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Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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    Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
    No it isn't.

    Anybody with a brain in their head would realise that it would be a much more logical effect for the eyes to get dizzy from a fast circular motion. I can only assume that the reason they didn't do this is because they couldn't. Hence the game is made worse because of the deficiencies of the technology. Or do you get dizzy by turning in very slow circles?
    No it doesnt make the game worse at all. In fact they probably could have made mindless wiimote swinging work, but its likely they wanted a bit of effort from the player just to flesh the section out a little. Slow swinging isnt enough, fast swinging is too a little effort is required.

    But its one tiny part of the control scheme as a whole, and it is in no way immersion breaking, and with this in mind what the hell does it matter?

    You are just being super pedantic as always fella.
    Last edited by PaTaito; 03-11-2012, 01:34.


      Now you're making me laugh. You're the most pedantic person here. Just read the last couple of pages of this thread.


        Played more today. The music is outstanding in this one! Shame the gameplay is as infuriating as ever.

        Why do you have to put up with the flying pillock guard giving you a lecture every time you fall off the edge of Skyloft? The first time would be acceptable. Every time is taking the Michael. They designed a game which takes place on floating rocks and added an unskippable dialogue scene EVERY TIME YOU FALL OFF. It would have been annoying enough in a game where every edge of the map wasn't a ledge you could fall off. What's the point of it? To punish the player? Cruel much?

        Before yet more people accuse me of being bad at games (despite playing my entire life and beating all the previous Zelda's with no problem), falling off ledges is something that happens frequently because of the pointless gimmick of the wall-running feature. Any minor collision with any fence, wall etc in the game will have you automatically scale it and jump over the other side, possibly to your death! Gee! What excellent game design! What's that you say? Why not steer clear of any walls or fences near the edge of the floating island? Well, apart from the fact that I shouldn't have to do that, it's also kind of required that you DO run close to those fences. Why? It's just another brilliant benefit to be reaped from the beloved stamina meter! Yes! Not only did they design a game in which you cannot or perform any important actions for more than 5 seconds (as with all stamina-bar games, this makes no sense. I personally can run for longer than video game knights, space marines, and SAS soldiers? Terrific news...), they also placed the magical stamina recovery plants RIGHT UP AGAINST THE GOSH DARNED WALLS! Obviously you're going to be running from one recovery plant to the next in order to get from one side of the map to the other before you jolly well die of old age. What's that, eager Zelda fan? You'd like to run up the steps to the statue of the goddess, but you're out of energy because there was yet another set of steps leading to that set of steps? You'd like to run and collect the stamina plant on your way up? NOT WITHOUT COLLIDING WITH THE FENCE AND INVOLUNTARILY VAULTING OVER IT TO YOUR DEATH YOU WON'T! WHAT'S THAT, YOU LITTLE TURD? YOU'D LIKE TO CONTINUE PLAYING NOW? NOT WITHOUT LISTENING TO THIS SKYKNIGHT LECTURE FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME! HAHAHAHA!

        Bunch of simpletons. That's who designed this game.

        It doesn't even make sense within the logic of the game. Why can you leap off the 'designated' spots and call your bird, but not at random spots? How does your bird know exactly where you jumped from? We're supposed to believe that Link's legendarily loyal skywing would allow him to plunge to his death because he didn't jump from one specific diving board? Not to mention that there's a whole bunch of areas in the game where you can jump off at any random place you like. GO, CONSISTENCY!

        And why is the first floor academy door locked at night? Just so you have to go through the rigmarole of running up the stairs (running out of stamina in the process, what fun) in order to leave through the second floor exit? Like, I demand a reason that they put that in the game, and if the answer is 'to annoy the player', well then, I really won't be surprised at all.
        Last edited by noobish hat; 04-11-2012, 13:31.


          Hardly fell off when I played it. A few other minor annoyances like the locked door at night but they are no big deal.


            Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
            Now you're making me laugh. You're the most pedantic person here. Just read the last couple of pages of this thread.
            Sorry, Your last post was more than enough.
            Last edited by PaTaito; 03-11-2012, 18:16.


              This dumbass agrees with Noobish that the designated jump-off points in Skyloft are a real annoyance. So too are the knights/cutscenes when you launch yourself from the wrong spot. I think Nintendo are trying to create a kind of 'openworld' vibe in Skyloft and it doesn't quite click.


                This game will be the cause of a global war. Lets just all agree it is the most hated Zelda ever and be done with it.


                Last edited by 'Press Start'; 03-11-2012, 20:30.


                  I think the designated flight spots are to do with platforming on the rest of Skyloft – so you can't jump to unintended points on the map. It does seem a bit of a shame, though.

                  I also found the knights irritating, just didn't get quite so wound up about it.


                    Unfortunately, I've been continuing to slog my way through the massive chore that is Skyward Sword. After getting chewed out before, I've not really bothered commenting, especially since it's the same awful controls that relentlessly mar the game, there's not been much new to say. However, not wanting to go the obvious route and give the fans what they want, Nintendo have managed to cram in yet more disappointment. So I've arrived at the part in the game where you, wait for it... GET TO GO BACK THROUGH THE OLD DUNGEONS YOU ALREADY BEAT! YAAAAAY! I guess this feature got added after Nintendo read through all the gushingly positive reviews of the Temple of the Ocean King in Phantom Hourglass. OH WAIT, THAT'S THE PART LITERALLY EVERYONE WHO PLAYED IT HATED. I love how you get to the end of the first dungeon, for the second time, and Hans Moleman says to you 'Who'd want to come all the way down here just for some stinkin' water?' WHO INDEED, MOLEMAN. WHO INDEED.

                    If you think this kind of atrociousness is better than Ocarina of Time, or any of the other Zeldas for that matter (including Wind Waker which had two dungeons removed for Chrissakes), then you may want to get an appointment with an NHS psychiatrist as soon as possible because liking Skyward Sword is now one of the leading symptoms of mental retardation and you may qualify for government grants towards home help. It would also explain why you enjoy playing a game that treats you like a 2 year old. HEY LINK, YOU ONLY HAVE TWO HEARTS LEFT! YOU PROBABLY CAN'T FIGURE THIS OUT BY NOW BECAUSE YOU'VE ONLY BEEN PLAYING FOR 17 AND A HALF HOURS, BUT YOU NEED TO FIND MORE HEARTS! Thanks.


                      No zelda can be better than ocarina...thats just fact.


                        Except Majora's Mask is.


                          I think Skyward Sword is better than Ocarina and it's my favourite Zelda, but then, I'm a

                          Anyway, I challenge Noobish to write a lengthy post about what he's enjoying in Skyward Sword. You've stuck with it long enough to have gleaned some entertainment from it man!
                          Last edited by crocky-chocky; 17-11-2012, 10:51.


                            Well the music, off the top of my head.


                              What were you on about regarding the repeated dungeons Noobish? I am trying to remember as I can't. IIRC you only complete half a dungeon the first time around, is that correct?


                                The first dungeon you go back to, you go through the whole dungeon again. There's nothing new, it's literally just having to go all the way through to the final room again. Some of the doors are locked with keys in different places, and all the enemies are back, with some of them being from later in the game, which really kind of ruins any immersion because it's so videogame-like. What I mean is that obviously there are different enemies in different areas of the world and that feels natural. If you then see those enemies in the old areas, it's like, ok, these don't live here. What, they're following me around because I'm 17 hours into the game and it needs to be harder? Rubbish.

