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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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    I still feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of the game yet, as always I am ignoring the main quest and just padding around. One minute I am generous, kind and decent and the next a bloodthirsty thief. How are people able to see exactly how long they have played? I haven't seen that on any menu.


      Steam forced my update. So, I Uninstalled (deleted local content). Told steam to go offline. Went to install from disc "Can't install while steam is offline". So, took steam online, went to Skyrim settings in steam (still showed in my library) switched off auto-update, installed from disc and the second it finished steam turned auto update on and updated it. Holy crap I hate this system. No more steam dependent games for me. I'm really reducing the number of games I can play these days but I really can't put up with this crap any more. I basically can't play Skyrim right now.


        Originally posted by Kieran76 View Post
        How are people able to see exactly how long they have played? I haven't seen that on any menu.
        It's listed on the save game info and broken down on the general game stats.


          Mine auto updated but I haven't actually noticed any problems. I'm a mage though, so I'm used to dying quickly.


            just got the plat trophy for this. awesome game


              for dlc i would like a increase in level cap...some more major quest lines....higher level enemies ....and perhaps another use for dragon souls


                You can change the ini file to display a time played during the load screens.

                I haven't updated yet, does the latest patch really break the game?


                  Actually I've been playing all night. No problems other than buffs appearing to have no effect. Also some floor and wall textures look horrible but they might have always looked that way. Still annoyed at steam mind.


                    Issues with Steam are another issue entirely really. If it helps, I'm 100% with you, it's an added mandatory layer that legitimate PC players should not have to endure. I do think there is currency in Steam though - publishers argue that it prevents zero day piracy due to the need to download a portion of the game on release. And as a university student who is never in one place for long period of time, the ability to reinstall wherever I am in the world is a valuable feature. The concerns are legitimate mind, though they are typical of any Steamworks game. Ultimately, when you see a developer willing to put the time and money into a PC version of a title (mainly pointing at Microsoft's reluctance to support their own DirectX platform, and the likes of Alan Wake), you learn the hard way to appreciate any developer who is willing to give people like me some games to play.


                      Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                      That was more indirectly a reply to Pete. I'd really like to see some DLC based around Morrowind or Cyrodiil - with such an expansive game world there's a lot of different lore to choose from.
                      I also don't want to return to Shivering Isle, but DLC that takes you to somewhere completely different would be welcome!

                      Not that I'm even close to finishing - or getting bored - with the content we've already got. Almost finished the Thieves guild, must be at the last mission now!


                        Originally posted by dataDave View Post
                        I was thinking of getting this today but I'be had enough of broken games that require patches... Especially after the patches break the game even further. Do they not have anyone to test?

                        I bet Zelda doesn't have these problems.
                        I so should've taken that bet...

                        Nintendo has confirmed the existence of a game-breaking bug in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Gamers will only enc…


                          Ha! I came to post just that. And Nintendo haven't even said whether they're working on a patch or not.


                            Are Nintendo even equipped for patches?


                              Patches aren't an option on the Wii, no.


                                ^ didn't Nintendo update Wii firmware to deal with the Wii Sports Resort 'first time calibration/warning' bug?

