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Phantasy Star Online 2 (PC, JPN Release) review

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    No there's an option to warp to where people you are talking to. The hardest bit for me was actually setting up the Sega ID as i had no clue on hiragana and it took ages to work out. So far so PSO, even got that noise going through the portal online from the dreamcast.


      oh yeah, it took me ages to figure out how to say anything too

      i kept bringing up the keyboard and typing stuff that never appeared. in the end i was clicking on a person, using the first option and then typing. but i wasnt sure if that meant everybody could see it or not.


        Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
        do you guys know much jap ? would it be easy enough to understand for someone who played hundreds of hours on the dc version
        not everything on there is accurate, but it is handy.
        A lot of things have changed since it went public, for example the matter boards/story parts have been made easier to understand, with icons and pictures, to display what your next chosen task is and where to go(look for the bird icon). Despite being just in japanese, it is really straight forward and easy to understand.

        Other useful resources (japanese wiki) (skill tree simulator) use it, or you will regret it


          Its totally easy to work out the basics yesteryear, and theres always helpful people in game and on and from here to help, so go for it, get yourself over here and sign up,


            Bump, is anybody still playing? Finding it very difficult to find English speaking players, even on the English ship. Curse modern gaming now, with people playing games for like a week then moving onto something else, what happened to the level 200 PSO players who played games for not weeks but years?


              Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
              Curse modern gaming now, with people playing games for like a week then moving onto something else
              Irony, thy name is Mr. Bubbles...


                While I haven't played this much since I started playing FFXIV, I do still boot this up from time to time. I've had some great success with levelling up my Braver / Ranger subclass, and it's restored all fun in the game for me.

                There will be very little in the way of English speakers, especially on my ship (Ship 7), but setting up a couple of shortcut words with Google Translate for 'Sorry for my bad Japanese' etc is helping. I've actually met some really awesome Japanese players on here by communicating back and forth with very simple phrases via Google Translate. It's not ideal but it's better than nothing.

