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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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    Yeah it's no biggie, you really should be making lots of saves these games are never perfect. This game is nowhere near as buggy as new vegas, i have put 180 hours into skyrim now & theres only a couple of side quests that bugged out on me the main game has been finished so it's completable.


      Contracted vampireism and dident realise how big a problem it was, quite enjoyed all the cool powers you get but then the bad stuff kicked in, lost the ability to sprint during daylight hours and i became week in sunlight. there seems to be no real explination as to how to get rid of vampirism, or any explination of the the stages of it, a quick google reveals a way to get rid of it. the quest was a real pain to complete too

      to start it you have to go into a tavern, on talking to the bar keep they direct you to some mage bloke who requires you to find a black soul gem and fill it by killing someone, but if your a stage four vampire this bloke will attack you, so on returning with my filled gem i was wondering wtf was going on as my game was essentialy ruined as i now couldent undertake any quests or cure my vampireism.

      A quick google reveals that if you sneek into someones house and feed on them when they are asleep you go back to level one vampirism and can talk to people again nowhere in game is this explained, quite random then that this bloke who just tried to attack me and is activley engaged in my quest to cure me will now help me again since ive sucked some blood. Be warned to feed on someone you have to hover your curser over them and highlight talk, im think nope thats going to wake him up but yup click talk then you get the option to drink the persons blood.

      Then its a short trip to the marsh and he chants a bit and your cured thanks skyrim for the help in letting me know never to contract vampirism again, What a joke of a quest.

      had a great bug tonight finaly got a horse cost me 1000 pieces of gold and i had him all of two minutes. Heres what happned, i'm galloping along stop to help a npc being bothred by two people, on dismounting my horse flys backwards at warp speed and disapears over the horizon. I turned to see if i could follow it, turns out it must of had elastic tied to it as its now back in the stable i bought it from dead as a door nail, i guess my horsey cant travel at that speed lol.





        Stay out of the Talos Shrine at Markarth if you have already cleared the Cidhna Prison part... I went there to clear my disease and the corrupt guards are STILL there for some lame/glitchy reason and regardless of what dialogue you select you will be thrown back behind bars only this time you won't have any NPCs in there for you to quest your way to freedom with.

        I must have lost about two hours play time today from reverting back to previous saves over and over and over. Talk about pissing the so-called immersion aspect of the game up the ****ter. Nothing makes me feel like I'm in a fantasy world quite the same as opening a menu and saving every ****ing 2 minutes. Seriously, there have been a couple of times today when I felt like ****ing it off. That Red Eagle Redoubt part was a proper piss-take - Fair-play, I could have just gone back and re-cleared the area which would only take about 20 minutes, maybe 30 including travel, but in my rage I was hell-bent on trying to fix these stupid NPC followers. In the end up having to demand for them to stand close to the 'invisible wall' they were having problems with so that I could use Unrelenting Force to push their asses across it. This has to be the most bugged game I've ever played.

        On top of all this my followers are complete and utter dip-****s. It's like having Leroy Jenkins in NPC form. I think I'm going to kill my dog and leave Lydia outside any main dungeon I venture into and have her act as a mule.


          I've got two followers at the moment by exploiting two particular quests (ie, I have two seperate 'escort' missions and haven't handed them in so they always follow me about) and it has made the game amazingly easy. They are stupidly hard characters and because they are both tied to proper quests neither can die! They are well behaved when I'm sneaking about but when its time to unleash hell I just sit back and they can Leroy all they want

          Might have to hand a quest in to get rid of one, it's almost game breakingly easy at the moment. Maybe I can hire a follower to have my own little army? That's be awesomeness even if it would break things even further!


            I never bothered with companion npcs in Oblivion. I made do with Daedra/Elemental summoning. Obviously not an option for a non-mage RPer but still.

            Do you get quests out of them this time around or something?


              Me neither- played all the way through Oblivion on my own. I've had one companion so far in Skyrim (Lydia, I think) but she got killed fairly early on when I swung at someone and missed, hitting her instead.

              Found a horse outside a fort-type place last night and could hear someone nearby shouting. Couldn't find them, so I tried shouting at the horse for some reason. Anyway, it didn't get knocked over and then wouldn't leave me alone, trying to attack me. I couldn't out run it and I couldn't fast travel away because now it was an enemy, so I had to kill it to get away. Sorry horse

              Also did the Thieves' Guild quest last night where you have to

              burn down some bloke's beehives and empty his safe

              . I think you're warned beforehand not to kill unless you absolutely have to and that this

              island is protected by loads of mercenaries


              Sneaked in through the sewer all stealthy like

              but ended up killing every last one of them and the main dude. Oops. Didn't seem to make that much of a difference though.


                I'd like to totally leave out the companions, but because I'm not using fast-track I really can't be arsed repeatedly running between Whiterun and back to dump all the loot I find.

