inhabitants perfectly and the framerate stays high and other times it'll stutter for about 2-3 seconds while it streams everything in and then all is well again.
                        I'm still playing with all the various auto save features turned off so have to manually save when i feel the need so i'm not sure if thats helping.
                        I've also had zero crashes post patch to, playing before the patch when the slowdown occured it would sometimes get so bad it would turn into a slide show and just stop and lock up the ps3 and other times it would just crash on loading screens but again this is completely fixed.
                        Hmm, I have to refute this. Playing it on Monday, I was fine. Playing it last night, after my save went back up to 13mb, was a nightmare, and after just 35 mins it crashed. I reloaded, and it played okay, but then I got into combat with three bandits ... one went to attack me and the game paused for a second, then all of a sudden the bandit was behind me. After I killed two of them, there was just a bandit mage left; every time he cast a spell, the game froze briefly.

                        It's an absolute joke. I'm taking it back tonight to start again on the 360, after having poured 100+ hours into my PS3 game. I honestly reckon Bethesda can't fix it.


                          I didn't take it back in the end, but I did uninstall both my game data and the patch, and re-did everything. I then carried on with my latest save (which, I've noticed, hasn't gona back up to 13mb after all) and played it fine for around four hours. After that though, Whiterun was a mess with a horrendous framerate, and the stream by the entrance, just inside the doors, was a glitchy mess. Still, up to that point it was pefectly playable.


                            Originally posted by Malc View Post
                            I'm patiently waiting for this until Christmas day, so can anyone say if the Skyrim music is so good that owning the soundtrack is worth it?
                            Oh yes indeedy! I thought Batman's score couldn't be topped, but Skyrim's is fantastic.


                              'Rimlag' scenario improved recently, anyone? Still on the fence, me. (I know there's a patch-patch incoming next week though...)


                                Updated: Obsidian's Joshua E Sawyer explains memory management issues affecting Fallout: New Vegas that sound very simi…

                                Pre-patch and post-patch videos here showing the difference in performance for the PS3. Looks like it has improved but not by enough - it still drops to 0fps.

