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Phantasy Star Online 2 (PC, JPN Release) review

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    Yes, just not sure when.


      Still waiting on this too.


        I finally have the Vita version of this. Some people are going to need a new memory card, it's a 4GB download by itself. I knew that buying a 32GB card would come in handy eventually.

        It's hard to fault the port. The framerate is capped at 30fps instead of 60, and the textures are lower quality (not so noticeable on the smaller screen), but otherwise it's identical to the PC game. Uses the same servers as the PC game too - I could still log in with the character I made last summer for the PC beta. Nice.

        Chat works rather well using the touchscreen, trying find out if the supports voice chat.

        By the way, my brother uses a fan-made partial English translation for the PC version, might be worth checking out.


          How easy is it to connect to the Japanese store. I have a spare 8gig memory card (I recently bought a 32g for the UK store) and an Japanese account, I presume I have to format my 8gig memory card and start again.


            As easy as logging in, and going to downloads.Simples.


              Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
              As easy as logging in, and going to downloads.Simples.
              sweet gonna do it now


                i've been dabbling on the vita version this past couple of days.

                having never played any phantasy star games before, its all a bit daunting. and my japanese being very bad is making it interesting going (although i do love reading katakana!). but from the few missions i've done so far it all seems quite nice.

                if anybody else is still playing i wouldnt mind doing some missions together some time. not sure how that all works though. my japanese psn is AvexFuddle-jpn. i'm on ship 2, which i believe is the one most english speakers use?


                  It's a shame that characters are tied to ships, because it means that people won't be able to play with certain other people without creating separate characters.

                  I kinda understand why they did it - with the original PSO, your character was not tied to any ship, which resulted in the top two ships on the list being overloaded and the ships further down being almost empty. But it does create frustrations like this.

                  This seems to be the standard with most online RPGs now though.


                    I'll start a character, so are we going to meet on 2?


                      But we call those "servers".


                        did a mission last night, and a couple of other people joined in which was quite nice. i considered joining other peoples games before, but i'm scared they will try to talk to me and i wont understand enough!
                        going to try making some of those emoticon bubble things tonight i think.
                        really enjoyed it though.

                        Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
                        I'll start a character, so are we going to meet on 2?
                        i think you might be tied to whatever ship you start on, unless you pay real money to switch?
                        looking around it seemed like most english speakers were going with 2 so thats what i chose. but i havent particularly noticed.
                        Last edited by Fuddle; 04-03-2013, 07:04.


                          So ive made a character and im on ship 2, and on level B 101, Quattro 68 is my character if you see me in there and add me please.


                            do you guys know much jap ? would it be easy enough to understand for someone who played hundreds of hours on the dc version


                              You shouldn't have many issues trying to figure out how to actually play the game because it's basically an evolution of the PSO formula. You probably do need Japanese knowledge to figure out what to do in quests, though I'm sure there are plenty of guides online (I've not looked myself because I can read Japanese).

                              If you have a gaming PC, I know my brother uses a fan-made English patch that apparently translates most of the important information.


                                that was interesting.
                                i dont know how you found me misterbubbles, or was that a coincidence?

                                i think i sent you an ingame friend request. the second option after clicking on somebody sends a party invite. (not sure how to accept one) then i just went and chose a quest like normal. and i think as long as you are in the party you will go to the same lobby through that tunnel. i havent quite figured out how if theres any easier way.

                                i'm ok at reading the hiragana and katakana, but my actual knowledge of what everything means is still reasonably basic (and kanji is impossible). so theres still quite a bit of trial and error. i chucked that other guy a psn friend request too.
                                i'll have another go tomorrow.

                                i've been using this guide a bit to help get around, as i havent played pso before

