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Saints Row 3

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    Last night with Elaniel as my partner in crime found out you could do this

    Get vehicles to the top of the Penthouse using the lift. Which lead to many attempts to jump vehicles between buildings using the Genki launcher.

    In the end we cheated. Sorta....

    And celebrated

    I love this game
    Last edited by Riskbreaker; 01-12-2011, 00:58.


      3 hours of trying to do that was totally worth it.

      I managed to actually complete some missions last night without getting distracted by beating people up or jumping buildings (go figure!) I think it's much better than Saints Row 2. Granted, I never finished it but I much prefer 3 to 2.

      By the way, there's one picture you didn't post? o.O


        What is it with that Achievement you get for completing the Ho Boat mission. I am on a second play through, and again the game has failed to give me that Achievement. This time I went for the alternate ending with no success. I saved just before starting so I will retry the original way. Needless to say this is getting somewhat frustrating to say the least. Is anyone else on the 360 and has managed to get this achievement?


          Anybody on PC steam want to co op? (love this game)


            Originally posted by Bassman View Post
            What is it with that Achievement you get for completing the Ho Boat mission. I am on a second play through, and again the game has failed to give me that Achievement. This time I went for the alternate ending with no success. I saved just before starting so I will retry the original way. Needless to say this is getting somewhat frustrating to say the least. Is anyone else on the 360 and has managed to get this achievement?
            Pretty sure I remember getting an achievement "Breaking them in" or something like that after the mission. Is that the one you mean?


              I think that is the correct name, or something very close to that.

              I am just mopping up the extra missions now, then coop if anyone is up for it? I am currently running through Gears 3 coop with my mate so it might be a few days/a week still.


                Send me an invite if you are about. I'll help with any side missions


                  Originally posted by Bassman View Post
                  What is it with that Achievement you get for completing the Ho Boat mission. I am on a second play through, and again the game has failed to give me that Achievement. This time I went for the alternate ending with no success. I saved just before starting so I will retry the original way. Needless to say this is getting somewhat frustrating to say the least. Is anyone else on the 360 and has managed to get this achievement?
                  I had a smillar issue where 'Kuh. Boom.' didn't unlock for me until the 4th try, clearing the cache and retrying the mission from the same save before it starts, and it appears on the loading screen after the mission is over.

                  It might be worth a try.


                    I failed to get the Achievement on my second play through, though I took a save and replayed the mission again and got the Achievement. So I managed it in only three attempts. Got the Tower Defense Achievement on my second play as I went the other way. Now I have all the single player story achievements.


                      I am stuck on an escort mission...finding it hard to kill the enemies without damaging my friends car. and they are sniping him from off screen with rockets!

                      very annoying as its ground act 2 to a halt

                      As for co-op, I am up for that! randomly driving around stealing cars at the mo so it will make a nice change!


                        As much as I like this game, it is still capable of seriously annoying me at times. I must say I object to games that have to cheat to make life difficult. I was on the "car" theft of the Commander boat from the Restricted Area island. I approach in the sea and my target appears (the symbol for the vehicle was on the screen), so I get in and try to deliver it (driving the correct boat) and it appears I had to actually get to a point on the island before getting the boat. Why did the stupid game give me the target symbol? Looks like I will be leaving the rest of the car thefts until |I get Invulnerability this time around and infinite ammo as well.

                        I do hate the way that the car thefts are implemented in this game compared to the second. In that you could collect the cars and then deliver them to the Chop Shops to avoid the Police. This goes to the other extreme and makes you take a car from a particular place and automatically gives you a three Shield rating. I presume in real life, a car thief makes sure the Police know he has taken a car...


                          Maybe your game was just being quirky....I flew in and skydived down, landing on the boat (the first time I have hit a target I was aiming for ha) and stole it fine. My game was making ho' and assasination targets invisible plus there is a red triangle who was a target I failed to kill during an escort mission that will not go away.

                          I have finished every side quest, got the collectables and done all the story to the zombie mission. Realise some of the challenges need doing before I wipe out the final gang though...the compliment/taunt ones are a pain now I only have a handful of Luchadores milling around. Still have 3 gang operations to shut down to get 100% of City Takeover in their you need to randomly drive around til they appear??


                            Love this game, but i have to add don't think Steelport is as interesting as Stillwater. It feels smaller to me. I'm also missing some gang takeovers, went to the areas that looked like they haven't been taken over and can't find anything. :/

                            Call me a heathen or some other derogatory name, but I enjoyed myself playing this alot more than Arkham City & Skyrim.


                              Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                              I'm also missing some gang takeovers, went to the areas that looked like they haven't been taken over and can't find anything. :/
                              Some of the gang locations are in obscure places that you may not find on foot. Hint: Use a helicopter, especially for one that is high up on a building.


                                Originally posted by Kaosu View Post
                                Some of the gang locations are in obscure places that you may not find on foot. Hint: Use a helicopter, especially for one that is high up on a building.
                                Yeah, used a vtol last night to work that out. Thanks anyway.

