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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Best Scout Rifle I think is Vision of Confluence. Best Pulse Rifle dunno.

    Best Hand Cannon, I would say Fatebringer. Its non exotic, which is a plus. And it wrecks.

    Best Sniper Rifle is Ice Breaker for PvE, for PvP its Patience and Time.

    Best Shotgun is Invective but don't count out Found Verdict, as its non exotic.

    Fusion Rifle is probably Plan C and Light/Beware. Or Vex Mythoclast as its actually a Fusion Rifle.

    Rocket Launcher is easy, its Gjallerhorn. It destroys everything right now (use it on Gatekeepers in the Raid, its near insta kill). The Hezen is good too.

    Best Machine Gun is Thunderlord.
    Last edited by Panta Rhei; 22-10-2014, 18:40.


      Probably Vision of Confluence for scout rifle


        Where do you get these things from? I need Ascendent Shards. A lot of them.


          Vision of Confluence is from the final Vault of Glass boss


            Two Strike missions left which I'll finish tonight but the main missions are done now. It ended how it finished, perfectly enjoyable yet perfectly average. Was fun throughout but the memories won't linger with me. The very definition of a 7/10 title


              Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
              Two Strike missions left which I'll finish tonight but the main missions are done now. It ended how it finished, perfectly enjoyable yet perfectly average. Was fun throughout but the memories won't linger with me. The very definition of a 7/10 title
              the story bit is just the start the team ups at higher levels are where the game really starts, weekly nightfall and vanguard tiger strikes are where you should turn your attention to getting powerful enough to take on, set yourself some armour you want to get and try and get yourself to a higher level I've found the game at its best when your working towards a goal you set yourself.

              I Got the legendary auto rifle I wanted (Shadow Price) this requires two and a half weeks worth of vangaurd marks (140) I've been 8 marks short since last week, (really don't understand the 100 marks a week cap). I also got the last piece of a full set of dead orbit legendary armour witch required 140 crucible marks. This was the biggest drag as you get 3 marks for a win and 2 for a loss so getting marks is painfully slow in the worst case scenario you would have to play 70 matches to get this helmet over a two week period.

              so now i have what i want it would seem i can't get to level 30 with this stuff lvl 29 max im currently lvl 28. so now its all about random drops of raid armour in the vault of glass, and here lies the problem. Do i save up ascendant shards and not upgrade my stuff now? if i want to go up one more level to 29 thats as far as this current armour set will get me. Or do I save it all for the lvl 30 endgame, I need to replace all my current legendary stuff with legendary raid armour and upgrade that fully if i want lvl 30.

              as vanguard marks and crucible marks are now null and void, the only thing left to conquer is the vault of glass, id like a match making option for vault of glass, even if you don't get anywhere at least give us the option to get in there with people and give it a try, you know we might actually make a few friends and get ourselves organised enough to get it right.
              Last edited by Lebowski; 23-10-2014, 10:09.


                Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
                Two Strike missions left which I'll finish tonight but the main missions are done now. It ended how it finished, perfectly enjoyable yet perfectly average. Was fun throughout but the memories won't linger with me. The very definition of a 7/10 title
                Same score here, the after game apart from the raid is little more than continually replay harder strike missions. It's a 7/10 but but fun to play and I'm still playing it despite the game having a lot of problems.

                Exotic system is crap as our most of the Exotic weapons and gear, they are little better than legendary weapons.The tier system for the weapons needs a serious rethink, but I doubt Exotic will be the highest tier in the end.

                Finally got to level 28 last night amazed at how much easy Nightfall gets when you are the same level as it. Just need to get some raid armour now.
                Last edited by S3M; 23-10-2014, 11:28.


                  Stupid question, does equipping a Legendary Cloak increase your lvl? Really struggling to get above 26.


                    nope there just for show, you need one exotic and the rest have to be legendary, upgrading legendary and exotic ups your lvl and gives you more light points which in turn ups your level, check with the vangaurd handler if he has any legendary armour you can buy yet. if not work on bounties and upping your vangaurd or crucibal rank as from lvl 2 you can buy legendary armour from them. This seems to be the only 100% fullproof way of levelling up, you may get lucky and get random drops but you can't count on them, also save up your strange coins to get an exotic armour piece off xur at the weekends you usually need about 17+ to get your first exotic.
                    Last edited by Lebowski; 23-10-2014, 17:55.


                      Fair enough.

                      Well I'm just going to echo the comments of others and just say the end game is a bit of a slog but for some reason I can't stop playing it!


                        Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
                        Fair enough.

                        Well I'm just going to echo the comments of others and just say the end game is a bit of a slog but for some reason I can't stop playing it!
                        Maybe Destiny is just full of subliminal message, that's why we can't put it down.


                          @Lebowski - Don't worry about saving shards...Running the Raid every week waiting for your last armour drop means you will have loads. I have 79 now

                          The Raid helmet only drops from Atheon on hard so I have even levelled up an exotic helmet and the Raid chest armour to replace my usual exotic chest and I still have that many left...bloody gauntlets are all I ask!

                          This week all I got was another class item, another chatter white and shards!!


                            I've ditched this a week ago and honestly don't miss out one bit. The variety in strikes are too limiting to be so repetitive if you want to grind and I've got no hope in hell of doing the raid as with my wife due and moving house I haven't got a few hours to organise with mates.

                            I know some people can't put it down but after sticking it out some 40hrs myself I still fail to see what the appeal is overall. Almost everything is average in this. I really hope the DLC ramps things up as I've already paid for it.


                              The PVP keeps this going for me - that and trying out new weapons in PVP! The strikes start to become interesting - for me anyways - in the mid to late 20s. I've yet to start raiding yet. If anyone wants to raid or do Nightfalls with a 28 Hunter and a 28 Warlock (my mate), give me a shout

                              As solid a 9/10 as I've played. Mechanics wise alone it's brilliant.


                                xur has the suros regime again this week, think i will have to pick that up should be a good damage boost over my legendary assault (shadow price) as most of my armour perks are for auto rifles.
                                Last edited by Lebowski; 24-10-2014, 11:07.

