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Kid Icarus:Uprising

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    I just bought this today and I have a question - how important, if at all, are these AR cards? Just curious as I'm off on holiday tomorrow, will bring the game but don't want to bring the AR cards unless I have to (hardly bulky but I'm a terror for losing things on holidays). Will I need them?


      I think they're just for card battles aren't they? Not sure if they're used in the single player game.


        Cool, thanks. Just what I needed to know.


          The control in this is the pits. The pits? Brilliant. But really, it's a bit pox. At least the ground sections - really not sure what they were thinking there. People had mentioned Metroid Hunters but that's not what they've done here. In Hunters, if you moved with the stylus, that's how much you moved. Here it's got a weird momentum mechanic that just seems broken in the initial stages but I am guessing I'm going to get used to this?

          But man is it gorgeous. Best graphics I have seen on 3DS. Looks amazing and the detail is superb. I especially love going deep into the clouds. And the 3D is stunning - which makes the controls all the more frustrating because I have a hard time staying within the viewing angle, thus buggering up the 3D. Really deep 3D, when many 3DS games seem to be pulling back a bit.

          The game itself seems like loads of fun. The level system seems to keep things varied and moving along at a good pace and I like how even early on (I have only done 3 levels) they are mixing in other characters and threads. And the battles in the sky are great. I could play this for hours - which makes the controls all the more frustrating because I got serious finger cramp on my left hand after a short time.

          And the stand? They may as well have just put in a note that read "sorry about the controls".

          Still, for all my complaining about the controls, I'm hoping I'll get used to them and just about every other element here screams top-notch quality. Seems really polished, fun and lovely. Great music too. Easy to see why this was hyped as a heavy hitter.


            It's still my favourite handheld game ever. The replayability is through the roof.


              Just wondering if people on here find playing Uprising on an XL to make it a better experience?


                Well I'm on XL. Can't really compare asI haven't played it on regular 3DS but the size means I feel like I'm supporting quite a bit with the fingers of the left hand and that was the cause of the sore fingers.


                  Well I have been playing this for about 10 more days and just completed the main story now. I absolutely loved it and I couldn't believe how long it was - tons of play in this one and I genuinely expected much, much less. I guess the Starfox/Panzer Dragoon thing usually leads to short games. Not so here.

                  Most importantly, the game is a joy. Yes, I had control issues and I'm not convinced these were the best ground controls even without a second stick. While I got used to the controls to an extent, some of the issues never went away, like losing the 3D for example. But the game itself is so much fun, the levels amazingly varied with different enemies and completely different locations. Some were stunning. The only ones I didn't quite enjoy were the couple that really were just waves of enemies (like the

                  tower level

                  ). Mostly brilliant.

                  And I loved the banter.

                  Pit! Hades! Pit! Hades!

                  Brilliant. A fantastic game.


                    I wanted to like KI:U so much... but I just couldn't get over the ground controls. Bleh. I love the rail shooter parts so much, and the music is incredible, but the ground controls feel so slippery to me.


                      This game would be brilliant if they'd have removed the ground levels and done it as a WiiU launch game or something. I'm approahcing halfway through and I'm feeling like I'm ready for it to end yet I know it has masses of levels. Far too long and the annoying thing is it's largely because of the ground sections which are universally crap. It's a good, polished game but it could have been even better with some small changes.


                        Picked this up yesterday and really like it so far. The visuals are amazing and the overall gameplay is superb. Pity the controls seem something of a mess though. I use the left stick to move and the buttons to aim and it works ok so far. It is baffling to include this option and not to add a proper dual control option.

                        I like the flying sections but really love the ground sections. I like the meaty melee attacks and using the dash to move quickly to counter. Good stuff!


                          Finished this yesterday and it is simply amazing. The amount of levels and overall content was very impressive and surprising. Really enjoyed the silly characters too and the script had me laughing loud at times.

                          Overall I found the control was fine but could have been better. Finished the whole game on 3.0 and completed levels 1-3 on 7.0 so far so despite the issues, it's not a huge problem with practise.

                          This is probably just ahead of Forza Horizon and The Last Story for the best game I have played this year.


                            Received a copy of this one from Santa and have played the first two levels, still need to get to grips with the controls on the XL but hopefully my mind will click into place soon. I received a spotpass gem straight away for a pretty cool looking bow but it takes a few thousand hearts to unlock and seeing as I’m on about 600 I think it might be a while before I can get my hands on it! Still I’m loving the game. As many others have said I found the first boss easy enough but I nearly died on the second, so clearly I need some practice!


                              I couldn't get beyond the controls. Everything looked lovely, but after a few mins hand cramp would set in. I'd love a version using the wiimote.


                                Managed to play some more of this over the weekend (now I have found my 3ds charger again). Still trying to get the feeling of the different weapons types, had a go with a club I had unlocked and it seemed pretty powerful but the lack of rapid fire put me off a little. Played around with some orbitars, fused a set of guardian orbitars that can make a shield wall on a charge shot but (as you can imagine) lacked the offensive capability I was looking for. Just made a second set of orbitars that look like eyeballs that have good homing so I?m going to try them out tonight. My current go to weapon is a dark bow, but again the burst fire limit lets it down a little. Knowing me I?ll probably revert to having a blade that gives the best of both worlds!

                                The story mode has constantly been upping my recommended difficulty level until I?m just scraping by, I played the Reaper fortress last night and spent most of the entire boss fight in the empty life bar mode! I may reduce it slightly to lower my stress levels.

