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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Looking at all the new balance changes Bungie are way off the mark, what are they doing Shotguns are back to being useless again. Really will give this a miss at the moment, till the next patch that sorts out this mess.


      3 hours with the update and, like expected, i am not amused about the weapons and perk nerfs. i let Bungie know...

      Wow what a glorious update this is. Almost all of my favourite weapons have been made less useful and fun. Black Hammer is a poor joke now, Vision can only hold up to 19 rounds and Fatebringer has been reduced to 10 rounds magazine due to the Field Scout perk not affecting magazine size anylonger. And according to the patch notes almost every other useful weapon perk has been nerfed to be less useful or powerful.

      Year one gamers put lots of effort and countless hours in levelling their favourite weapons and perks. This update feels like a slap in the face of a D1 Destiny supporter.

      Was this really necessary Bungie? I get that competitive gaming needs balance but why not just nerf the weapons for PvP modes only? Why do PvE players have to suffer from balance problems at all?


        Bungie clearly are not interested in balancing to what the fans want, ie separating the pve & pvp balancing. Amongst loads of other stuff, like stuffing UK gamers on the TTK price.

        My advise, vote with your wallet and stop playing.


          well despite the annoying and unnecessary nerfs of year one weapons i hope the game will stiil be fun. i reserve my final judgement until the new content is available and has been experienced. wallet voting is out of question for now but i am sure there will be many further DLCs to come.


            haven't played it for months i think I would have to start again from scratch to remember all the elements. Is it worth it?


              i'd say yes if you enjoyed the gameplay. it's supposed to be a much more streamlined experiecnce for new- and re-comers alike. like millions of other fans i have put in hundrets of hours already and don't see myself stop playing the game any time soon.


                Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                Bungie clearly are not interested in balancing to what the fans want, ie separating the pve & pvp balancing. Amongst loads of other stuff, like stuffing UK gamers on the TTK price.

                My advise, vote with your wallet and stop playing.


                  Originally posted by Uli View Post
                  i'd say yes if you enjoyed the gameplay. it's supposed to be a much more streamlined experiecnce for new- and re-comers alike. like millions of other fans i have put in hundrets of hours already and don't see myself stop playing the game any time soon.
                  Unfortunately nothing will change if you keep ponying up Uli. I don't think bungie have much of a say at all on what goes into the game, there pretty much just there to program the content. Only cancelling pre-orders with explicit reasons why with sony & MS will actually sink in with Activision, and not playing it at all.

                  Otherwise you can hunker down for many years of content being deleted, weapons hard forough for being deleted or altered to the point of pointlessness, modes you have previously paid for being put behind pay walls, and the game generally dragged out to take as long as possible to complete thanks to bullet sponge enemies (have fun with the major minotors without shotguns now btw) rather than because of great design and fun ai.


                    Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                    Also the nightfall has now been put behind the TTK pay wall
                    It hasn't. I've just done this weeks Nightfall, and I haven't pre-ordered TTK yet.


                      Originally posted by bcass View Post
                      It hasn't. I've just done this weeks Nightfall, and I haven't pre-ordered TTK yet.
                      Once TTK hits it will do.


                        Only on weeks where it's a Taken King strike. Same way they've done it with every DLC.


                          damn the pricing of the expac is crazy


                            Originally posted by bcass View Post
                            Only on weeks where it's a Taken King strike. Same way they've done it with every DLC.
                            Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you don't get TTK, you cannot get to level 40. Nightfall is now mandatory lvl 40, sooooo, people who don't purchase TTK are locked out?


                              The TTK adds another full story mode, supposedly the size of the original (so a ten hour campaign mode) the biggest raid we have seen so far 8 new pvp maps plus 3 new game modes. We also get the dreadnought patrol and the court of orrix. Add in a ton of new strikes weapons armour and quests and I'm gonna be busy for months.

                              I think this expansions cheap for what where getting I'm happy too pay ?37 for it as you can get the taken king legendary edition which gives you everything in destiny so far plus the expansion.

                              I've been playing this game for a year now and still love it, while other devs would have moved on and left destiny for dust bungie seem to be trying to build a world and a community and it's nothing like I've ever played before so yeah I'm here for the long haul.

                              Bungie have really engaged with its community and delivered on so many fronts real shame it's so negative here as its reddit community is pretty thriving and positive most of the time.


                                Why have Year 1 weapons attack levels been reduced down to the 150 mark, yet they still produce the same damage? It serves literally no purpose whatsoever.
                                Kept you waiting, huh?

