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EDF: World Brothers (PS4)

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    I’m 67% through it after 26 hours. Gives you an idea of a completion timescale.

    It’s not like any other EDF game, just it’s totally a homage to EDF games. Thank god the developer didn’t go down the serious route again. This works a treat.

    Another few factoids I can’t recall mentioning, nor can be arsed to read back:
    - Online, weapons are limited until you reach 80% completion (or one of your friends does). Offline, you can use any of your weapons on any difficulty. It makes picking off missed levels on Easy a breeze.
    - Difficulty is scaled online. More players = tougher enemies.
    - All offline progress is contributed to the pool of completion. The completion badges for each level either show a single player completion, or a coop completion (or both). But, unlike EDF4 and 5, they all count.

    A couple of iffy stereotypes aside, it’s a very fun game, that’s nice to play and might just kickstart anyone jaded with the series.


      [MENTION=7343]prinnysquad[/MENTION] Where are you getting the stats from mate? I didn't see any options for game info.


        Nowhere. I can’t find them either. It’s appalling. The trophies popped naturally through equipping certain weapons/ using certain skills. For a stat-heavy game it’s pisspoor.


          Yeah, definitely a poor show. Think I’m approaching 50 stages in now. First play through has just been on default ‘normal’ and only once I think I’ve had the feeling I wouldn’t complete a stage on the first go. I usually love the underground levels on EDF, but have to say I hated the World Brothers ones, found it irritatingly difficult to navigate for some reason.


            Agreed. It’s a lousy mission. Yet, mercifully, quite short.


              So by the time I had worked my way through the sixty missions on this I think I'd had enough of it. I started a second playthrough on the next difficulty level but after six or so stages I just couldn't be arsed. It was fun for a while, but I think the limited playfields with no sense of scale or excitement are what killed it for me in the end. I stuck EDF 5 on today and it's just leagues apart from World Brothers on the fun factor side, and I ended up playing it for a good few hours again and IT HAS STATS.


                So much better in coop, mate. The higher difficulties are a riot. They’re a lot more hi-octane and exciting, especially when several of you combine your specials. I’ve tried hardest levels on single player and they are very pedestrian compared to the ramped-up co-op stuff. Mind, I find most EDFs too boring to play in single player these days, even EDF5. It’s a shame you haven’t got PSN, but you need to work on your main series gameplay before EDF6 hits.


                  Aye, hadn't played EDF5 in ages so sticking it on yesterday really brought it back just how good playing the main entries are in comparison to Brothers.


                    I'm skipping Brothers so I don't get burnout for when 6 drops, but really enjoying your updates, chaps.


                      FAiL FlaPs ^^^



                        I actually completed the game on about 49 hours, but had to wait another 7 hours + waiting for the missing weapons to drop. It was very reminiscent of the red ant canyon on EDF3 in that regard.


                          Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                          It was very reminiscent of the red ant canyon on EDF3 in that regard.
                          I think that level was the first time I thought outside the box to pass a level.
                          Most games have about 10 weapons (melee, handgun, shotgun, machine gun, sniper, grenades), but EDF has so many it's easy to pass some by.

                          Taking double turrets into a mission with no gun seemed madness, but that mission is brilliant as you cower from the deluge of ants, hoping the turrets can cope with so many targets!

                          The bombs were something I'd overlooked too, as who wants to be stood over a bomb that could level a city, but they proved really useful in that mission where you're at the top of a cave of spiders and the first time you meet the King spider, which is really tense as you're trying to lure it onto your bombs!

                          I also used bombs on the final mission, caning into a helicopter before it all kicks off and planting explosives ready for when it opens up. You just have to survive the drone ships until then!

                          Glad you saw World Bros to conclusion, Prin.

                          Did I spy you back on 4.1 t'other night?!


                            Yeah. And Iron Rain last night!

