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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
    Also @bcass, i keep joining your fire team but your just sitting there in orbit, are you wandering off for dinner or something??? .
    Yeah, I tend to just leave the game on in the background and dip into it every hour or so while I'm doing other stuff. Apologies to anyone on my friends list if it appears that I've been ignoring fireteam invites, I haven't, and will usually gladly help anyone out doing strikes/story missions/events. Once all the PS3 players here are around level 27 we'll have to get a Raid sorted.


      Originally posted by Colin View Post
      I'm giving up with this, it's just not fun, at all. It's a repetitive chore to play, and all the upgrade stuff is just tedious. I'm happy enough to put that down to me personally though, as when it comes to games I need more instant gratification.
      I must admit, I'm very close to packing this in myself now. I've spent the past 2 weeks grinding to get my Vanguard level up, so I can finally buy some legendary armour from them to help me level up, to potentially tackle a raid.

      2 weeks spent getting vanguard marks and reputation points, doing the same now painfully repetitive strikes over and over (if I hear Dinklage with his frankly offensively bad voice acting say the words " the Psion Flayers have entered the cortex! We're running out of time!" one more time, I'll scream). 2 weeks spent doing bounties in the same areas over and over, for more precious vanguard points. 2 weeks of not much fun when you really think about it.

      The result of these 2 weeks hard, grind after grind fuelled work? I was able to spend my hard earned points on 3 pieces of armour, which did not actually level my character up a single ****ting level. The progression system in this is utterly, utterly ridiculous.

      I compared this game to an addiction of sorts in an earlier post, and I think that's bang on with Destiny. You're so caught up in this levelling up process, you actually don't realise what repetitive, dull, boring activities you're doing 90% of the time whilst 'playing' this. The promise of an imminent purple engram drop ("one more kill, theres bound to be one soon") keeps you ploughing through the monotony.

      It's provided blasts of fun, but I think when you reach the mid 20 levels, this game simply becomes intolerable.


        Originally posted by Daragon View Post
        what's the best way of me getting better stuff?
        - Do at least one public event per day for ascendant materials + reward via the post master at the tower. Use this website to track where events will happen:
        - Do the daily heroic strikes to build Vanguard rep and get Vanguard marks to buy legendary gear.
        - Do plenty of playlist Strikes - builds Vanguard rep and get Vanguard marks to buy legendary gear.
        - Make sure you've always got plenty of bounties on the go when doing Strikes so that you're always building Vanguard rep.
        - Try and join Fireteams with people who are higher rated than you so you can do Strikes/Public Events/Missions/Dailys.
        - When you're gathering materials on Patrols, as per the Strikes, make sure you've always got plenty of Bounties, and make sure you've got the "kill things" type patrol missions so you can further build Vanguard rep.
        - Always collect materials you come across during Strikes so that your Patrol farming is less tedious when it comes to upgrading Gear.

        The key really is to make sure you've got multiple things on the go when you're doing stuff so you're constantly being rewarded.
        Last edited by bcass; 04-10-2014, 13:12.


          Originally posted by MrKirov View Post
          Meh. I feel like I've seen 90% of the content, and the other 10% is locked behind a 6 man raid with no matchmaking.

          Let's be fair as well, all of the extra content is the exact same missions you've already done. They didn't even remove the dialogue or cutscenes- which really doesn't help.
          It would be good if matchmaking was added to the daily and weekly challenges and the Raid.

          It is annoying when you can't access content because of your level or your friends can't help because they are not a high enough level.

          What have Bungie been doing with their several year dev time on this, as the amount of content is on par with a game that has taken two years to make.


            I'm with you on the weeklys...they would be fine with matchmaking.

            The raid would be pointless HAVE to have mics and good communication between players. You also need to assign tasks to everyone and they HAVE to stick to them. Basically the opposite of what happens in the random matchmaking of strikes where everyone runs around like Rambo dying every 5 minutes. You die in the Raid and it usually means a team wipe.

            6 players all rushing for the relic at once will see you dead in seconds...players getting annoyed and rage quitting when someone can't do the jump puzzle (Garny ) would mean the run is over too.
            Plus the progress saves for the fire team leader only...6 people can't be the leader.

            Its worth using to get into a team if you have less than 6. I've got into a decent squad that way.


