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Resident Evil 6 [XBox 360, PS3] - review

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    I hear you on that. Who needs genres if every major title in the future covers them all for you? (insert token sarcasm here).

    Yes Capcom should be leading the pack in survival horror. They and Konami pioneered it with their repsective best series. It's like they got bored of being good and tried to reinvent themselves, albeit with disastrous results.

    I'll just go back to playing some Fatal Frame/Siren: Blood Curse for my chills then.


      Capcom did nothing wrong with Resi 4. It was still dark and still creepy but up the action anti. It was the perfect balance of new and old gameplay styles that could appeal to all sections of the audience. Since then they have upped the action level to a stupid degree and forgotten everything else. Leon can't get out of a vehicle without it blowing up in 6.


        I still felt that Resident Evil 4 was a tad too actiony, especially once you reached the castle area (which I was never fond of), but I think I was more welcoming to the change in context because it was pretty clear that they were running out of ideas with the series at that point. And it was genuinely a great game, putting aside my survival horror bias.

        I did then hope that they would follow this up by applying the new gameplay ground they'd struck in RE4 to the horror elements that I felt they perfected in REmake. This was not to be.


          Yes but you still thought it was a great game so it appealed perfectly to all types of fan. Resi 4 just kept enough of the classic gameplay and puzzles to appeal to both markets.

          The best game since then has been Revelations. It actually felt like Resi of old to play for the most part but weak enemy design let it down. They need to find a middle ground.


            I still felt that Resident Evil 4 was a tad too actiony, especially once you reached the castle area (which I was never fond of),
            It was and sadly RE 4 marked the death for the RE series as a survival horror where it went for action ( I think Shinji Mikami confirmed the action focus, in a RE 4 EDGE interview) . That said I quite liked RE 5 and find 6 not to bad.


              Revelations is an interesting one. I think it goes downhill quite rapidly after you leave the ship, although overall it still remains an entertaining game. The cramped, narrow corridors of the ship necessitated less enemies, and thus, a more intelligent approach regarding enemy placement and appearance. The ship section worked rather well. I think the game gets too much praise as a result of being somewhat decent, but I'm still looking forward to replaying the game when the HD re-release comes out (whereas I can't bring myself to replay Resident Evil 6 anytime soon).

              From a horror perspective, less can be more. The original Resident Evil was arguably scarier than its successors partially because there were so few enemies, but the enemies were more threatening - you were actually scared when you met an enemy, which I don't think you could even say with Resident Evil 2. Very few survival horror games manage to get that right (Project Zero and Siren springing to mind). This also worked very well in the original Dino Crisis game.


                Absolutely. I'm not disagreeing with your angle and I would like to see a return to it myself. More that Resi 4 struck a good overall balance to make it a viable product in the market today.


                  I never bothered with Revelations, as it didn't seem like the type of game I want to play on a handheld, but Im looking forward to the HD version.

                  To be honest, I dont care if a game is scary or not, I just want it to be a good game. Resident Evil 4 didn't scare me but that didn't stop me from thinking it is one of the best games ever made. If the series didn't grow and change after so many games we'd all be complaining that it was stale. The problem isn't the fact that the series isn't rooted in horror anymore, but the fact that the quality of the games is no longer as consistently good.


                    Anyone buy this on steam recently? fancy some co-op / mercs? all in good fun + wesker quotes


                      Decided that this would be the next game I try revisiting it so booted up the game the other night. Faced with the four campaigns to choose from, based loosely from memory, I chose Jake's as I remembered his being the worst one so it seemed the best place to start. As soon as the game starts I could feel it grate under my skin a little, the clumsy menu system initially being a pain as you try to adjust your items and settings whilst enemies attack but once sorted and the game began I just had to get used to how rough it feels to control, not sure what it is but it feels like its in need of more frames than it has.

                      I've pushed through Jake's first two chapters pretty easily, the only real complaint being how bland the experience has been but I'm very much aware this is more a complaint for this particular branch of the game. The others have their own issues but at least they're a bit more livelier. It's been okay so far, I'm cautiously optimistic that it might pull itself back enough as I progress to be enjoyable enough overall like RE5 did on replay. It's still a painful frustration though that Capcom can't get their head around why RE4 and previous worked even though its glaringly obvious.


                        This is 7 squids on Steam - worth a punt?


                          Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
                          This is 7 squids on Steam - worth a punt?
                          No it's really bad


                            Thanks Stevie - will give it a swerve and go for Kingdoms of Amalur for 9 quid instead!!


                              Kingdoms of Amalur would have been better value at ?50 than Resi 6 and a fiver.


                                I'd have to think hard about taking ?50 off someone if they were paying me to play Resi 6. I'd rather do overtime.

