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Super Mario Wonder

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    Super Mario Wonder

    So I’m still not 100% onboard with elephant Mario but utterly charming and great fun . So I’ve only played an hour or so but enjoying it far more than the NSMB games . TBH they had me at the singing Piranha Plants which genuinely made me smile . So far I’d say you can’t ask for much more in a 2D Mario game

    I think a better name would be Mario Trippin' Balls, but I think that would ruin the family-friendly image of the most famous (virtual) Italian in the world.

    So far, I'm pleasently surprised. I thought I'd finish the first world before bed but then areas kept popping up, so I quit after

    climbing a mountain that led to another part of the first world map, which led to...ah, I'm not even writing this down in a spoiled section .

    It feels Mario Wonder wants to be a worthy successor of Mario World, and there are many nods to that game, from map and level structure, level tempo, and ideas inside stages.


      I love how expressive everything is and just how many secrets are packed in the levels. Also fun not knowing what on earth is going to happen when you grab a wonder flower. There seems to be a reasonable challenge too, managed to grab most of the wonder seeds on each level but some i still somehow missed so i'll be returning to grab those as well as topping the flagpoles to get the gold flag mark on the ones i missed. I'm praying that you don't have to do the same as mario 3D world where you have to get the top with every character.

      Did notice there's alternate exits to some levels the flagpole was absolutely massive, i did giggle as mario was sliding down and near the bottom after a loooong slide down you can hear a subtle skreeeee sound as he slides down.


        This game is amazing. Yeah the trippy bits are awesome as like what Forest's mom used to say, ya nerver know whut you gonna girt.

        I said in anopther thread that I hope this hits closer to Super Mario World and I think it really does. There's a lot of cap doffs to it in terms of visuals and even sound, but the most recent doff I ran into was

        I think I've stumbled upon the game's version of Star World



          My goodness today I’m at work so I’m playing in handheld mode on an oled it looks stunning, on world 3 and I have yet to find a duff level. Love how with the wonder flowers literally anything can happen, also adore the chatty flowers lost count how many times the have made me smile & laugh at the stuff they come out with. When I see one I make a point of going over to them.

          Like how pretty some of the backgrounds are, with you been able to see the fields of flowers rippling in the wind in the distance or the huge hills that look like waves. This time they really went to town making places look different not the usual copy paste from nsmb.


            Sounds good everyone, keep the impressions coming. Never touched NSMB at it seemed multiplayer focused, but this sounds like it might be very good.


              My kids replayed that Piranha level about 15 times yesterday...

              10/10 Piranhas from me.


                When i saw that one i laughed my head off it's so fun i'n hoping theres a few more of those.


                  Am i right in thinking there is no way to look or down as i've had a few blind jumps to make... i can understand it being removed in multiplayer but single should be allowed.

                  Other than that, i really like it in a way that i just couldn't with the New Bros series.


                    This makes a great first impression and continues to get better.

                    Not seen it mentioned yet but the soundtrack sounds expensive, really well done and much better than I ever remember a Mario game being.


                      The soundtrack is absolutely brilliant. It feels like the same leap forward that Mario Kart 8 took, where it went from midi sounds (in Wii/7) to a recorded orchestra. I love the sound effect for jumping in particular.


                        Finished it this evening the final run up to bowser is delightful as is the final castle it's so inventive the wonder effects keep coming. Pretty much the best 2D mario i have played in a long time, the fact i had no idea what on earth was coming up next made it feel genuinely new it also helped that the enemies were mostly new as well. I hope nintendo visit the flower kingdom again as it felt fresh compared to the exact same enemies in all the nsmb games that were starting to get a bit samey.

                        One thing i can say is the world map is beautiful, it takes what smw did and expands it so much more all the enviromental areas have so many little details on the map to look at, As for things unlocking after completing yes they do but i will not say what. There is one world i haven't tackled yet as i was wanting to finish the game first.

                        As you play you will most likely find at least one entrance to the special world, a world full of challenging levels this is the games equivalent of the star road

                        I have no idea what secrets if any unlock if you manage to finish that one.


                          My copy from Nintendo arrives tomorrow. What a bummer this wait has been.

                          Only not quite, because I already have tons to play.
                          Last edited by dataDave; 24-10-2023, 10:12.


                            Good lord this is good, that is all.


                              Great first impressions here too. Played a couple of hours or so and never stopped smiling. It's absolutely brill