              So when bungie said they would fix the engrams what they actually meant was "now with more grinding and even less purple engrams"

              Also completed the single player and didn't get the strangers rifle, yay.
              Last edited by fishbowlhead; 04-10-2014, 18:33.


                Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                So when bungie said they would fix the engrams what they actually meant was "now with more grinding and even less purple engrams"

                Also completed the single player and didn't get the strangers rifle, yay.
                Yeah all Bungie have done is remove all the false legendary engrams, so they are now stupidly rare haven't had one drop since before the update.

                Bcass hoping to get a couple of Exotic weapons and armour before I do a few raids, just need to melt down two more plasma guns for my exotic bounty mission.


                  I wish stuff was rare in this game. I have been playing It a lot granted, but within 2 weeks I have multiple purple items. At least it isn't as bad as borderlands.
                  Last edited by SUMIRE; 05-10-2014, 09:25.


                    Originally posted by SUMIRE View Post
                    I wish stuff was rare this game. I have been playing It a lot granted, but within 2 weeks I have multiple purple items. At least it isn't as bad as borderlands.
                    Well that's good to know where all the purple stuff I should of been getting has gone then :/.

                    On another note honest game trailers has given destiny the once over, get ready for this years hottest 7 out of 10!!! .


                      I realise the importance of team work and communication in the raids but surely there is a way they can implement done logical matchmaking into it?

                      This is Bungie let loose with a massive budget. How about they implemented a specific matchmaking board in the tower only for levels that were good enough to enter the raid. Then implemented a mechanism where players could advertise raid teams to join in your region? Also with fire team matchmaking how about allow join in progress but make it something the fire team leader can toggle on our off and for friends only?

                      I'm enjoying parts of this game and I've hit level 20 and begin the grind. But some of the setup just leaves me cold and scratching my head. How is it this basic when they've had so long and money to burn? I look back at something ground breaking like halo 2 multiplayer with its skill matching and balance and this just doesn't add up to me.


                        Finished the raid for the first time tonight myself, and i have to say i cant ever see this working with public groups. You have to have mics, you have to talk, and you have to be on the ball or its game over. Its also going to take time to get it right, and most public groups will have almost 100% no patience. As for the jumping, im fine with it now thanks Loftgroover


                          Haha excellent ...

                          I failed so hard at it today we all had to leave my game and I had to join the 5 who made it!
                          5am work + cider + watching villa lose x cider = inept.

                          Then we spent 4 hours not beating the last boss.
                          Hard raid is hard.
                          Its also not much fun...I need some more runs on normal tbh.

                          What gear dropped for you Garny?
                          I have the feet+chest armour plus the void AR and arc hand cannon.


                            Well i have the gloves and boots. As for the last boss, all i got was 3 shards, Not much to show for 2 hours work lol


                              Looking at that Halls of Glass...I cannot see me doing it ever. Still loving the rest of the game, but it needs more content ASAP!


                                So, this weekend was the start of me going through Destiny. I'm now about halfway through the Moon missions at around Level 9. The spot effects definitely look better in the final game, the lighting is doing a lot of the work in this. It's still looking like a current gen game, but a pretty one at least. Got my head around the games approach to most things now and it's certainly better once you're past the Alpha/Beta content again.

                                Plays well enough too once you get settled into the right sensitively setting, it's above what Borderlands offers but comfortably below CoD/BF in terms of character control. It doesn't really need to be massively better though, the only part of the game requiring fast reflexes is the PvP which is still naff and something to avoid as much as is possible. I'm working under the assumption that the third and fourth planets hold the same number of missions as the first two do in which case this really looks to be a short game. You could add four more planets over the next year via DLC and it still wouldn't be huge, this really does vibe of being another BL rival series only shorter in length than those games.

                                I dunno, I'll hold my hands up and say that I am enjoying it so far. The time passes by quite easily, but I wouldn't be lying to say there's literally nothing special about the game either. It's a little bit like it's slightly better than the sum of its parts.

                                I don't know how long I'd stick with it post-completion though. I get the whole ranking past 20 thing but being realistic that's mostly like playing any game post completion to artificially extend the experience by grinding your level or making it a personal mission to reach max rank in an online mp shooter rather than actual content so I can't see me going for the whole hog.