                The amount of times I've had to reload a battle because I killed my stupid dog by accident, scored a finishing blow on a dragon last night and then swung once afterwards which killed my damn dog.

                This dog is really getting on my tits big-time. Last night he ran into a fort all by himself, even the door made the open/close sound effect. He ran inside attacking all the enemy NPCs so I figured it must have been some quest where my dog goes bonkers and I have to follow him... only it wasn't a quest, it was just another stupid bug.


                  OK, so last night didn't go too badly. I only fell victim to one glitch and that was because I was trying to exploit how much I could carry back to my house on horse-back.

                  So yeah, I raided some place, and found a great deal of loot I fancied taking back to sell. I couldn't carry it all although there was a horse nearby so I figure I can bring the horse up to the loot, overload my character, and then get on the horse for the journey back to Whiterun. So far so good I'm on my horse and galloping back...

                  A thief fancies himself so I dismount and take care of him, during the battle the horse decides to slowly trot back to where I picked him/her up leaving me stood there with all this loot. Fair do, I dump a few of the items on the ground and then sprint back to my horse before returning to my dropped loot. This time, I dismount the horse, and then Lewbowski's Elastic Band of Horse Binding strikes, catapulting him back down the path... I'm then on repeat mode for about 20 minutes trying to bring the horse back so that I can gather my loot and then jump back on it but the bloody elastic band seems permanent this time. Jesus Christ, I had to wedge the bastard between a nearby crevice so that it wouldn't happen and then lug all my crap up to it which took forever.


                    Haha. Sounds like the game hates you.


                      Lots and Lots of game freezes for me. Every time I play I have to reboot my PS3 at least once.
                      That said i still love it and gave it a 10/10 score...because im stupid.


                        Well after 98 hours I'm getting a bit bored now, the routine is starting to get to me. I think my main problem is that there's no real goal anymore, all the skills I use are maxed out and since I'm a mage there's no new weapons to find. And because smithing and enchanting is way overpowered I can't get any better armor either.

                        Still, awesome game and I'm glad it did so well so we can look forward to another one in a few years.


                          Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. I'm looking forward to them fixing this one first.


                            I think I have managed to have more problems with the game since the last update!

                            I have three saves (admittedly the last was to go the alternate route on the start of the game).

                            On the second save I have Lydia and Vigilance the dog. I also have problems with killing one or the other (more so on this save for some reason) and really ought to save more often as it makes it easier to rectify the problem. That is at least when the enemy aren't finishing them off! I suspect that using the Eye of Melka with them in tow is defninitely a non-starter.

                            On my first save (now Lv 26) and due to accidentally bumping into Delphine and Esbern when I was attacking a dragon (I had just abandoned the quest to reforge the amulet due to insufficent strength) I now have those two permanently with me, so rather than waste the opportunity, I have been doing quests that are not part of the main story to make good use of them. Needless to say, the first thing I did was to reforge the amulet with them for extra firepower (at least those two are kill-proof as far as I can see). Admittedly at this attempt, I planted myself on one of the spawn spots for the second brother which seemed to spoil his little game of swapping sides in the chamber. Only glitch was Delphine with her bow trained on the father at the end prevented the reforge from happening. Out of frustration (anf figuring a reload was likely to be in order) I blasted Delphine with some Firebolts and she knelt down and sheathed her bow and the end sequence for the quest kicked it and I got my reforge amulet (a useful item to have at Lv 18). I think a dog in the party as well would be nothing short of disastrous.

                            Having those three in tow proves a little tricky when you get challenged by someone in the street or even get someone ask for some Ward Training as Esbern and Delphine seem to take exception to it and the poor sap just trying to make use of my "expertise" tends to come to a sticky end.

                            I am now wondering if I can get my other housecarl, Jordis, to join in as well (though the logistics of 5 in the party may be a bit much), as I just purchased the manor. It is still in need of the Alchemy and Enchanting Labs, after which I will most likely get Ysolda moved in. Is she one of the best spouse characters as she seems to provide me with 100 Gold a day (I think) from her shop (so far she has given me 1500 Gold).

                            I am currently following that stupid talking dog. Frustrating as the destination seems to be a stone's throw from Riverwood (I started off in Falkreath I think).


                              I can't imagine carrying around so many companions, not only would everything be mind-numbingly easy, but the real challenge would be keeping them in tow without any glitches locking them in a particular location for all eternity. Even reading your post gave me a massive arse ache.


                                You should take up conjuration as well and summon 2 extra

                                permanent zombie buddies

                                so you can have your own army .

                                On the topic of bugs, I literally didn't have any in Skyrim, save for a handful of crashes to the desktop. I specifically chose the PC version for this though since I still had traumas from playing Oblivion on the 360. I couldn't finish that because I encountered a bug where one of the main story characters would forget to put on his armor and tried to fight an army coming coming through an Oblivion gate in his underwear... It's funny now, when it happened I wasn't laughing though.

