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Ninja Gaiden / Ninja Gaiden Black

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    Prine, keep jumping and you should avoid the tail swipe, don't stand in one place, again keep jumping. Now, theres an attack, you jump in the air and press towards his foot and hit 'Y' this does some sort of air dive and causes a fair bit of damage. Just repeat the process and it's pretty easy. Don't stand next to his foot and attack it, use air moves and any magic you have. This way you avoid his jaw attack and most of his tail attacks. I used my sword for this boss, hope it all helps.


      Originally posted by PeteJ
      Half dead skeletons...
      Yeah, it was almost 5 am! brain dead

      Ok man, thanks for help, gonna play now


        I can't seem to jump across the gap between the 2 trains on level 9 at the warehouse.


          Make sure you activate all 3? switches there. This activates the platforms and gets them moving. After you make the first jump onto the platform, jump onto the first train. Now look to the next train and you will notice there is a rail missing , this is how you jump onto the next one. Just time your next jump to the moving platform and you should have no problems. Use the explosive arrows to destroy all the floating lasers, that removes the hassle. Now you should be able to get into the room with that keycard. Now above that theres a hidden scarab, just jump up onto the roof, found that myself


            Alma's entrance was nice, i just kicked her ass, what a battle. She's got some really freaky combos, I was shocked when she started to rip the hall's pillers, then began launching it at me. She then goes into DOA mode and starts fighting hand to hand, loved it! War Hammer owns too

            Im on level 9 boss, the helicopter God he's hard


              Didn't have problems with the helicopter, when it goes under the platform it slowly rises on the other side. This is the best place to fire your arrows, you can get loads of hits in while its rising.

              The tanks were cool weren't they?

              I just beat that huge guy in armour and got his possessed sword. Not had a chance to use it on an enemy but when equiped you lose health. Checked out the moves you can perform on it, and theres a huge combo on there, as well as the izuzi drop which can be done without being in the air.


                Originally posted by taurusnipple
                weren't they?

                I just beat that huge guy in armour and got his possessed sword. Not had a chance to use it on an enemy but when equiped you lose health. Checked out the moves you can perform on it, and theres a huge combo on there, as well as the izuzi drop which can be done without being in the air.


                  Yay the game has finally turned up

                  Oh, please remember to use the Spoiler tags peeps.


                  This game is very, very good...only part way through level two (horsies attack!) and I'm struggling quite a bit, but it is a good fun struggle. Managed to get Head Ninja on level one though, which I'm going to assume is the highest it'll go, so I'm not all bad.

                  My Xbox goes crazy when playing the game, just doesn't shut up. Maybe its a sign that it is about to die...


                    Ok, i am definitely in love with the game, and after 2 days till 5am i am in Chapter 12, god the game is so good.

                    I love too the Tank battles, the way you had to go into fps mode, fire some arrows, then quickly change view, roll to side to avoid the cannon or being run over by it. My hands and fingers always moving so fast, muaaaaa, so good

                    One thing i like is the golden scarabs you find and the bonus you can get from then in the shop. I got a certain weapon that way, after leveling it up to level 3 i can say i am now the arbringer of destruction muahahahahahah. errr, go to go now, this game makes me so bad going home and not have to work. One of the best games, without a doubt, i put my hands lately or in the recent years.

                    Btw, i found a Ninja Gaiden Cabinet, but still no game to put or play on it. Later.


                      Managed to get Head Ninja on level one though, which I'm going to assume is the highest it'll go, so I'm not all bad.
                      Dunno - I've had Master Ninja before. I assumed that was the highest. Especially as I've had Head Ninja loads and Master only once...


                        You have Master and Greater Ninja too, i think both are best than Head Ninja, but not sure, at least about the Greater one.

                        Another thing i like is the way this game makes me talk alone loud. Last night my girlfriend was laughing looking at me and with the things i was saying alone, like "die you F***er* and the like.

                        so good


                          My copy arrived this morning, and although first impressions are good, I can't for the life of me get used to the controls, they feel clunky and unnatural it also doesn't make it any easier when the combat is confined to such tiny rooms/spaces, I hope the combat areas get a bit larger as the levels move on anyway...

                          Its an impressive game though, but what strikes me most is how similar it is to Devil May Cry


                            Yeah I found that Ninja Gaiden Cabinet too, but no games to play on it. Maybe you get one from collecting scarabs? I'm upto 41 now.

                            Right now I'm fighting a boss
                            Originally posted by spoiler
                            hes a huge dragon, only fought him once as it was late, but hes really nasty. Already been thinking about strategies since I woke up! If I kill him, I can stick his eye? in my first sword to make it better, so says the shopkepper anyway


                              How many chapters are there?

                              One thing that I personally don't like is the position of the save points. Some are 2 close together and they some should be closer to the end bosses, saves me don't half the level again if i die.


                                16 chapters.

                                I'm on level four now (1: Head Ninja, 2: Greater Ninja, 3: Greater Ninja) and I'm liking it more and more. I think it really opens up when you upgrade your sword the first time. Just seems to give you so much more control...I'd imagine the Wooden Sword becomes stupidly powerful towards the end of the game, since it can be upgraded about 7 times.

                                I spent the last hour trying to do a god damn jump to get a secret. Finally made it with much coo'ing, but I completely forgot to save my game and promptly died. Argh!

                                The secret was...
                                Originally posted by spoiler
                                Not that secret, but it was quite tricky to get. Got a very effective weapon out of it, which is a nice link back to the original games. The jump to get the weapon shouldn't be hard, but Ryu just refused to grab hold of the final platform...nice way of getting all your health back though
                                The FMV on this game is incredible. The scene after the second boss is just mind-blowing, especially the quiet shot with Ryu on the floor. Stunning. Oh, and Ryu's introduction to level four is the coolest thing since the opening of P.N.03.

