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Hotline Miami review

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    Maybe I'll just listen to the soundtrack on Soundcloud!


      It's been on Youtube for ages. Youtube is my official radio player.


        I'm actually warming to this game. I found some early chapters a pain in the hole and totally unenjoyable (chapter 4 or 5 I think in particular). But after those I started to get into it. I'm now on chapter 8 and, yep, I'm enjoying it.

        Not sure what has changed but the game may be clicking with me.


          Finished it this morning. No real idea what actually happened in the game and odd that it had

          two conflicting endings but I'm guessing the first guy was in a coma for a large chunk of his game, after you meet the biker.

          An odd game. Loved the soundtrack. Yes, I had massive problems with the gameplay early on and I think I found most of my criticisms still standing by the end in that I think it could have been an even better game if it were more controlled. But I did get into it and the play style clicked with me much better as I got past around chapter 5. From there, I never really had major problems except for a boss fight which seemed to rely on my locking on, something not easy on the Vita.

          Certainly an interesting game. Liked what they were going for. Didn't quite love it.


            Just picked this up thanks to PS+ on vita, i went in thinking i would see what all the fuss was about as it hadn't interested me before. so far i havent been able to put it down i got through to chapter four with only an hour or so of game play not finding it too tricky rushing i found gets you killed, but using mele weapons and being careful With the guns works surprisingly well, and even though enemies are moving about the rooms randomly, once I've found a tactic to get thorough a room it tends to work 99% of the time.

            It's pretty satisfying using the door to knock one enemy down and then crowbar his mate, before going back and bashing the dazed enemy's brains out on the floor moving so quickly the room dosent have time to react, its all so grimy neon and dirty looking, its like they have distilled the violence and 80s crime vibe from the film Drive and put it into a game.

            I had a mad level where i cleared out a few rooms quickly then picked up the six shot shotgun killing three with one shot as they raced to see what the noise was, finishing off the stranglers was very satisfying especially when the score multiplier kept going.
            Last edited by Lebowski; 10-04-2014, 10:25.


              I've been playing this on Vita. I stick it on for 30 mins before bed. I had it on PC but the Vita feels like it was made for it.

              I get stuck on a level, death after death, come back the next day and do it in few mins, with few deaths. Great fun.


                One more go.......


                  What are the red, circle like symbols on the floor in this game? they look like some sort of glyph and they appear in random locations.


                    I want to say that's the logo for the bad guys/group, like a circle with lines through it?


                      Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                      I want to say that's the logo for the bad guys/group, like a circle with lines through it?
                      Yeah that is the one. Thank you.

                      I still only wanted one more go and it ended up being one more level.


                        Looks like the PS4 version is free for owners of the Vita version. Just downloaded it. Another excuse to revisit the carnage


                          Yup found that too! Nice to have all these PS4 games I've not had to pay anything for.

