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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    I do tend to express exasperation to the max, but nobody told me it was all your chaps first ever raid!
    But we got you guys through it so all worked out in the end
    Last edited by Largo; 28-11-2014, 23:07.


      Originally posted by bwi View Post
      Definitely up for it again whenever your up for it
      Sure thing - I'm well up for giving it another go.

      Cheers Largo and Tobal for dragging us through it btw - it would have been a right benny hill cluster **** otherwise!


        now youtube working, some early destiny videos.

        Mike vs Tigerknee

        Couple of Titan Shield punch ups
        Rubiq and I smashing some faces

        solo vs the team

        lag problems

        my best MP score...


          Awesome multi player video tobal, I'm glad I'm not playing against you!!

          Still looking for some people to do the raid tonight on the xbox one if anyone wants to walk me through for the first time?


            Steve i've got a mate whose on xbox one and looking to do the vault. If you want i can send him a message see if he wants to hook up with you so your on for getting a full team.

            I'm on PS4 so i cant join in unfortunately


              Couple of interesting tweets yesterday from Luke Smith (Bungie employee) concerning the DLC:

              "Crota's End, the next Destiny Raid will begin at Level 30 (Normal) when it goes live on 12/9."

              "In The Dark Below there will be other ways to get to Light 30 - and Crota's End - beyond running VOG."

              Last edited by bcass; 01-12-2014, 06:25.


                Switched this on for the first time in nearly 2 months at the weekend. Levelled new monarchy up so I could buy new arm and leg armour to finish off all purple armour. Then realised the 2 new pieces needed nearly 20 ascendant shards each to fully level them, not to mention the ascendant shards I already need to finish off the purple armour I already have and the yellow helmet (flood looking hunter one).

                Remembered why i stopped, if bungie think I'm going to grind for all that ascendant shards they have another thing coming.


                  you don't really need to grind, the daily heroic story gives you two shards and doing one public event a day gives you one to, if you just do these for 15 minutes a day you will have tons of shards in a about a weeks worth of play. The game is set up in a way that you should be raiding from lvl 26-27 this way you will get all the armour and shards you need to get to lvl 30.

                  in the raid you will get at least 3 shards per chest and there are five chests throughout the raid, not to mention 3 bosses that give you rewards after each one, these will often also be cool raid weapons and armour.

                  ive put a massive amount of time into this (120+ hours) and am currently at lvl 30 with a hunter and lvl 26 with a warlock, but I don't feel like its been a chore, as i always try and make sure I'm not soloing it as running through events with a good bit of banter is what keeps me coming back to this time and time again, it helps that the shooting is such good fun too.


                    Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                    Switched this on for the first time in nearly 2 months at the weekend. Levelled new monarchy up so I could buy new arm and leg armour to finish off all purple armour. Then realised the 2 new pieces needed nearly 20 ascendant shards each to fully level them, not to mention the ascendant shards I already need to finish off the purple armour I already have and the yellow helmet (flood looking hunter one).

                    Remembered why i stopped, if bungie think I'm going to grind for all that ascendant shards they have another thing coming.
                    S3M and I will take you through the raid one evening this week. The raid is the best part of the game IMO, especially when you're new to it. Don't worry if you don't have a mic, you'll be fine so long as you can hear what others in the fireteam are saying. As Lebowski says, once you start doing raids each week, you'll have significantly more shards to level armour up with. One raid alone has a potential to drop approx. 20+ shards, plus you'll have a chance at getting legendary raid armour and raid weapons, which are arguably the best weapons in the game.


                      Originally posted by bcass View Post
                      S3M and I will take you through the raid one evening this week. The raid is the best part of the game IMO, especially when you're new to it. Don't worry if you don't have a mic, you'll be fine so long as you can hear what others in the fireteam are saying. As Lebowski says, once you start doing raids each week, you'll have significantly more shards to level armour up with. One raid alone has a potential to drop approx. 20+ shards, plus you'll have a chance at getting legendary raid armour and raid weapons, which are arguably the best weapons in the game.
                      Cool cheers guys. Let me know when your free bcass, i missed you several times yesterday i think it was.


                        Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                        you don't really need to grind, the daily heroic story gives you two shards and doing one public event a day gives you one to
                        You don't always get Ascendant material from the first Public Event. For example, my first one today was Gold Tier and all I got was Vanguard Marks and a Mote of Light.


                          Originally posted by MJ View Post
                          You don't always get Ascendant material from the first Public Event. For example, my first one today was Gold Tier and all I got was Vanguard Marks and a Mote of Light.
                          you need to go back to the tower each day after doing a public event as long as you get gold you will always have a message waiting for you with ascendant material in it, this can very rarely give you motes too.


                            As Bcass said it's all about the raid that's where you get most of your ascendant shards & energy from. Be and bcass can show you the ropes but don't event attempt the raid till you have six players in a team.

                            Always do the daily mission as well, other things to do is get both your vanguard and crucible ranks up to 3 once that happens they send you mails with legendary loot for every rank up after that! Farm public events you have a random drop change from ever gold event that you will get ascendant material.


                              Originally posted by S3M View Post
                              they send you mails with legendary loot for every rank up after that! Farm public events you have a random drop change from ever gold event that you will get ascendant material.
                              I got a single ascendant energy and a single mote of light the last two times I ranked up. Rude words were said!


                                I've still not done a raid and without putting matchmaking in for this and the weekly nightfall I probably never will!
                                I know matchmaking for the raid could cause issues with people trying to co ordinate the game but surely for the nightfall they should have it in place??
                                I posted on 3 sites to do a raid on Saturday and not one reply, so without a better system I'm doomed to stay at level 29.
                                Shards etc I get through the daily stuff at the highest level but yet again the game doesn't actually let you know you can do it at a higher level ha ha. A double edged sword with the daily stuff as if you're a lower level with poor weapons your not able to attempt these, ironic that you want to level up your stuff by doing these.
                                The game is very geared up towards playing with others and unfortunately gives you a bum deal if you play on your own. Like making solo runs of the nightfall harder than they used to be so you need teammates!
                                I still enjoy playing this and have put close to 200 hours into it so I do know how to play the game, just not how bungie wants you to ha ha

