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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Superman, you hit the nail on the head throughout your post. Similar amount of missions on each planet, although when you reach the higher levels, you'll unlock the various other challenges, like the strikes, the raid etc.

    I've actually moved back to Far Cry 3 on PS3 to finish that off! So much more fun and rewarding. My Destiny days are over at least until DLC arrives.


      Grinded Dead orbit within an inch of its life this weekend and hit rank two Sunday night. I finally got access to some legendary gauntlets and boots that cost 60 crucibal marks each, if your not into the Pvp this probably isn't the path for you though as everything costs crucibal marks, you can't use vanguard marks with dead orbit not sure if the other factions are the same.

      I got a exotic engram from xur and the cryptroll turned it into a exotic warlock helmet when My main character is a hunter. junking it got me three assendant shards, grrrr

      Nearly up to lvl 27 now on the upgrade train and still enjoying it.


        Same problem with me that, my first legendary from a blue engram and it's a damn hunter glove. Warlock please next time, douchebag -_-


          its like you they stopped messing with you via purples turing to blue s now they have to mess with you in other ways, turning 25 motes of light to something that is of no use to you that you have to junk is not really a fair way to treat your players. its like they still have a way to screw you out of your legendary engram's, not that I've ever seen one drop in the wild anyway.

          I found out some interesting facts about the queens mission this weekend. before ranking dead orbit, i got four helmets and 1 chest armour piece, out of all the missions I've never had anything different, a quick goggle reveals you can't get a full set of queens armour from these missions, the only items that seem to appear are helmets, chest pieces, a ship and a sniper riffle, intrestingley not all the chest pieces have the same buffs, I have one that has auto rifle buffs and one that has sniper rifle buffs although they have identical armour stats and looks.
          Last edited by Lebowski; 06-10-2014, 12:45.


            Finally beat the gatekeepers and now have the final boss on the hard raid to go...gotta do it tonight before the weekly reset!!


              Originally posted by Daragon View Post
              Same problem with me that, my first legendary from a blue engram and it's a damn hunter glove. Warlock please next time, douchebag -_-
              Can't you just trade that with someone who got a Warlock thing and wants a Hunter thing?


                You can trade items??


                  No, sadly. A missed opportunity IMO. They should at least have allowed players to trade items of equivalent worth, e.g. Rares for Rares, Legendary for Legendary, etc.


                    Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
                    Plays well enough too once you get settled into the right sensitively setting, it's above what Borderlands offers but comfortably below CoD/BF in terms of character control. It doesn't really need to be massively better though, the only part of the game requiring fast reflexes is the PvP which is still naff and something to avoid as much as is possible.
                    I'd have agreed completely a few weeks back. Infact I slagged the multiplayer off massively in this thread. Things have changed since then - character skills, better weapons and a decent amount of time invested later and, for me at least, this is leagues ahead of CoD and BF. It's far less random and spammy - despite there being too many one hit kill class skills - and more focussed on situational awareness and aim. Engine wise it's comfortably better - feels solid, weighty. I'm not a fan of the more open, vehicles maps - they're just not designed well - but the other capture zone maps and the 3 vs. 3 gametype are excellent. Particularly the latter - it's the only game mode so far that allows you to revive teammates and teamplay wise it's possibly the best I've experience on a console. In terms of pve - it all gets better the further you level. It's a shame it takes so long to kick in - missions and strikes that didn't impress at all first time round become utterly mental later on as modifiers are added and the enemies get tougher. Much more fun and satisfying and I can't think of any game that does this better. Infact, the biggest criticism I can lay at Destiny, other than the lack of exposition as you work through the story, is that it takes a fair while to get into it's stride. At the moment it has my soul like no other game in ages. Halo meets Diablo - a very dangerous combo for some people!
                    Last edited by H-Man; 06-10-2014, 16:03.


                      you can trade with yourself i know a few people on here have secondary characters for ascendant materials and such, but i've never bothered. Im already up to 50 hours playtime and, i never play games that amount, especial not ones like this with very little content.


                        I capped out at 60 hours, probably most I've put into a game in the shortest amount of time.
                        I uninstalled it last night, freed up some hard drive space for those games I will play in the coming months.
                        I'll reinstall when dlc drops, December.


                          Who else besides fishbowlhead, S3M, and myself, are playing the PS3 version? And would you be up for doing the Raid at some point? You'll need a mic, I don't have one myself yet but will get one very soon if there's a prospect of doing the Raid.


                            I've played 156hrs now has filled not only all my gaming hours, but film/sport watching hours and has kept me from sleep too!

                            This is my new Phantasy Star Online.
                            Minus the ?300 phone bill b2b battering off my mum!


                              Originally posted by bcass View Post
                              No, sadly. A missed opportunity IMO. They should at least have allowed players to trade items of equivalent worth, e.g. Rares for Rares, Legendary for Legendary, etc.
                              Sorry my bad. Not played the game and just assumed was possible due to MMO keyword being chucked about.


                                Originally posted by bcass View Post
                                Who else besides fishbowlhead, S3M, and myself, are playing the PS3 version? And would you be up for doing the Raid at some point? You'll need a mic, I don't have one myself yet but will get one very soon if there's a prospect of doing the Raid.
                                I'd be up for it but still need legendary weapons for all clases, plus legendary boots and legs, probably better chest piece as well to augment auto rifles. Unfortunately I'm going away for 3 weeks next week and will no way have time before to grind for it all.

