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Psyvariar 2: The Will To Fabricate

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    Thanks a lot for that tip man! Will definetly play around with it tonight, bruv can you write anything about stage 2's boss?

    Your scores are heavy and I'd love to know how you are getting them. I havent been able to work out much apart from the blind spot above and yesterday I got the hang of anticipating and getting above the Matrix section and staying inside the final attack but I'm still messy.


      Saur, you know what im going on about dont you? The lasers? Cool. Its kinda hard to explain without pictures. Anyway, for the level 2 boss, I use a similar strategy for the 1st one. I still havent worked out the exact position of the neutrino gauge at the start but its around 50%. His first form is pretty straight forward, i try to stay on the right hand side of the screen whilst avoiding his attacks. His second form is insane though! Dodging his attacks like the matrix style one(green lasers) is pretty difficult. I just dodge mainly without putting too much effort on buzzing as there's very little room for error in his 2nd form. When he starts to go crazy, im usually close to levelling up (if not , i use a bomb) so i just rush in to the point of origin and buzz, levelling up 3 times in the process. Like i said its the same technique for the 1st boss. The same rule applies, when you level up, back away until your shield weakens or youll kill off the boss. He'll do this attack again at which point I usually refrain from buzzing the origin and stay at the bottom of the screen. Most of the time Ill be able to survive this attack by levelling up or using a bomb if my gauge is wrong. When he does his final attack, I go straight back in to the origin to get the last remaining buzz at which point he dies. With this method, i can pretty much get around 5000 buzz on average at level 162-163.


        Nice one for that man!

        Yeah I read you loud and clear regarding Earth's boss - I've written a guide for it if there's anything you want to add to it (like your laser technique please do)

        Area 2's boss is like no other - infact area 2 is unlike any other Psyvariar stage in that the whole stage involves leading enemy attacks as they mostly shoot straight at you - you sort of herd and round up the enemies the variation is wicked! ^^

        It's the 2nd form I'm really struggling on still for stage 2 but I'll keep at it, safe for that man - keep putting up scores!


          (Earth guide for 1st form if it helps anyone)

          (Stage 3 Earth - HARD)

          End the stage/start the boss with the Neutrino at 70%

          1. You have to have the bar about ready to max by the time this attack ends (90% and above)

          2. Then you buzz this massive shot at it's origin (nearly 1000 buzz!) Sit the craft at the shots origin and when it fires you will level-up, now get into the dead center so that the entire shot pattern passes through you. However you have to make sure you dont sit in there too long or the boss will die.

          3. Get round to the right in the middle of the 2 gun turrets on the right wing.

          4. The lasers now fire, buzz the right side and when you level up fly through and buzz the left side:

          *See extra technique:

          5. Now use this central laser to build the Neutrino back up to the start position:

          Repeat - then the boss dies and comes back in it's 2nd form.

          **During one of his attacks he'll fire 4 laser beams one after another from the right. I hope you guys know what im talking about. Anyway, to buzz this attack, i start off on the right with the furthest laser beam. The next laser beam will then start to fire. At this point, you'll be between the laser beams. Its safe to just roll to get the buzz. I usually level up during this attack at which point i move to the other set of lasers on the left fully utilising the brief moment of invincibility. However, there are times when my neutrino gauge is in the wrong position so that i dont level up (or level up to early) causing me to miss the buzz from the laser beams on the left side. Well, heres the trick. You can move between the laser beams without being hit! Move to the top of the two beams slightly above the laser barrel and you'll be able to move across to the otherside unscathed! With this technique you dont have to worry about the neutrino gauge too much and youll still be able to get the maximum buzz from the 4 lasers.


            What are you doing for the first attack of the second form? I sware there is a blind spot right next to the blue vulcan shots in the middle!


              Yeah man it's not too hard to do the first attack,

              1. Come off the loop you were doing (last attack is the central laser) with your Neutrino above 80% (90% is perfect), the boss dies and changes form.

              2. Sit in the area shown in the image, buzz the side wall of the attack, 2 attacks will come at you in a wave. Control your buzz/shoot so that just as the 1st wave shot is about to hit you at the bottom of the screen you level up - you have just enough of a shield to rush forwards and get through the 2nd wave.


                Cool! Ive been trying to dodge that second wave. I didnt think about levelling up to get through it. Thanks for that! Man, Ive been playing this non stop since its release. On average 4 hours a day! No other game has addictiveness like Psyvariar, except for VF4EVO/Final Tuned!


                  Somebody should write an English-language guide for all the Psyvariar games and stick it online.

                  Hint hint.


                    Originally posted by E. Randy Dupre
                    Somebody should write an English-language guide for all the Psyvariar games and stick it online.

                    Hint hint.
                    i swear the game is in english?


                      I kinda meant that somebody should write a guide covering level strategy and stuff, and that the guide should be in English

                      The only strategies I've seen - other than those here - have to be given a whirl through Babelfish before I can understand them.


                        Originally posted by Saurian
                        Yeah man it's not too hard to do the first attack,

                        1. Come off the loop you were doing (last attack is the central laser) with your Neutrino above 80% (90% is perfect), the boss dies and changes form.

                        2. Sit in the area shown in the image, buzz the side wall of the attack, 2 attacks will come at you in a wave. Control your buzz/shoot so that just as the 1st wave shot is about to hit you at the bottom of the screen you level up - you have just enough of a shield to rush forwards and get through the 2nd wave.

                        Hey Saur, I just worked out that if you click on the images on the site under the capture section, the guy gives detailed strategies. I only just noticed! Anyway I can read and understand most of what he's saying. Referring to point 2 in your last post, its cool for you to go through the 2 waves as you level up but then youll have to deal with his next onslaught with 0 neutrino(not easy, unless you use a bomb or are extremely adept at dodging bullets). The guy on that site says that there is a blind spot to get through the above attack pattern. Your gauge should be at 70% and when the attack finishes it should be at 90%. Apparently there's a blind spot which is located between the 3rd and 4th bomb indicator at the bottom of the screen. So just sit there at 70% neutrino and youll be able to level up in time for the next onslaught!


                          Thanks for that man!

                          Yeah man I knew about clicking the images but I dont understand what he's saying, bruv if you could translate some of the later bosses that would be SICK!

                          REALLY dont have a clue when it comes to stage 4 and stage 5's bosses - the rest of the game I can work out my own tactics for but those bosses man, you need more than one brain working them out.


                            Okay, Ill start with boss 4's first form. Could you tell me to upload images so that itll make the explanations easier to understand. Cheers.


                              Wicked man - I'll PM the URLs, could you start from here please blud?


                              The part before it I understand fully so can add that in afterwards


                                2nd Form , 1st attack

                                The boss will fire off a stream of bullets aimed at your ship. However, its aiming isnt very accurate. When youre at the side of the screen, the bullets will only be fired diagonally. If you stay near the origin you wont get hit. More precisely, directly next to the point of origin ie next to it. There is also a blind spot near the tail of the boss enabling you to move freely from the left to the right( I need to test this) The boss will start firing in 4 directions from the right to the left. Itll repeat this attack, but the second time is a lot shorter and it will only fire in 2 directions from the left to the right.

                                So basically, just roll and buzz to the side of his tail near the point of origin.

