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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
    Calling Bordersdown PS4 massive:

    Do we have any other Loftgroover style (Level 27?!) speedlevelers for attempting Vault of Glass or the Weekly Nightfall any time soon?

    I'd love to get a group together despite there being no need for a rush, and I'm definitely interested in putting a 6 man team together and helping a few others start gearing up through strikes, reputation farming and the like.

    Let me know if anyone's close to the Level 26 mark, especially for this week's heroic strike as I'd love to get the 6 Strange Coins out of it for tomorrow's Exotic vendor visit!
    Im lvl 26, and so is my mate. Titan and Hunter.


      Lvl 17 Hunter and taking it slow, haven't even done much of Mars, prob be 20+ by the weekend lol
      Last edited by Lebowski; 18-09-2014, 16:16.


        Out of interest, as I absolutely despise PvP, is it possible to progress just as well (or near enough) without bothering with the Crucible? I have a deep hatred for it, so would like to stay well clear if at all possible.


          The crucible gives you some crazy fast levelling if you take crucible bounties, These usual revolve around getting 25 kills, three first kills ect, there's no need to do it, though. the story stuff, the explore missions, and the raids can all give you just as much experience if you take the right bounties.


            Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
            The crucible gives you some crazy fast levelling if you take crucible bounties, These usual revolve around getting 25 kills, three first kills ect, there's no need to do it, though. the story stuff, the explore missions, and the raids can all give you just as much experience if you take the right bounties.
            That is music to my ears, thanks mate. Will no doubt give it another go, but not being a FPS fiend, I find it more frustrating than enjoyable getting owned literally every 5 seconds.


              I am a fps fiend and think the pvp in this is poor. It's an odd hybrid between Halo and CoD, and not a patch on either (and I despise CoD!)

              I wonder why they didn't stick with the more measured Halo style. Either way, the pve suits me just fine.


                This game has been getting a bit of a beating by most media outlets and people in general but actually, it's much better and a lot more fun than people are giving credit for. The proof is in the pudding. I'm a massive PC gamer and only just got a PS4 but I've been hammering Destiny every single night and barely switched on my PC. So there is a definite something that is drawing me in.

                When you start the game it is kind of mediocre and you're left wondering is this it? Once you finally get used to the gun play and team up with some buddies in a strike mission it clicks like no other coop FPS. That boss that is chained up on the Moon is one example of how exhilarating the game can be. Not many other games can match that thrill. What Bungie need to do is make more of that as well as other content and this game should last a good while.

                I highly recommend this game if you like having fun when you play a game.


                  I've noticed a weird thing with my destiny, or my eyes. Is it just me or does watching the game via youtube, twitch etc make the game look smoother?

                  I play destiny on my PC monitor on ps4 and when I play it it always looks less smooth frames wise than when seeing someone else play it via a video.

                  Can you understand what I'm saying? I can't understand if it's meant to be like that or my monitor is set wrong, or perhaps my eyes are broken.

                  It's by no means unplayable as is, but I can noticibly see it's not smooth between the frames displayed.
                  Just confirm my monitor isn't broken. I play pc games that run just fine at 60fps and I can't see any problem.

                  I guess I should try it on a tv or another monitor to see if it's the same.

                  Please help.


                    Originally posted by Supergoal View Post
                    This game has been getting a bit of a beating by most media outlets and people in general but actually, it's much better and a lot more fun than people are giving credit for. The proof is in the pudding. I'm a massive PC gamer and only just got a PS4 but I've been hammering Destiny every single night and barely switched on my PC. So there is a definite something that is drawing me in.

                    When you start the game it is kind of mediocre and you're left wondering is this it? Once you finally get used to the gun play and team up with some buddies in a strike mission it clicks like no other coop FPS. That boss that is chained up on the Moon is one example of how exhilarating the game can be. Not many other games can match that thrill. What Bungie need to do is make more of that as well as other content and this game should last a good while.

                    I highly recommend this game if you like having fun when you play a game.
                    People are just associating that quoted figure with game quality, especially the media, doesn't work like that. If more people just sat down and played it on its own merits they would probably have a great time, especially in the coop strike missions.

                    The one thing that is majorly breaking immersion for me at the moment is the magically appearing enemies. Bungie got rid of that bo**ocks in halo ce so wtf is it back? sometimes they come down in drop ships, then others they can just appear right in front of you, really really really really lazy design .


                      Halfway through Venus now and the recurring mission 'structure', i.e. fend of waves of enemies while the ghost slowly hacks something, is starting to grind me down. The first mission on Venus

                      had 5 maybe 6 massive waves to defend against - they just kept coming!

                      . The next two missions did exactly the same. Enjoyed the first properly enjoyable plot moment, though: the camply villanous

                      brother and sister duo out in the asteroid belt

                      . Also realized one of my favourite things about the game is the sound-design used for the enemies. The guttural bleeps and bloops from mechs is fantastic, especially in surround.

                      Checked again the criteria for unlocking vanguard or crucible gear: max you can earn is 100 points in either category in any week, and the cheapest item (weapon, piece of armour, whatever, but without any customization, which costs yet more points) is 150. That's far too much of a grind for me so I'll be out once SP is over.


                        You can get good gear from venders for as little as 75 marks as its the top line weapons that tend to cost 150 which you can get lucky on drops from strikes or pvp.

                        Which happened to 2 mates i was with yesterday getting a purple weapon each at lvl 20 in 2 lvl22 vanguard strikes we did.



                            Getting a bit annoyed with this last night, got three legendary engrams weapons last night each one when I took it to the shop to reveal turns out to just be a plain old common "rare" weapon. What's the point of a legendary engram if it only give you a low chance of getting one.

                            Also looks like I know where I'll be farming this weekend.

                            Weapon parts are rather slow to find, can they be obtained from anywhere other then by selling weapons.


                              That'll come in handy sm3 cheers


                                Any PS3 players (who are at least level 25, I'm level 26) fancy doing the Weekly Heroic Strike tonight/tomorrow? I'll be on most of the evening, and most of tomorrow. I don't have a headset, but voice comms are not really required for Strikes. PSN ID: bcass_uk

                                Can you do the Weekly Strike more than once a week? I wouldn't mind doing it several times so I can buy some exotic stuff from X?r while he's about at the weekend. I already blew all my 23 Motes of Light on an Exotic Engram from him, and the ****er turned into a Titan item (I'm a Warlock)!! If wasn't a complete waste as it gave me a load of Ascendant Shards which are needed for upgrading Legendary armour.

