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Splatoon 3 (Nintendo Switch)

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    Originally posted by importaku View Post
    Slowly working my way up now level 7 & useless as ever on the frontlines but I have discovered my calling as base guard I stay back and make sure the base is coated then goto the frontline edge and support the others by coating what I can reach with suction bombs and lobbing the tacticooler down to help the rest. Last 20 seconds I kamikaze my way into enemy territory and cover as much as I can by wildly inking side to side breaking up their solid blocks of ink. By the time they try to overpaint my mess times up.

    Want to play on my lunch break but I don’t think it’s a good idea to tether my switch to my mobile for this as I don’t want the 7 others to get booted out of a match because my signal dropped & I lost connection.
    That’s wicked, and exactly the right mindset to carry into ranked. Stick to this routine and you’ll get to B+ in no time. You have to stick to your zone and make sure no one tries entering your ‘safe space’, while patiently gaining ground if you can. Warning shots are good enough for that.

    I guess you’re using the Zapper? Be sure to stack special ability up gear so that you can keep those drinks flowing constantly (maybe ninja squid as well so no one can see you swim). It’s one of the better weapons, so you don’t really need to switch. Although it’s worthwhile learning the ranges of all the guns eventually so that you know how to counter them.
    Last edited by dataDave; 17-09-2022, 15:47.


      Got my own Reefslider wipeout now. xD

      Also, going back to Turf War after getting ****ed hard all week by S-rank people be like R923-2SUD-6DL8-PQ0X (replay code, access it from the terminal in the lobby).



        I’m slowly getting used to these dualies. Never used them before. The game randomly gave me the ‘Tetra Dualies User’ title, so figured I’d give them a bash.


          The weekend's splatfest was a total bust. Connection issues for me (and I'm not alone, according to t'internet) ended up in at least half and probably nearer two thirds of games getting cancelled. There were disconnects in-game, internet errors that kicked you from lobbies, and it took about 60-90 seconds to even find a game if you were lucky. No chance at all of finding one of the splatfest's signature 'tricolour' matches - lobbies timed out every time with 'not enough players' (apparently it's sold many millions, no?). Parked my Switch literally on top of my router last night to give it a final chance and got disconnects in 6 from 8 matches/lobbies, so I sacked it off. Even when compared to their usual woeful online multiplayer ecosystem, this was an utterly chronic showing from Nintendo. The festival plaza did look nice and festive, though.


            I usually suffer from issues but this weekend was totally fine for me. Made it to Ruler +3 after about 100 matches. Won four 10X battles. Hopefully all this chaos gets them to look into ditching P2P and actually using their own servers.

            I’m glad I can get back to ranked though. Turf War sucks for anything other than getting used to new weapons.


              Made it to champion. Most matches were completely one-sided, and usually in favour of the other team. One match we only managed to keep 16% of the area FFS.
              Similar to Golgo, every 3rd match DC'd, and 90 seconds was my wait for matching - you guessed it - tricolor battles, of which I did not manage to play any.

              "Just" 100 matches Dave? I'm glad some of us have time.


                Since taiko dropped i must confess to not devoting as much time to this as i'd like as i'm really enjoying it, i missed out the main part of the splatfest however but with the connection issues during that i don't think i'd have found many matches heard a lot that were struggling to find tricolour matches.

                Levelling up is really slow no way in hell it's possible to get everything in that catalogue before that season ends. Especially with how long you have to wait for another match to start, it's frustrating that you have to rely on all 8 people in a match to have stable internet as if even one of them break then it dumps everyone out the amount of disconnects is getting a bit draining especially when you had to wait a bit to get a full team and start. I mean it penalises the person who broke the connection but it's still annoying. Maybe it's time to start adding in ai bots if someone breaks so the match can continue.

                Still enjoying the single player campaign though i like how some of the levels are more like huge puzzles teaching you how to properly use your abilities. Reminds me of the mario sunshine no jetpack levels where you have to use your skills to get to the end.


                  Originally posted by importaku View Post
                  Levelling up is really slow no way in hell it's possible to get everything in that catalogue before that season ends.
                  It's not too bad. You have three months. I'm already level 35 on the second catalogue.

                  I also got my golden banner from the gacha machine. 0.1% chance.


                    Se..second catalogue! Lol wtf I’m at level 13 so far and it levels up slooowly maybe the better you do in matches levels it up quicker probably why it’s talking me so long


                      You get a big boost for each daily win, but yeah naturally some grinding helps. It’s 9500pts for each level throughout, so it doesn’t scale upwards like the standard level bar does. I’m currently level 37 with that I think.


                        Originally posted by importaku View Post
                        Se..second catalogue! Lol wtf I’m at level 13 so far and it levels up slooowly maybe the better you do in matches levels it up quicker probably why it’s talking me so long
                        I'm level 10 maybe?



                          Finally. That took some doing. Climbing back out of A rank hell (MINUS 1100 points) was not fun at all.


                            Up to level 19 on the third catalogue now. You only get a bog-standard prize every five levels, so it's not really worth playing just to complete the catalogue - it just gets fed to you as you play normally, anyway.

