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Super Mario 3D World

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    Its a brilliant game...always thought 3d land was good, albeit a bit basic.

    Not this game.

    So much character.
    Last edited by PaTaito; 05-12-2013, 16:21.


      I've been picking up extra shifts at the hospital for Xmas money so I'm only upto World 3-3 (collecting all Green Stars, Stamps and Golden Flagposts)...

      So far I think it's fantastic, not quite as good as Super Mario Galaxy due to the lack of a strong narrative but it's better than Galaxy 2 as I think the classic overworld design here is much better than "Starship Mario" and the new power-ups are excellent... Also the music... That first Ghost House is beautiful
      Last edited by Pikate; 05-12-2013, 16:56.


        You're just two levels away from a very simple yet glorious level


          Level 3-6?


            So far I am just starting world 2, the colours etc are great, but nothing really new, so not feeling the love like others. But i will continue as i have heard later levels are better. I enjoyed Rayman more at this stage.

            I though is was good fun initially, but that has worn off, I mean come on I have played Mario for 28 years, maybe I am jaded.
            Last edited by jim g; 05-12-2013, 22:31.


              Originally posted by Pikate View Post
              Level 3-6?
              3-5, a genius nod to another series


                Pipeline Lagoon? I didn't pick up on the reference?

                I assumed you meant 3-6, the Super Mario Kart inspired one


                  Yup, 3-6 will be the one I love how the Ghost House is more like Luigi's Mansion style this time out too


                    Good fun, but sometimes I find it hard to judge distance which leads to stupids death as I go straight into enemies because of mis-timed jumps.


                      It gets better and better, the level design, difficulty, everything.
                      Really a fantastic game all round that is a pleasure to play hour after hour.


                        I keep hearing people mention its 'easy' and I was onf the same opinion at the start but the game does pick up in the later levels, with some being quite tricky for a number of reasons...

                        Completed this now and working back through getting missed starts and gold flags.


                          I'm almost there with you, up to the last castle I believe. Have about 180 stars so far so probably about half? then I will be revisiting to pick up the missed stars and stamps too.

                          I did get up to around 60 lives by end of World 5, but am around 45 now, swear I lost about 12 on one stage alone.

                          dataDave, you recall how many stars and stamps you have/are in the game?


                            Got about 90 lives atm, upto 6-1 at the moment and the closest to trouble I've had was the last green star on 5-6 which was the closest to poor set up I've seen as it pushed the player too much to getting hit for the sake of it but that's small criticism though. I must have well over half the stamps I could have and I still have 100% of the available green stars so it's def not a hard game but then Mario shouldn't be.


                              I had about 80 lives up until near the end but now once complete and trying to get some of the stars (and some other stuff once completed ) I have about half that haha The first six worlds are easy compared to the later stuff. Some levels had me thinking 'how could a child do this?'!

                              I will say is that its a BIG game and still lots to do on finishing so if you're thinking you need to take your time to soak in the game then don't as you will be seeing a lot more of it!

                              I won't say more than that because I dont know how to do those 'spolier' things people do in this thread?
                              Last edited by ridgeracer; 06-12-2013, 13:59.


                                [spoiler*] spoiler here [/spoiler*]

                                But without the asterisks.

                                I keep looking around on the levels and then realise I have 100 seconds to complete the level, never have I struggled against the clock in a Mario game, this one just has you searching every nook and cranny hoping there is something to reveal. A couple of play throughs on each level are needed really to make sure you manage to take in everything.
                                Last edited by VR46; 06-12-2013, 14:04.

