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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Had a blast on this last night me and jim-tendo and a random took down a few tiger vanguard missions which where great fun, and we also hit a couple of queens missions too I got another legendary chest armour piece, that has the same light and defence as the one i have but it has auto riffle and sniper riffle perks attached to it so im gonna level that up as it will be the most useful, i also got my third helmet as well which was a real pain as I've now done five different queens missions and received a helmet in three of them, do queens missions even give out boots or gauntlets.

    I joined dead orbit a few days ago and this highlights the issues with the game not explaining how things work massively, if I buy and equip there class item, all your vanguard and crucible rep will stop accumulating and go towards this faction, its a fast way to level up and I got to rank one in a couple of evenings play. it would have been nice to be told this though as I thought my game was broken!!! all my vanguard and crucible rep hadn't moved for days.
    Last edited by Lebowski; 01-10-2014, 09:57.


      Make sure you hit Vanguard lv3 first though. Only way to spend Vanguard marks...all the factions use crucible ones.

      I joined New Monarchy yesterday...have the other 2 factions at lv3.
      The 20% buff you get for doing the Nightfall strike speeds the process up nicely!

      *edit* It tells you about the rep gains in the faction mark info
      Last edited by BaronSqwelch; 01-10-2014, 09:35.


        UPDATE: 01/10/2014 6.32pm Destiny's 1.0.2 patch is now up and in effect, Bungie has confirmed to Eurogamer. Did you rem…

        New update is now live to fix engrams

        Got this in the post, I'm so weak


          Post-patch it's definitely dropping significantly more green and blue engrams during Strikes.


            i got two purples yesterday both stuff i don't need so i dismantled them to get some ascendant material for the items i do want to upgrade, the daily strike was giving out ascendant materials and purple engrams if you played it on hard it was quite an easy quick one so i soloed it and got my first purple engram and some ascendant materials, my problem now is i need to farm a ton of spinmetal to upgrade so i headed to patrol on the cosmodrome and wandered about farming spinmetal and searching out loot chests racking up kills for my bounties and completing patrol missions essentialy doing three things at once, its amazing how efficient you can be if everything is working together.

            I then joined up with jim-tendo and completed a few Tiger strikes which netted me very little bar a few blue engrams surprisingly. we also encountered a very strange bug in the summoning pits when entering the final boss he broke free as normal but his chains stayed stood up as if he was still in them but he was wandering about all the enemies ignored me and i could just stand right infront of the boss but couldn't damage him.

            the second strange event happend back on patrol looking for more spinmetal, I was on the far side of the cosmosdrome and all hell broke loose and swarms and swarms of enemies came rushing out of the caves it was like lootcave 3.0 by the time id cleared the area, I've seen swarms of enemies before but this was mental.
            Last edited by Lebowski; 02-10-2014, 09:29.


              This really isnt the place to ask, but is PSN working for anyone else? cant seem to sign in or use the store at the moment (and of course Destiny) NW-31201-7.....

              EDIT: well not my end, and the PSN forums are down. Maintenance or DDoS i guess.
              Last edited by Garny; 02-10-2014, 09:48.


                People on Twitter complaining its down .


                  Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                  the second strange event happend back on patrol looking for more spinmetal, I was on the far side of the cosmosdrome and all hell broke loose and swarms and swarms of enemies came rushing out of the caves it was like lootcave 3.0 by the time id cleared the area, I've seen swarms of enemies before but this was mental.
                  That's a "Enemies draw near" map event you get a huge rush of enemies in certain areas for around 5 minutes. One of those events happens near the old loot cave.

                  Legendary drop rate has been nerfed I noticed, killed a ton of enemies in patrol last night didn't get one.


                    Originally posted by S3M View Post
                    That's a "Enemies draw near" map event you get a huge rush of enemies in certain areas for around 5 minutes. One of those events happens near the old loot cave.

                    Legendary drop rate has been nerfed I noticed, killed a ton of enemies in patrol last night didn't get one.
                    i've seen the one at the loot cave, this was something else though in craziness, I wonder if they have stepped it up a notch spawn wise, or maybe its the upped engram drop rate but it was like playing a fruit machine, with low level enemies exploding everywhere.


                      Those moments when carnage erupts are brilliant. Had some magical comedy moments while farming the cave to it suddenly, absolutely hitting the fan.


                        The game definitely needs more of these spontaneous moments, that's when it truely shines.


                          Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                          The game definitely needs more of these spontaneous moments, that's when it truely shines.
                          Exactly. It almost makes you forget you've grinded that particular level area 100+ times already.

                          Looking forward to booting it up tonight actually, with the new engram-friendly update in place. Finding a purple bastard will be genuinely exciting again.


                            Originally posted by dave heats View Post
                            Exactly. It almost makes you forget you've grinded that particular level area 100+ times already.

                            Looking forward to booting it up tonight actually, with the new engram-friendly update in place. Finding a purple bastard will be genuinely exciting again.
                            They really do make all the grinding worth it. What makes me laugh is when you see some low level new player caught up in one and struggling, it always brings out the virtual hero in you just jumping in and helping out


                              I'm at the pub tonight booooooo, will sneak in a bit of farming on the vita before i go out though


                                Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                                I'm at the pub tonight booooooo, will sneak in a bit of farming on the vita before i go out though
                                Doesn't have to stop at all if the pub has wifi?

